# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
A CIM schema is the collection of CIM qualifier declarations and CIM
classes and available a single tested, coherent package
with a defined major, minor, update version number. The DMTF regularly
releases updates to the DMTF CIM schema that represent all of the classes
approved by the DMTF. The MOF representation of
a DMTF schema release is packaged as a single zip file and is available on the
DMTF web site ( https://www.dmtf.org/standards/cim ).
Because CIM schemas are the source of most of the classes that a WBEM server
normally implements it was important to create a simple mechanism to include
the DMTF CIM classes and qualifier declarations from a CIM schema in the
CIM repository of :class:`~pywbem_mock.FakedWBEMConnection`.
The :class:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema` class downloads the DMTF CIM schema
zip file defined by version from the DMTF web site into a defined directory,
unzips the MOF files into a subdirectory and makes this subdirectory
available as a property of the :class:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema` object.
The implementation of this class depends on all of the qualiifiers and
classes in the CIM schema having unique class names; this is always true for
DMTF CIM schema releases to assure that they can be installed in the same
namespace in a WBEM server repository.
Once aCIM schema is extracted into the individual MOF files it consumes
considerable space since it expands to almost 3000 files. Therefore it is
logical to remove all of the individual MOF files when not being used and also
if the schema information is to be committed to be used in testing in an
environment like github. Therefore, a method
:meth:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema.clean` removes all of the MOF files from
local storage. They are restored the next time the
:class:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema` object for the same version is constructed.
The DMTF maintains two versions of each released schema:
* Final - This schema does not contain any of the schema classes that are
marked experimental. It is considered the stable release.
* Experimental - Contains the classes in the final schema plus other
classes that are considered experimental. It is considered less stable and
the experimental classes with the Experimental qualifier are subject to
incompatible changes .
:class:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema` will install either the final or
experimental schema depending on the value of the `use_experimental`
Because it is usually necessary to compile only a subset of the DMTF CIM
classes into a CIM repository for any test, the
:class:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema` class provides a
:meth:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema.build_schema_mof` method to create a
list of MOF pragmans that includes only a subset of the classes in the
downloaded CIM Schema. The task of listing classes to be compiled is futher
simplified because the pywbem MOF compiler searches the DMTF schema for
prerequisite classes (superclasses, reference classes, and EmbeddedInstance
classes) so that generally only the leaf CIM classes required for the
repository need to be in the class list. This speeds up the process of
compiling DMTF CIM classes for any test significantly.
import os
from zipfile import ZipFile
import shutil
import re
from urllib.request import urlopen
from pywbem._utils import _format
__all__ = ['DMTFCIMSchema']
def build_schema_mof(class_names, schema_pragma_file):
Build a string that includes the ``#include pragma`` statements for the
schema CIM classes defined in `class_names` using the CIM schema defined by
this object.
The class names in `class_names` can be just leaf classes. The pywbem
MOF compiler will search for dependent classes including superclasses,
and other classes referenced as the defined classes are compiled.
It builds a compilable MOF string in the form::
#pragma locale ("en_US")
#pragma include ("System/CIM_ComputerSystem.mof")
with a ``#pragma include`` for each classname in the `class_names`
The resulting set of #pragma statements is in the same order as the
original pragmas. In some cases that could be important because the
DMTF list is ordered to missing dependencies and conflicts between
class mof compiles.
class_names (:term:`string` or list of :term:`string`):
These must be class names of classes in the DMTF CIM schema represented
by the instance of :class:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema` object. This
parameter can be a string if there is only a single class name to be
If the returned string is compiled, the MOF compiler will search the
directory defined by the path component of `schema_pragma_file` for
classes referenced by each for class in this list including super
classes, classed defined by reference properties, and classes defined
by an embedded-object.
schema_pragma_file (:term:`string`):
File path defining a CIM schema pragma file for the set of
CIM classes that make up a schema such as the DMTF schema.
