.. _`Conversion functions`: Conversion functions -------------------- This section describes conversion functions related to :ref:`CIM objects` and :ref:`CIM data types`: ============================== =============================================== Function Purpose ============================== =============================================== :func:`~pywbem.tocimxml` Return the CIM-XML representation of a CIM object or CIM data typed value as an :term:`Element` object. :func:`~pywbem.tocimxmlstr` Return the CIM-XML representation of a CIM object or CIM data typed value as a :term:`unicode string`. :func:`~pywbem.tocimobj` Return a CIM data typed value from a Python value (old). :func:`~pywbem.cimvalue` Return a CIM data typed value from a Python value. :func:`~pywbem.cimtype` Return the CIM data type name of a CIM data typed value. :func:`~pywbem.type_from_name` Return the Python type object for a CIM data type name. ============================== =============================================== .. autofunction:: pywbem.tocimxml .. autofunction:: pywbem.tocimxmlstr .. autofunction:: pywbem.tocimobj .. autofunction:: pywbem.cimvalue .. autofunction:: pywbem.cimtype .. autofunction:: pywbem.type_from_name