2. TutorialΒΆ

This is a short tutorial about using pywbem. It is intended to be enough to get people up and going who already know a bit about WBEM and CIM.

Python code examples this tutorial are shown using Jupyter Notebooks (formerly known as IPython Notebooks), using the online Jupyter Notebook Viewer. This allows viewing them without having Jupyter installed locally.

In order to run or modify the examples, Jupyter Notebook must be installed, and a running WBEM server should be available.

The following table lists the available tutorials:

View the tutorial Download the Jupyter notebook
Making Connections connections.ipynb
Python Data Model for CIM datamodel.ipynb
EnumerateInstances enuminsts.ipynb
EnumerateInstanceNames enuminstnames.ipynb
GetInstance getinstance.ipynb
Create+DeleteInstance createdeleteinst.ipynb
ModifyInstance modifyinstance.ipynb
InvokeMethod invokemethod.ipynb

For the following topics, tutorials are not yet available:

  • Pulled Enumerations
  • ExecQuery
  • Association Operations
  • Class Operations
  • Qualifier Operations
  • WBEM Server
  • WBEM Listener