This file must contain a pragma statement for each of the
classes defined in the schema.
:term:`string`: Valid MOF containing pragma statements from the
`CIM schema pragma file` for all of the classes in `schema_classes`.
ValueError: If any of the classnames in `schema_classes` are not in
the `CIM schema pragma file`.
if isinstance(class_names, str):
class_names = [class_names]
schema_lines = []
with open(schema_pragma_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
schema_lines = f.readlines()
# Build list classname/line number pairs
classname_pattern = ' *#.*include.*/(.*)\\.mof'
class_names_lc = [cln.lower() for cln in class_names]
lines_list = []
found_classes = []
for line_no, line in enumerate(schema_lines, 0):
result = re.search(classname_pattern, line)
if result:
cln = result.group(1)
if cln.lower() in class_names_lc:
# Create list of the line numbers in schema_lines containing
# pragmas that will be part of the build.
classes_not_found = set(class_names) - set(found_classes)
if classes_not_found:
raise ValueError(
_format("Classes {0!A} not in the CIM schema pragma file {1!A}",
', '.join(classes_not_found), schema_pragma_file))
# Sort the list so the result is in the same order as the pragmas
# in the cim_schema pragma file.
# Create list with line from pragma file for each entry in lines_list
output_lines = [schema_lines[line_number] for line_number in lines_list]
output_lines.insert(0, '#pragma locale ("en_US")\n')
return ''.join(output_lines)
class DMTFCIMSchema:
:class:`DMTFCIMSchema` represents a DMTF CIM Schema downloaded from the
DMTF web site.
*New in pywbem 0.13 as experimental and finalized in 1.2.*
This class manages the download of the DMTF schema zip file and extraction
of MOF files of DMTF CIM schema releases into a directory that can be used
by :meth:`~pywbem_mock.FakedWBEMConnection.compile_schema_classes` to
compile into a CIM repository with class and qualifier declarations from the
def __init__(self, schema_version, schema_root_dir, use_experimental=False,
The init method downloads the schema if the `schema_root_dir` or the
schema zip file do not exist into the directory defined by the
`schema_root_dir` parameter and extracts the MOF files into
If the schema zip file is already downloaded it simply sets the
:class:`DMTFCIMSchema` property values.
If the schema zip file was previously downloaded but `schema_mof_dir`
does not exist the directory is created and the MOF files are extracted
into this directory.
schema_version (`tuple of m, n, u`):
Represents the DMTF CIM schema version m.n.u where:
* m is the DMTF CIM schema major version
* n is the DMTF CIM schema minor version
* u is the DMTF CIM schema update version
This must represent a DMTF CIM schema that is available from the
DMTF web site.
schema_root_dir (:term:`string`):
Path name of the schema root directory into which the DMTF CIM
schema zip file is downloaded and in which a subdirectory for the
extracted MOF files for the schema version defined is created
Multiple DMTF CIM schemas may be maintained in the same
`schema_root_dir` simultaneously because the MOF for each schema is
extracted into a subdirectory identified by the schema version
information See :attr:`schema_mof_dir`.
use_experimental (:class:`py:bool`):
If `True`, the experimental version of the defined DMTF schema is
If `False`, (default) the final version of the defined
DMTF schema is installed.
verbose (:class:`py:bool`):
If `True`, progress messages are output to stdout as the schema is
downloaded and expanded. Default is `False`.
