.. _`Tutorial`: Tutorial ======== This is a short tutorial about using pywbem. It is intended to be enough to get people up and going who already know a bit about WBEM and CIM. Python code examples this tutorial are shown using `Jupyter Notebooks `_ (formerly known as IPython Notebooks), using the online `Jupyter Notebook Viewer `_. This allows viewing them without having Jupyter installed locally. In order to run or modify the examples, Jupyter Notebook must be installed, and a running WBEM server should be available. The following table lists the available tutorials: ======================================================== ================================== View the tutorial Download the Jupyter notebook ======================================================== ================================== :nbview:`Making Connections ` :nbdown:`connections.ipynb` :nbview:`Python Data Model for CIM ` :nbdown:`datamodel.ipynb` :nbview:`EnumerateInstances ` :nbdown:`enuminsts.ipynb` :nbview:`EnumerateInstanceNames ` :nbdown:`enuminstnames.ipynb` :nbview:`GetInstance ` :nbdown:`getinstance.ipynb` :nbview:`Create+DeleteInstance ` :nbdown:`createdeleteinst.ipynb` :nbview:`ModifyInstance ` :nbdown:`modifyinstance.ipynb` :nbview:`InvokeMethod ` :nbdown:`invokemethod.ipynb` ======================================================== ================================== For the following topics, tutorials are not yet available: * Pulled Enumerations * ExecQuery * Association Operations * Class Operations * Qualifier Operations * WBEM Server * WBEM Listener