ValueError: if the schema cannot be retrieved from the DMTF web
TypeError: if the `schema_version` is not a valid tuple with 3
integer components
if not isinstance(schema_version, tuple):
raise TypeError(
_format("Schema_version {v!A} must be tuple",
if len(schema_version) != 3:
raise ValueError(
_format("DMTF Schema must have 3 integer components, "
"(major, minor, update version) not {v!A}",
v=schema_version)) # is a tuple
for i in schema_version:
if not isinstance(i, int):
raise TypeError(
_format("{0!A} in schema_version {v!A} not integer",
i, v=schema_version)) # is a tuple
schema_type = 'Experimental' if use_experimental else 'Final'
self._schema_version = schema_version
self._schema_root_dir = schema_root_dir
mof_dir = f'mof{schema_type}{self.schema_version_str}'
self._schema_mof_dir = os.path.join(self._schema_root_dir, mof_dir)
cim_schema_version = f'cim_schema_{self.schema_version_str}'
mof_zip_bn = f'{cim_schema_version}{schema_type}-MOFs.zip'
self._schema_zip_url = (
schema_mof_bld_name = cim_schema_version + '.mof'
self._schema_zip_file = os.path.join(self._schema_root_dir, mof_zip_bn)
self._schema_pragma_file = os.path.join(self.schema_mof_dir,
self.verbose = verbose
# Setup the local copy of the DMTF CIM schema which may include creating
# the schema directory, downloading the schema zip file from the DMTF
# web site, and extracting the schema into a subdirectory of the schema
# directory.
def schema_version(self):
:class:`py:tuple`: The DMTF CIM schema version as a tuple of 3 integers
with major version, minor version, and update version.
Example: (2, 49, 0) defines DMTF CIM schema version 2.49.0.
return self._schema_version
def schema_version_str(self):
:term:`string`: The DMTF CIM schema version as a string in the form
``major version>.<minor version>.<update version>``.
Example: "2.49.0" defines DMTF CIM schema version 2.49.0.
return '{}.{}.{}'.format(*self.schema_version)
def schema_root_dir(self):
:term:`string`: Path name of the directory in which the DMTF CIM
schema zip file is downloaded. The MOF files are extracted into the
subdirectory indicated by :attr:`schema_mof_dir`.
return self._schema_root_dir
def schema_mof_dir(self):
:term:`string`: Path name of the directory in which the DMTF CIM Schema
MOF files are extracted from the downloaded zip file. This property can
be used as the MOF compiler search path for compiling classes in the
DMTF CIM schema. This directory will also contain the
schema pragma file.
return self._schema_mof_dir
def schema_pragma_file(self):
:term:`string`: Path name of the schema pragma file for the DMTF CIM
schema. This file contains `#pragama include` statements for all of
the classes and qualifier declarations of the schema.
The classes are represented with one file per class, and the qualifier
declarations are in the files `qualifiers.mof` and
The path name of the schema pragma file is of the general form::
return self._schema_pragma_file
def schema_zip_file(self):
:term:`string`: Path name of the DMTF CIM schema zip file after being
downloaded from the DMTF web site.
return self._schema_zip_file
def schema_zip_url(self):
:term:`string`: URL of the DMTF CIM schema zip file that is
downloaded from the DMTF web site.
return self._schema_zip_url
def __str__(self):
Return a short string representation of the
:class:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema` object for human consumption.
This displays the major properties of the object.
return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
f'schema_version_str={self.schema_version_str}, '
f'schema_root_dir={self.schema_root_dir}, '
f'schema_mof_dir={self.schema_mof_dir}, '
def __repr__(self):
Return a string representation of the
:class:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema` object that is suitable for
return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('
f'schema_version={self.schema_version}, '
f'schema_root_dir={self.schema_root_dir}, '
f'schema_zip_file={self.schema_zip_file}, '
f'schema_mof_dir={self.schema_mof_dir}, '
f'schema_pragma_file={self.schema_pragma_file}, '
def _setup_dmtf_schema(self):
Install the DMTF CIM schema from the DMTF web site if it is not already
installed. This includes downloading the DMTF CIM schema zip file from
the DMTF web site and expanding that file into a subdirectory defined
by `schema_mof_dir`.
Once the schema zip file is downloaded into `schema_root_dir`, it is
not re-downloaded if this function is recalled since DMTF CIM Schema
releases are never modified; new update versions are released for minor
changes. If the `schema_zip_file` is in the `schema_root_dir`
directory, but no 'schema_mof_dir' subdirectory exists, the schema is
This allows the DMTF CIM schema zip file to be downloaded once and
reused and the user to chose if they want to retain the extracted MOF
files or remove them with :meth:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema.clean` when
not being used.
If the schema is to be committed a source repository such as git
it is logical to commit only the DMTF CIM schema zip file. Creation of
the `schema_mof_dir` subdirectory will be created when the
:class:`pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema` object is created.
ValueError: If the schema cannot be retrieved from the DMTF web
TypeError: If the `schema_version` is not a valid tuple with 3
integer components
def print_verbose(msg):
Inner method prints msg if self.verbose is `True`.
if self.verbose:
if not os.path.isdir(self.schema_root_dir):
_format("Creating directory for CIM Schema archive: {0}",
if not os.path.isfile(self.schema_zip_file):
_format("Downloading CIM Schema archive from: {0}",
# Note: urlopen() returns http.client.HTTPResponse which
# does not need to be cleaned up.
# pylint: disable=consider-using-with
ufo = urlopen(self.schema_zip_url)
except OSError as ie:
raise ValueError(
_format("DMTF Schema archive not found at url {0}: {1}",
self.schema_zip_url, ie))
with open(self.schema_zip_file, 'wb') as fp:
for data in ufo:
if not os.path.isdir(self.schema_mof_dir):
_format("Creating directory for CIM Schema MOF files: {0}",
if not os.path.isfile(self._schema_pragma_file):
_format("Unpacking CIM Schema archive: {0}",
with ZipFile(self.schema_zip_file, 'r') as zfp:
nlist = zfp.namelist()
for file_ in nlist:
dfile = os.path.join(self.schema_mof_dir, file_)
if dfile[-1] == '/':
if not os.path.exists(dfile):
with open(dfile, 'w+b') as dfp:
def build_schema_mof(self, class_names):
Build a string that includes the ``#include pragma`` statement for the
CIM schema classes defined in `class_names` using the DMTF CIM
schema defined by this instance of the class.
The class names in `class_names` can be just leaf classes within the
schema . The pywbem MOF compiler will search for dependent classes
including superclasses, and other classes referenced as the classes are
It builds a compilable MOF string in the form::
#pragma locale ("en_US")
#pragma include ("System/CIM_ComputerSystem.mof")
with a ``#pragma include`` for each class name in the `class_names`
The resulting set of #pragma statements is in the same order as the
original pragmas. In some cases that could be important because the
cim schema pragma file is ordered to missing dependencies and conflicts
between class mof compiles
class_names (:term:`string` or list of :term:`string`):
These must be class names of classes in the DMTF CIM schema
represented by this :class:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema` object.
This parameter can be a string if there is only a single class name
to be included.
If the returned string is compiled, the MOF compiler will search
the directory defined by `schema_mof_dir` for classes referenced by
each class in this list including super classes, classed defined by
reference properties, and classes defined by an embedded-object.
:term:`string`: Valid MOF containing pragma statements for
all of the classes in `schema_classes`.
ValueError: If any of the classnames in `schema_classes` are not in
the DMTF CIM schema installed
return build_schema_mof(class_names, self.schema_pragma_file)
def clean(self):
Remove all of the MOF files and the `schema_mof_dir` for the defined
schema. This is useful because while the downloaded schema is a single
compressed zip file, it creates several thousand MOF files that take up
considerable space.
The next time the :class:`~pywbem_mock.DMTFCIMSchema` object for this
`schema_version` and `schema_root_dir` is created, the MOF file are
extracted again.
if os.path.isdir(self.schema_mof_dir):
def remove(self):
The `schema_mof_dir` directory is removed if it esists and the
`schema_zip_file` is removed if it exists. If the `schema_root_dir` is
empty after these removals that directory is removed.
if os.path.isfile(self.schema_zip_file):
if os.path.isdir(self.schema_root_dir) and \
os.listdir(self.schema_root_dir) == []: