Source code for pywbem.cim_operations

# (C) Copyright 2003-2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# (C) Copyright 2006-2007 Novell, Inc.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Author: Tim Potter <>
# Author: Martin Pool <>
# Author: Bart Whiteley <>
# Author: Ross Peoples <>

# pylint: disable=line-too-long
Objects of the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` class represent a connection to
a WBEM server.
All WBEM operations defined in :term:`DSP0200` can be issued across this connection.
Each method of this class corresponds directly to a WBEM operation.

==========================================================  ==============================================================
WBEMConnection method                                       Purpose
==========================================================  ==============================================================
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateInstances`           Enumerate the instances of a class (including instances of its
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateInstanceNames`       Enumerate the instance paths of instances of a class
                                                            (including instances of its subclasses).
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.GetInstance`                  Retrieve an instance
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.ModifyInstance`               Modify the property values of an instance
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.CreateInstance`               Create an instance
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.DeleteInstance`               Delete an instance
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.Associators`                  Retrieve the instances (or classes) associated to a source
                                                            instance (or source class)
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.AssociatorNames`              Retrieve the instance paths of the instances (or classes)
                                                            associated to a source instance (or source class)
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.References`                   Retrieve the association instances (or association classes)
                                                            that reference a source instance (or source class)
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.ReferenceNames`               Retrieve the instance paths of the association instances (or
                                                            association classes) that reference a source instance (or
                                                            source class)
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.InvokeMethod`                 Invoke a method on a target instance or on a target class
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.ExecQuery`                    Execute a query in a namespace
----------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.IterEnumerateInstances`       Iterator API that uses either OpenEnumerateInstances and
                                                            PullInstancesWithPath or EnumerateInstances depending on
                                                            the attributes and existence of pull operations in the
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.IterEnumerateInstancePaths`   Iterator API that uses either OpenEnumerateInstances and
                                                            PullInstancesWithPath or EnumerateInstances depending on
                                                            the attributes and existence of pull operations in the
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.IterAssociatorInstances`      Iterator API that uses either OpenAssociatorInstances and
                                                            PullInstancesWithPath or Associators depending on
                                                            the attributes and existence of pull operations in the
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.IterAssociatorInstancePaths`  Iterator API that uses either OpenAssociatorInstances and
                                                            PullInstancesWithPath or Associators depending on
                                                            the attributes and existence of pull operations in the
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.IterReferenceInstances`       Iterator API that uses either OpenReferenceInstances and
                                                            PullInstancesWithPath or References depending on
                                                            the attributes and existence of pull operations in the
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.IterReferenceInstancePaths`   Iterator API that uses either OpenReferenceInstances and
                                                            PullInstancesWithPath or References depending on
                                                            the attributes and existence of pull operations in the
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.IterQueryInstances`           Iterator API that uses either OpenQueryInstances and
                                                            PullInstances or ExecQuery depending on
                                                            the attributes and existence of pull operations in the
----------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenEnumerateInstances`       Open enumeration session to retrieve instances of
                                                            of a class (including instances of its subclass)
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenEnumerateInstancePaths`   Open enumeration session to retrieve instances of a class
                                                            (including instances of its subclass)
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenAssociatorInstances`      Open enumeration session to retrieve the instances
                                                            associated to a source instance
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenAssociatorInstancePaths`  Open enumeration session to retrieve the instances
                                                            associated to a source instance
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenReferenceInstances`       Open enumeration session to retrieve the instances
                                                            that reference a source instance
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenReferenceInstancePaths`   Open enumeration session to retrieve the instances that
                                                            reference a source instance
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenQueryInstances`           Open query request to retrieve instances defined by
                                                            the query parameter in a namespace
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancesWithPath`        Continue enumeration session opened with
                                                            OpenEnumerateInstances, OpenAssociatorInstances, or
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancePaths`            Continue enumeration session opened with
                                                            OpenEnumerateInstancePaths, OpenAssociatorInstancePaths,
                                                            or OpenReferenceInstancePaths
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstances`                Continue enumeration of enumeration session opened
                                                            with OpenExecQuery
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.CloseEnumeration`             Close an enumeration session in process.
----------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateClasses`             Enumerate the subclasses of a class, or the top-level classes
                                                            in a namespace
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateClassNames`          Enumerate the names of subclasses of a class, or of the
                                                            top-level classes in a namespace
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.GetClass`                     Retrieve a class
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.ModifyClass`                  Modify a class
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.CreateClass`                  Create a class
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.DeleteClass`                  Delete a class
----------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateQualifiers`          Enumerate qualifier declarations
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.GetQualifier`                 Retrieve a qualifier declaration
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.SetQualifier`                 Create or modify a qualifier declaration
:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.DeleteQualifier`              Delete a qualifier declaration
==========================================================  ==============================================================

NOTE: The method EnumerationCount is to be deprecated from the DMTF specs
and has not been implemented by any WBEM servers so was not implemented
in pywbem.
"""  # noqa: E501
# pylint: enable=line-too-long
# Note: When used before module docstrings, Pylint scopes the disable statement
#       to the whole rest of the file, so we need an enable statement.

# This module is meant to be safe for 'import *'.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from xml.dom import minidom
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
import logging

import six
from . import cim_xml
from .cim_types import CIMType, CIMDateTime, atomic_to_cim_xml
from .cim_obj import CIMInstance, CIMInstanceName, CIMClass, CIMClassName, \
    CIMParameter, NocaseDict, tocimxml, tocimobj, _ensure_unicode
from .cim_http import get_cimobject_header, wbem_request
from .tupleparse import parse_cim
from .tupletree import xml_to_tupletree_sax
from .cim_http import parse_url
from .exceptions import ParseError, CIMError
from ._statistics import Statistics
from ._recorder import LogOperationRecorder

__all__ = ['WBEMConnection', 'PegasusUDSConnection', 'SFCBUDSConnection',

# Global named tuples. Used by the pull operation responses to return
# (entities, end_of_sequence, and enumeration_context) to the caller.

# openenumerateInstances, OpenAssociators, etc and PullInstanceWithPath
# responses
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
pull_path_result_tuple = namedtuple("pull_path_result_tuple",
                                    ["paths", "eos", "context"])

# OpenEnumerateInstancePaths, etc.  and PullInstancePath responses
pull_inst_result_tuple = namedtuple("pull_inst_result_tuple",
                                    ["instances", "eos", "context"])

# openqueryInstances and PullInstance responses
pull_query_result_tuple = namedtuple("pull_query_result_tuple",
                                     ["instances", "eos", "context",

def _to_pretty_xml(xml_string):
    Common function to produce pretty xml string from an input xml_string.

    This function is NOT intended to be used in major code paths since it
    uses the minidom to produce the prettified xml and that uses a lot
    of memory

    result_dom = minidom.parseString(xml_string)
    pretty_result = result_dom.toprettyxml(indent='  ')

    # remove extra empty lines
    return re.sub(r'>( *[\r\n]+)+( *)<', r'>\n\2<', pretty_result)

def _check_classname(val):
    Validate a classname.

    At this point, only the type is validated to be a string.
    if not isinstance(val, six.string_types):
        raise ValueError("string expected for classname, not %r" % val)

def _iparam_propertylist(property_list):
    """Validate property_list and if it is not iterable convert to list.

    This is a test for a particular issue where the user supplies a single
    string instead of a list for a PropertyList parameter. It prevents
    an XML error.
    return [property_list] if isinstance(property_list, six.string_types) \
        else property_list

def _validateIterCommonParams(MaxObjectCount, OperationTimeout):
    Validate common parameters for an iter... operation.

    MaxObjectCount must be a positive non-zero integer or None.

    OperationTimeout must be positive integer or zero


      ValueError: if these parameters are invalid
    if MaxObjectCount is None or MaxObjectCount <= 0:
        raise ValueError('MaxObjectCount must be > 0 but is %s' %

    if OperationTimeout is not None and OperationTimeout < 0:
        raise ValueError('OperationTimeout must be >= 0 but is %s' %

def _validatePullParams(MaxObjectCount, context):
        Validate the input paramaters for the PullInstances,
        PullInstancesWithPath, and PullInstancePaths requests.

        MaxObjectCount: Must be integer type and ge 0

        context: Must be not None and length ge 2
    if (not isinstance(MaxObjectCount, six.integer_types) or
            MaxObjectCount < 0):
        raise ValueError('MaxObjectCount parameter must be integer >= 0 but '
                         ' is %s' % MaxObjectCount)
    if context is None or len(context) < 2:
        raise ValueError('Pull... Context parameter must be valid tuple %s'
                         % context)

[docs]class WBEMConnection(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ A client's connection to a WBEM server. This is the main class of the WBEM client library API. The connection object knows a default CIM namespace, which is used when no namespace is specified on subsequent WBEM operations (that support specifying namespaces). Thus, the connection object can be used as a connection to multiple CIM namespaces on a WBEM server (when the namespace is specified on subsequent operations), or as a connection to only the default namespace (this allows omitting the namespace on subsequent operations). As usual in HTTP, there is no persistent TCP connection; the connectedness provided by this class is only conceptual. That is, the creation of the connection object does not cause any interaction with the WBEM server, and each subsequent WBEM operation performs an independent, state-less HTTP/HTTPS request. After creating a :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object, various methods may be called on the object, which cause WBEM operations to be issued to the WBEM server. See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of these methods. CIM elements such as instances or classes are represented as Python objects (see :ref:`CIM objects`). The caller does not need to know about the CIM-XML encoding of CIM elements and protocol payload that is used underneath (It should be possible to use a different WBEM protocol below this layer without disturbing any callers). The connection remembers the XML of the last request and last reply if debugging is turned on via the :attr:`debug` attribute of the connection object. This may be useful in debugging: If a problem occurs, you can examine the :attr:`last_request` and :attr:`last_reply` attributes of the connection object. These are the prettified XML of request and response, respectively. The real request and response that are sent and received are available in the :attr:`last_raw_request` and :attr:`last_raw_reply` attributes of the connection object. WBEMConnection objects can record the operations performed by calling :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` methods that interact with a WBEM server using *operation recorders*, at the level of method calls and returns, and at the level of CIM-XML requests and responses. The :class:`~pywbem.LogOperationRecorder` class records the operations in the Python logging facility. This recorder is activated through the `connection` parameter of :func:`~pywbem._logging.configure_logger`. The :class:`~pywbem.TestClientRecorder` class records the operations in a file in the YAML format suitable for the unit test program. Before version 0.11.0, pywbem supported only a single operation recorder and activating/deactivating the recorder was a simple matter of setting the :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.operation_recorder` attribute. Starting with pywbem version 0.11.0, pywbem added support for multiple operation recorders and deprecated the :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.operation_recorder` attribute. The :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.add_operation_recorder` method is now used to add an operation recorder to a connection, and the :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.operation_recorders` property is used to retrieve the current operation recorders of a connection. The methods of this class may raise the following exceptions: * Exceptions indicating processing errors: - :exc:`~pywbem.ConnectionError` - A connection with the WBEM server could not be established or broke down. - :exc:`~pywbem.AuthError` - Authentication failed with the WBEM server. - :exc:`~pywbem.HTTPError` - HTTP error (bad status code) received from WBEM server. - :exc:`~pywbem.ParseError` - The response from the WBEM server cannot be parsed (for example, invalid characters or UTF-8 sequences, ill-formed XML, or invalid CIM-XML). - :exc:`~pywbem.CIMError` - The WBEM server returned an error response with a CIM status code. - :exc:`~pywbem.TimeoutError` - The WBEM server did not respond in time and the client timed out. * Exceptions indicating programming errors: - :exc:`~py:exceptions.TypeError` - :exc:`~py:exceptions.KeyError` - :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` - :exc:`~py:exceptions.AttributeError` - ... possibly others ... Exceptions indicating programming errors should not happen. If you think the reason such an exception is raised lies in pywbem, `report a bug <>`_. """ # Class level counter. Incremented at each WBEMConnection creation # and used as part of WBEMConnection instance ID. _conn_counter = 0 # Detail levels to be used for log operation recorders of any newly created # WBEMConnection objects. # Key: Simple logger name (e.g. 'api') # Value: Detail level string from LOG_DETAIL_LEVELS. _log_detail_levels = {} # If True, logging will be activated for any newly created WBEMConnection # objects. _activate_logging = False def __init__(self, url, creds=None, default_namespace=DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, x509=None, verify_callback=None, ca_certs=None, no_verification=False, timeout=None, use_pull_operations=False, stats_enabled=False): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Parameters: url (:term:`string`): URL of the WBEM server, in the format: ``[{scheme}://]{host}[:{port}]`` The following URL schemes are supported: * ``https``: Causes HTTPS to be used. * ``http``: Causes HTTP to be used. The host can be specified in any of the usual formats: * a short or fully qualified DNS hostname * a literal (= dotted) IPv4 address * a literal IPv6 address, formatted as defined in :term:`RFC3986` with the extensions for zone identifiers as defined in :term:`RFC6874`, supporting ``-`` (minus) for the delimiter before the zone ID string, as an additional choice to ``%25``. If no port is specified in the URL, the default ports are: * If HTTPS is used, port 5989. * If HTTP is used, port 5988. Examples for some URL formats: * ``""``: Use HTTPS to port 6988 on host * ``""``: Use HTTPS to port 5989 on host * ``""``: Use HTTP to port 5988 on host * ``"http://[2001:db8::1234]:15988"``: Use HTTP to port 15988 on host 2001:db8::1234 * ``"http://[::ffff.]"``: Use HTTP to port 5988 on host ::ffff. (an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address) * ``"http://[2001:db8::1234%25eth0]"`` or ``"http://[2001:db8::1234-eth0]"``: Use HTTP to port 5988 to host 2001:db8::1234 (a link-local IPv6 address) using zone identifier eth0 creds (:func:`py:tuple` of userid, password): Credentials for HTTP authentication with the WBEM server, as a tuple(userid, password), with: * userid (:term:`string`): Userid for authenticating with the WBEM server. * password (:term:`string`): Password for that userid. If `None`, the client will not generate ``Authorization`` headers in the HTTP request. Otherwise, the client will generate an ``Authorization`` header using HTTP Basic Authentication. See :ref:`Authentication types` for an overview. default_namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace to be used by default (if no namespace is specified for an operation). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. `None` will cause the following namespace to be used as a default namespace: :data:`~pywbem.cim_constants.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE`. x509 (:class:`py:dict`): :term:`X.509` client certificate and key file to be presented to the WBEM server during the TLS/SSL handshake. This parameter is ignored when HTTP is used. If `None`, no client certificate is presented to the server, resulting in 1-way authentication to be used. Otherwise, the client certificate is presented to the server, resulting in 2-way authentication to be used. This parameter must be a dictionary containing the following two items: * ``"cert_file"`` (:term:`string`): The file path of a file containing an :term:`X.509` client certificate. * ``"key_file"`` (:term:`string`): The file path of a file containing the private key belonging to the public key that is part of the :term:`X.509` certificate file. See :ref:`Authentication types` for an overview. verify_callback (:term:`callable`): Registers a callback function that will be called to verify the X.509 server certificate returned by the WBEM server during the TLS/SSL handshake, in addition to the validation already performed by the TLS/SSL support. This parameter is ignored when HTTP is used. Note that the validation performed by the TLS/SSL support already includes the usual validation, so that normally a callback function does not need to be used. See :ref:`Verification of the X.509 server certificate` for details. Warning: This parameter is not used when the python environment is Python 3 because the ssl module does not support it. If `None`, no such callback function will be registered. The specified function will be called for the returned certificate, and for each of the certificates in its chain of trust. See `M2Crypto.SSL.Context.set_verify` for details, as well as The callback function must take five parameters: * the `M2Crypto.SSL.Connection` object that triggered the verification. * an `OpenSSL.crypto.X509` object representing the certificate to be validated (the returned certificate or one of the certificates in its chain of trust). * an integer containing the error number (0 in case no error) of any validation error detected by `M2Crypto`. You can find their meaning in the OpenSSL documentation. * an integer indicating the depth (=position) of the certificate to be validated (the one in the second parameter) in the chain of trust of the returned certificate. A value of 0 indicates that the returned certificate is currently validated; any other value indicates the distance of the currently validated certificate to the returned certificate in its chain of trust. * an integer that indicates whether the validation of the certificate specified in the second parameter passed or did not pass the validation by `M2Crypto`. A value of 1 indicates a successful validation and 0 an unsuccessful one. The callback function must return `True` if the verification passes and `False` otherwise. ca_certs (:term:`string`): Location of CA certificates (trusted certificates) for verifying the X.509 server certificate returned by the WBEM server. This parameter is ignored when HTTP is used. The parameter value must be one of: * a path to a file containing one or more CA certificates in PEM format. See the description of `CAfile` in the OpenSSL `SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations`_ function for details. * a path to a directory with files each of which contains one CA certificate in PEM format. See the description of `CApath` in the OpenSSL `SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations`_ function for details. If `None`, the directory path of the first existing directory from the list in :data:`~pywbem.cim_http.DEFAULT_CA_CERT_PATHS` will be used as a default. .. _`SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations`: no_verification (:class:`py:bool`): Disables verification of the X.509 server certificate returned by the WBEM server during TLS/SSL handshake, disables verification of the hostname, and disables the invocation of a verification function specified in `verify_callback`. If `True`, verification is disabled; otherwise, verification is enabled. This parameter is ignored when HTTP is used. Disabling the verification of the server certificate is insecure and should be avoided! timeout (:term:`number`): *New in pywbem 0.8.* Timeout in seconds, for requests sent to the server. If the server did not respond within the timeout duration, the socket for the connection will be closed, causing a :exc:`~pywbem.TimeoutError` to be raised. A value of `None` means that the connection uses the standard timeout behavior of Python sockets, which can be between several minutes and much longer. Because this is somewhat unpredictable, it is recommended to specify a value for the timeout. A value of ``0`` means the timeout is very short, and does not really make any sense. Note that not all situations can be handled within this timeout, so for some issues, operations may take longer before raising an exception. use_pull_operations (:class:`py:bool`): **Experimental** *New in pywbem 0.11 as experimental.* Controls the use of pull operations in any `Iter...()` methods. `None` means that the `Iter...()` methods will attempt a pull operation first, and if the WBEM server does not support it, will use a traditional operation from then on, on this connection. This detection is performed for each pull operation separately, in order to accomodate WBEM servers that support only some of the pull operations. This will work on any WBEM server whether it supports no, some, or all pull operations. `True` means that the `Iter...()` methods will only use pull operations. If the WBEM server does not support pull operations, a :exc:`~pywbem.CIMError` with status code `CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` will be raised. `False` (default) means that the `Iter...()` methods will only use traditional operations. stats_enabled (:class:`py:bool`): *New in pywbem 0.11 as experimental, renamed from `enable_stats` and finalized in 0.12.* Initial enablement status for maintaining statistics about the WBEM operations executed via this connection. See the :ref:`WBEM operation statistics` section for details. """ # noqa: E501 # pylint: enable=line-too-long # Connection attributes self._set_url(url) self._set_creds(creds) self._set_default_namespace(default_namespace) self._set_x509(x509) self._set_verify_callback(verify_callback) self._set_ca_certs(ca_certs) self._set_no_verification(no_verification) self._set_timeout(timeout) # Saving last request and reply self.debug = False # setter self._last_raw_request = None self._last_raw_reply = None self._last_request = None self._last_reply = None # Time statistics self._last_request_len = 0 self._last_reply_len = 0 # control of operation recorders self._operation_recorders = [] # Create the connection identifier for this WBEMConnection # Includes class level counter and process pid self.__class__._conn_counter += 1 self._conn_id = ('%s-%s' % ( self.__class__._conn_counter, # pylint: disable=protected-access os.getpid())) # Intent to use pull operations self._use_pull_operations = use_pull_operations # Actual status of using pull operations self._use_enum_inst_pull_operations = use_pull_operations self._use_enum_path_pull_operations = use_pull_operations self._use_ref_inst_pull_operations = use_pull_operations self._use_ref_path_pull_operations = use_pull_operations self._use_assoc_inst_pull_operations = use_pull_operations self._use_assoc_path_pull_operations = use_pull_operations self._use_query_pull_operations = use_pull_operations self._statistics = Statistics(stats_enabled) self._last_operation_time = None self._last_server_response_time = None if self._activate_logging: recorder = LogOperationRecorder( conn_id=self.conn_id, detail_levels=self._log_detail_levels) self.add_operation_recorder(recorder) @property def url(self): """ :term:`unicode string`: URL of the WBEM server. For details, see the description of the same-named constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. This attribute is settable, but setting it has been deprecated. """ return self._url @url.setter def url(self, url): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" warnings.warn( "Setting the WBEMConnection.url property is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) self._set_url(url) def _set_url(self, url): """Internal setter function.""" self._url = _ensure_unicode(url) @property def creds(self): """ :func:`py:tuple`: Credentials for HTTP authentication with the WBEM server. For details, see the description of the same-named constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. This attribute is settable, but setting it has been deprecated. """ return self._creds @creds.setter def creds(self, creds): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" warnings.warn( "Setting the WBEMConnection.creds property is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) self._set_creds(creds) def _set_creds(self, creds): """Internal setter function.""" self._creds = creds @property def default_namespace(self): """ :term:`unicode string`: Name of the CIM namespace to be used by default (if no namespace is specified for an operation). For details, see the description of the same-named constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. This attribute is settable, but setting it has been deprecated. """ return self._default_namespace @default_namespace.setter def default_namespace(self, default_namespace): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init warnings.warn( "Setting the WBEMConnection.default_namespace property is " "deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) self._set_default_namespace(default_namespace) def _set_default_namespace(self, default_namespace): """Internal setter function.""" if default_namespace is not None: default_namespace = default_namespace.strip('/') self._default_namespace = _ensure_unicode(default_namespace) @property def x509(self): """ :class:`py:dict`: :term:`X.509` client certificate and key file to be presented to the WBEM server during the TLS/SSL handshake. For details, see the description of the same-named constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. This attribute is settable, but setting it has been deprecated. """ return self._x509 @x509.setter def x509(self, x509): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" warnings.warn( "Setting the WBEMConnection.x509 property is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) self._set_x509(x509) def _set_x509(self, x509): """Internal setter function.""" self._x509 = x509 @property def verify_callback(self): """ :term:`callable`: A callback function that will be called to verify the X.509 server certificate returned by the WBEM server during the TLS/SSL handshake, in addition to the validation already performed by the TLS/SSL support. For details, see the description of the same-named constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. This attribute is settable, but setting it has been deprecated. """ return self._verify_callback @verify_callback.setter def verify_callback(self, verify_callback): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" warnings.warn( "Setting the WBEMConnection.verify_callback property is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) self._set_verify_callback(verify_callback) def _set_verify_callback(self, verify_callback): """Internal setter function.""" self._verify_callback = verify_callback @property def ca_certs(self): """ :term:`string`: Location of CA certificates (trusted certificates) for verifying the X.509 server certificate returned by the WBEM server. For details, see the description of the same-named constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. This attribute is settable, but setting it has been deprecated. """ return self._ca_certs @ca_certs.setter def ca_certs(self, ca_certs): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" warnings.warn( "Setting the WBEMConnection.ca_certs property is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) self._set_ca_certs(ca_certs) def _set_ca_certs(self, ca_certs): """Internal setter function.""" self._ca_certs = ca_certs @property def no_verification(self): """ :class:`py:bool`: Indicates that verifications are disabled for this connection. For details, see the description of the same-named constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. This attribute is settable, but setting it has been deprecated. """ return self._no_verification @no_verification.setter def no_verification(self, no_verification): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" warnings.warn( "Setting the WBEMConnection.no_verification property is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) self._set_no_verification(no_verification) def _set_no_verification(self, no_verification): """Internal setter function.""" self._no_verification = no_verification @property def timeout(self): """ *New in pywbem 0.8.* :term:`number`: Timeout in seconds, for requests sent to the server. For details, see the description of the same-named constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. This attribute is settable, but setting it has been deprecated. """ return self._timeout @timeout.setter def timeout(self, timeout): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" warnings.warn( "Setting the WBEMConnection.timeout property is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) self._set_timeout(timeout) def _set_timeout(self, timeout): """Internal setter function.""" self._timeout = timeout @property def operation_recorders(self): """ **Experimental** *New in pywbem 0.12 as experimental.* Tuple of :class:`BaseOperationRecorder` subclass objects: The operation recorders of this connection. """ return tuple(self._operation_recorders) @property def operation_recorder(self): """ **Experimental** *New in pywbem 0.9 as experimental.* :class:`BaseOperationRecorder`: The operation recorder that was last added to the connection, or `None` if the connection does not currently have any recorders. **Deprecated:** Deprecated since pywbem 0.12. The method :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.add_operation_recorder` should be used to add a recorder, and the :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.operation_recorders` property should be used to retrieve the recorders of the connection. This property is settable; setting this property will cause the specified operation recorder to be added to the connection as if :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.add_operation_recorder` was used. `None` is not permitted as a new value for this property. Raises: ValueError: Operation recorder must not be `None`. ValueError: Cannot add the same recorder class multiple times. """ warnings.warn( "Reading the WBEMConnection.operation_recorder property has been " "deprecated. Use the operation_recorders property instead.", DeprecationWarning, 2) try: last_recorder = self._operation_recorders[-1] except IndexError: last_recorder = None return last_recorder @operation_recorder.setter def operation_recorder(self, operation_recorder): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" warnings.warn( "Setting the WBEMConnection.operation_recorder property has been " "deprecated. Use the add_operation_recorder() method instead.", DeprecationWarning, 2) self.add_operation_recorder(operation_recorder) @property def host(self): """ *New in pywbem 0.11.* :term:`unicode string`: The ``{host}[:{port}]`` component of the WBEM server's URL, as specified in the ``url`` attribute. """ host = self.url.split('://')[-1] return host @property def operation_recorder_enabled(self): """ **Experimental** *New in pywbem 0.11 as experimental* :class:`py:bool`: Enablement status for all operation recorders of the connection. This is a writeable property; setting this property will change the operation recorder enablement status accordingly for all operation recorders of the connection. Reading this property returns `True` if one or more operation recorders of the connection are enabled. Otherwise it returns `False`, also when the connection has no operation recorders. """ for recorder in self._operation_recorders: if recorder.enabled(): return True return False @operation_recorder_enabled.setter def operation_recorder_enabled(self, value): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" for recorder in self._operation_recorders: if value: recorder.enable() else: recorder.disable() @property def stats_enabled(self): """ *New in pywbem 0.11 as experimental and finalized in 0.12.* :class:`py:bool`: Statistics enablement status for this connection. This is a writeable property; setting this property will change the statistics enablement status accordingly. The statistics enablement status can also be set when creating a connection, through the ``stats_enabled`` init argument of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ return self.statistics.enabled @stats_enabled.setter def stats_enabled(self, value): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" if value: self.statistics.enable() else: self.statistics.disable() @property def statistics(self): """ *New in pywbem 0.11 as experimental and finalized in 0.12.* :class:`~pywbem.Statistics`: Statistics for this connection. Statistics are disabled by default and can be enabled via the ``stats_enabled`` argument when creating a connection object, or later via modifying the :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.stats_enabled` property on this connection object. See the :ref:`WBEM operation statistics` section for more details. """ return self._statistics @property def last_operation_time(self): """ *New in pywbem 0.11 as experimental and finalized in 0.12.* :class:`py:float`: Elapsed time of the last operation that was executed via this connection in seconds or `None`. This time is available only subsequent to the execution of an operation on this connection, and if the statistics are enabled on this connection. Otherwise, the value is `None`. """ return self._last_operation_time @property def last_server_response_time(self): """ *New in pywbem 0.11 as experimental and finalized in 0.12.* :class:`py:float`: Server measured response time of the last request. This is optionally returned from the server in HTTP header This time is available only subsequent to the execution of an operation on this connection if the WBEMServerResponseTime is received from the WBEM server. Otherwise, the value is `None`. """ return self._last_server_response_time @property def use_pull_operations(self): """ **Experimental** *New in pywbem 0.11 as experimental.* :class:`py:bool`: Indicates whether the client should attempt the use of pull operations in any `Iter...()` methods. This property reflects the intent of the user as specified in the same-named constructor parameter. This property is not updated with the status of actually using pull operations. That status is maintained internally for each pull operation separately to accomodate WBEM servers that support only some of the pull operations. """ return self._use_pull_operations @property def debug(self): """ :class:`py:bool`: A boolean indicating whether saving of the last request and last reply to the WBEMConnection object is enabled (`True`) or disabled (`False`). When enabled, the last request and last reply will be available in the following properties of this class: * :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.last_request` * :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.last_raw_request` * :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.last_reply` * :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.last_raw_reply` When disabled, these properties will be `None`. This attribute is writeable. The initial value of this attribute is `False`. """ return self._debug @debug.setter def debug(self, debug): """Setter method; for a description see the getter method.""" self._debug = debug @property def last_request(self): """ :term:`unicode string`: CIM-XML data of the last request sent to the WBEM server on this connection, formatted as prettified XML. Prior to sending the very first request on this connection object, and when debug saving of requests and responses is disabled (see :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.debug`), this property is `None`. """ return self._last_request @property def last_raw_request(self): """ :term:`unicode string`: CIM-XML data of the last request sent to the WBEM server on this connection, formatted as it was sent. Prior to sending the very first request on this connection object, and when debug saving of requests and responses is disabled (see :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.debug`), this property is `None`. """ return self._last_raw_request @property def last_reply(self): """ :term:`unicode string`: CIM-XML data of the last response received from the WBEM server on this connection, formatted as prettified XML. Prior to receiving the very first response on this connection object, and when debug saving of requests and responses is disabled (see :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.debug`), this property is `None`. """ return self._last_reply @property def last_raw_reply(self): """ :term:`unicode string`: CIM-XML data of the last response received from the WBEM server on this connection, formatted as it was received. Prior to receiving the very first response on this connection object, and when debug saving of requests and responses is disabled (see :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.debug`), this property is `None`. """ return self._last_raw_reply @property def last_request_len(self): """ :class:`py:int`: The size of the HTTP body in the CIM-XML request of the last operation, in Bytes. Prior to sending the very first request on this connection object, or if the last operation raised an exception, it is 0. Note that this property is updated independently of whether saving of last request and response is enabled or disabled (see :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.debug`) """ return self._last_request_len @property def last_reply_len(self): """ :class:`py:int`: The size of the HTTP body in the CIM-XML response of the last operation, in Bytes. Prior to receiving the very first response on this connection object, or if the last operation raised an exception, it is 0. Note that this property is updated independently of whether saving of last request and response is enabled or disabled (see :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.debug`) """ return self._last_reply_len @property def conn_id(self): """ :term:`connection id`: String that is unique for each :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object. The `conn_id` is created when the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object is created and remains constant throughout the life of that connection. `conn_id` is part of each log entry output to uniquely identify the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object responsible for that log. It also part of the logger name for the "pywbem.api" and "pywbem.http" loggers that create log entries so that logging can be defined separately for different connections. """ return self._conn_id
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return a short representation of the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object for human consumption. """ if isinstance(self.creds, tuple): # tuple (userid, password) was specified creds_repr = "(%r, ...)" % self.creds[0] else: creds_repr = repr(self.creds) return "%s(url=%r, creds=%s, default_namespace=%r)" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, self.url, creds_repr, self.default_namespace)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Return a representation of the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object with all attributes (except for the password in the credentials) that is suitable for debugging. """ if isinstance(self.creds, tuple): # tuple (userid, password) was specified creds_repr = "(%r, ...)" % self.creds[0] else: creds_repr = repr(self.creds) if self.x509: x509_repr = ', '.join([('%r: %r' % (key, self.x509[key])) for key in sorted(six.iterkeys(self.x509))]) else: x509_repr = "None" recorder_list = [recorder.__class__.__name__ for recorder in self._operation_recorders] return "%s(url=%r, creds=%s, conn_id=%s, " \ "default_namespace=%r, x509=%s, verify_callback=%r, " \ "ca_certs=%r, no_verification=%r, timeout=%r, " \ "use_pull_operations=%r, stats_enabled=%r, recorders=%s)" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, self.url, creds_repr, self.conn_id, self.default_namespace, x509_repr, self.verify_callback, self.ca_certs, self.no_verification, self.timeout, self.use_pull_operations, self.stats_enabled, recorder_list)
@classmethod def _configure_logger(cls, simple_name, log_dest, detail_level, log_filename, connection, propagate): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Configure the pywbem loggers and optionally activate WBEM connections for logging and setting a log detail level. Parameters: simple_name (:term:`string`): Simple name (ex. `'api'`) of the single pywbem logger this method should affect, or `'all'` to affect all pywbem loggers. Must be one of the strings in :data:`~pywbem._logging.LOGGER_SIMPLE_NAMES`. log_dest (:term:`string`): Log destination for the affected pywbem loggers, controlling the configuration of its Python logging parameters (log handler, message format, and log level). If it is a :term:`string`, it must be one of the strings in :data:`~pywbem._logging.LOG_DESTINATIONS` and the Python logging parameters of the loggers will be configured accordingly for their log handler, message format, and with a logging level of :attr:`py:logging.DEBUG`. If `None`, the Python logging parameters of the loggers will not be changed. detail_level (:term:`string` or :class:`int` or `None`): Detail level for the data in each log record that is generated by the affected pywbem loggers. If it is a :term:`string`, it must be one of the strings in :data:`~pywbem._logging.LOG_DETAIL_LEVELS` and the loggers will be configured for the corresponding detail level. If it is an :class:`int`, it defines the maximum size of the log records created and the loggers will be configured to output all available information up to that size. If `None`, the detail level configuration will not be changed. log_filename (:term:`string`): Path name of the log file (required if the log destination is `'file'`; otherwise ignored). connection (:class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` or :class:`py:bool` or `None`): WBEM connection(s) that should be affected for activation and for setting the detail level. If it is a :class:`py:bool`, the information for activating logging and for the detail level of the affected loggers will be stored for use by subsequently created :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` objects. A value of `True` will store the information to activate the connections for logging, and will add the detail level for the logger(s). A value of `False` will reset the stored information for future connections to be deactivated with no detail levels specified. If it is a :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object, logging will be activated for that WBEM connection only and the specified detail level will be set for the affected pywbem loggers on the connection. If `None`, no WBEM connection will be activated for logging. propagate (:class:`py:bool`): Flag controlling whether the affected pywbem logger should propagate log events to its parent loggers. Raises: ValueError: Invalid input parameters (loggers remain unchanged). """ # noqa: E501 # pylint: enable=line-too-long if simple_name == 'all': cls._configure_logger('api', log_dest=log_dest, detail_level=detail_level, log_filename=log_filename, connection=connection, propagate=propagate) cls._configure_logger('http', log_dest=log_dest, detail_level=detail_level, log_filename=log_filename, connection=connection, propagate=propagate) return elif simple_name == 'api': logger_name = LOGGER_API_CALLS_NAME elif simple_name == 'http': logger_name = LOGGER_HTTP_NAME else: raise ValueError("Invalid simple logger name: %r; must be one " "of: %s" % (simple_name, LOGGER_SIMPLE_NAMES)) handler = cls._configure_logger_handler(log_dest, log_filename) detail_level = cls._configure_detail_level(detail_level) cls._activate_logger(logger_name, simple_name, detail_level, handler, connection, propagate) @classmethod def _configure_detail_level(cls, detail_level): """ Validate the detail_level parameter and return it. This accepts a string or integer """ # process detail_level if isinstance(detail_level, six.string_types): if detail_level not in LOG_DETAIL_LEVELS: raise ValueError("Invalid log detail level string: %r; must " "be one of: %s" % (detail_level, LOG_DETAIL_LEVELS)) elif isinstance(detail_level, int): if detail_level < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid log detail level integer: %r; must " "be a positive integer." % detail_level) elif detail_level is None: detail_level = DEFAULT_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL else: raise ValueError("Invalid log detail level: %r; must be one of: " "%s, or a positive integer" % (detail_level, LOG_DETAIL_LEVELS)) return detail_level @classmethod def _configure_logger_handler(cls, log_dest, log_filename): """ Return a logging handler for the specified log_dest, or None if log_dest is None. """ if log_dest is None: return None msg_format = '%(asctime)s-%(name)s-%(message)s' if log_dest == 'stderr': # Note: sys.stderr is the default stream for StreamHandler handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(msg_format)) elif log_dest == 'file': if not log_filename: raise ValueError("Log filename is required if log destination " "is 'file'") handler = logging.FileHandler(log_filename, encoding="UTF-8") handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(msg_format)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid log destination: %r; Must be one " "of: %s" % (log_dest, LOG_DESTINATIONS)) return handler @classmethod def _activate_logger(cls, logger_name, simple_name, detail_level, handler, connection, propagate): """ Configure the specified logger, and activate logging and set detail level for connections. The specified logger is always a single pywbem logger; the simple logger name 'all' has already been resolved by the caller into multiple calls to this method. The 'handler' parameter controls logger configuration: * If None, nothing is done. * If a Handler object, the specified logger gets its handlers replaced with the new handler, and logging level DEBUG is set, and the `propagate` attribute of the logger is set according to the `propagate` parameter. The 'connection' paraneter controls activation and setting of the detail level: * If None, nothing is done. * If bool=True, log activation and log detail information is stored for use by future connections in class variables of WBEMConnection. * If bool=False, log activation and log detail information is reset. * If a WBEMConnection object, logging is activated and detail level is set immediately for that connection. """ if handler is not None: assert isinstance(handler, logging.Handler) # Replace existing handlers of the specified logger (e.g. from # previous calls) by the specified handler logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) for hdlr in logger.handlers: logger.removeHandler(hdlr) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.propagate = propagate if connection is not None: if isinstance(connection, bool): if connection: # Store the activation and detail level information for # future connections. This information is used in the init # method of WBEMConnection to activate logging at that # point. cls._activate_logging = True cls._log_detail_levels[simple_name] = detail_level else: cls._reset_logging_config() else: assert isinstance(connection, WBEMConnection) # Activate logging for this existing connection by ensuring # the connection has a log recorder recorder_found = False # pylint: disable=protected-access for recorder in connection._operation_recorders: if isinstance(recorder, LogOperationRecorder): recorder_found = True break if not recorder_found: recorder = LogOperationRecorder(conn_id=connection.conn_id) # Add the log detail level for this logger to the log recorder # of this connection detail_levels = recorder.detail_levels.copy() detail_levels[simple_name] = detail_level recorder.set_detail_level(detail_levels) if not recorder_found: # This call must be made after the detail levels of the # recorder have been set, because that data is used # for recording the WBEM connection information. connection.add_operation_recorder(recorder) # TODO execute stage of wbem connection if not already executed. # How do we know it is already executed???
[docs] def add_operation_recorder(self, operation_recorder): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Add an operation recorder to this connection. If the connection already has a recorder with the same class, the request to add the recorder is ignored. Parameters: operation_recorder (:class:`~pywbem.BaseOperationRecorder` subclass object): The operation recorder to be added. Must not be `None`. Raises: ValueError: Operation recorder must not be `None`. ValueError: Cannot add the same recorder class multiple times. """ # noqa: E501 if operation_recorder is None: raise ValueError("Invalid value None for new operation recorder") for recorder in self._operation_recorders: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck if type(recorder) is type(operation_recorder): raise ValueError("Cannot add the same operation recorder " "class %s multiple times to the same " "connection" % type(operation_recorder)) self._operation_recorders.append(operation_recorder) operation_recorder.reset() operation_recorder.stage_wbem_connection(self)
[docs] def operation_recorder_reset(self, pull_op=False): """ This is a low-level method that is used by the operation-specific methods of this class to reset the operation processing state of all recorders of this connection, to be ready for processing a new operation call. """ for recorder in self._operation_recorders: recorder.reset(pull_op)
[docs] def operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args(self, method, **kwargs): """ This is a low-level method that is used by the operation-specific methods of this class to forward the operation method name and arguments to all recorders of this connection. """ for recorder in self._operation_recorders: recorder.stage_pywbem_args(method, **kwargs)
[docs] def operation_recorder_stage_result(self, ret, exc): """ This is a low-level method that is used by the operation-specific methods of this class to forward the operation results including exceptions that were raised, to all recorders of this connection, and to cause the forwarded information to be recorded by all recorders of this connection. """ for recorder in self._operation_recorders: recorder.stage_pywbem_result(ret, exc) recorder.record_staged()
@classmethod def _reset_logging_config(cls): """ Reset the activation of logging and the log detail levels for future WBEM connections, by resetting the corresponding class variables of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ cls._activate_logging = False cls._log_detail_levels = {}
[docs] def imethodcall(self, methodname, namespace, response_params_rqd=None, **params): """ This is a low-level method that is used by the operation-specific methods of this class (e.g. :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateInstanceNames`). Deprecated: Calling this function directly has been deprecated and will issue a :term:`DeprecationWarning`. Users should call the operation-specific methods instead of this method. """ warnings.warn( "Calling imethodcall() directly is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) return self._imethodcall(methodname, namespace, response_params_rqd=response_params_rqd, **params)
def _imethodcall(self, methodname, namespace, response_params_rqd=None, **params): """ Perform an intrinsic CIM-XML operation. """ # Create HTTP extension headers for CIM-XML. # Note: The two-step encoding required by DSP0200 will be performed in # wbem_request(). cimxml_headers = [ ('CIMOperation', 'MethodCall'), ('CIMMethod', methodname), ('CIMObject', get_cimobject_header(namespace)), ] # Create parameter list plist = [cim_xml.IPARAMVALUE(x[0], tocimxml(x[1])) for x in params.items() if x[1] is not None] # Build XML request req_xml = cim_xml.CIM( cim_xml.MESSAGE( cim_xml.SIMPLEREQ( cim_xml.IMETHODCALL( methodname, cim_xml.LOCALNAMESPACEPATH( [cim_xml.NAMESPACE(ns) for ns in namespace.split('/')]), plist)), '1001', '1.0'), '2.0', '2.0') if self.debug: self._last_raw_request = req_xml.toxml() self._last_request = req_xml.toprettyxml(indent=' ') # Reset replies in case we fail before they are set self._last_raw_reply = None self._last_reply = None # Send request and receive response self._last_request_len = 0 self._last_reply_len = 0 self._last_server_response_time = None request_data = req_xml.toxml() self._last_request_len = len(request_data) reply_xml, self._last_server_response_time = wbem_request( self.url, request_data, self.creds, cimxml_headers, x509=self.x509, verify_callback=self.verify_callback, ca_certs=self.ca_certs, no_verification=self.no_verification, timeout=self.timeout, debug=self.debug, recorders=self._operation_recorders, conn_id=self.conn_id) self._last_reply_len = len(reply_xml) # Set the raw response before parsing (which can fail) if self.debug: self._last_raw_reply = reply_xml # Parse the XML into a tuple tree (may raise ParseError): tt_ = xml_to_tupletree_sax(reply_xml, "CIM-XML response") tup_tree = parse_cim(tt_) # Set the pretty response after parsing (it could fail otherwise) if self.debug: self._last_reply = _to_pretty_xml(reply_xml) # Check the tuple tree if tup_tree[0] != 'CIM': raise ParseError('Expecting CIM element, got %s' % tup_tree[0]) tup_tree = tup_tree[2] if tup_tree[0] != 'MESSAGE': raise ParseError('Expecting MESSAGE element, got %s' % tup_tree[0]) tup_tree = tup_tree[2] if tup_tree[0] != 'SIMPLERSP': raise ParseError('Expecting SIMPLERSP element, got %s' % tup_tree[0]) tup_tree = tup_tree[2] if tup_tree[0] != 'IMETHODRESPONSE': raise ParseError('Expecting IMETHODRESPONSE element, got %s' % tup_tree[0]) if tup_tree[1]['NAME'] != methodname: raise ParseError('Expecting attribute NAME=%s, got %s' % (methodname, tup_tree[1]['NAME'])) tup_tree = tup_tree[2] # At this point we either have a IRETURNVALUE, ERROR element # or None if there was no child nodes of the IMETHODRESPONSE # element. if not tup_tree: return None # ERROR | ... if tup_tree[0][0] == 'ERROR': err = tup_tree[0] code = int(err[1]['CODE']) err_insts = err[2] or None # List of CIMInstance objects if 'DESCRIPTION' in err[1]: desc = err[1]['DESCRIPTION'] else: desc = 'Error code %s' % err[1]['CODE'] raise CIMError(code, desc, instances=err_insts) if response_params_rqd is None: # expect either ERROR | IRETURNVALUE* err = tup_tree[0] if err[0] != 'IRETURNVALUE': raise ParseError('Expecting IRETURNVALUE element, got %s' % err[0]) return tup_tree # At this point should have optional RETURNVALUE and at maybe one # paramvalue element representing the pull return parameters # of end_of_sequence/enumeration_context # (IRETURNVALUE*, PARAMVALUE?) else: # TODO #919: Further tests on this IRETURN or PARAMVALUE # Could be IRETURNVALUE or a PARAMVALUE return tup_tree
[docs] def methodcall(self, methodname, localobject, Params=None, **params): """ This is a low-level method that is used by the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.InvokeMethod` method of this class. Deprecated: Calling this function directly has been deprecated and will issue a :term:`DeprecationWarning`. Users should call :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.InvokeMethod` instead of this method. """ warnings.warn( "Calling methodcall() directly is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) return self._methodcall(methodname, localobject, Params, **params)
def _methodcall(self, methodname, objectname, Params=None, **params): """ Perform an extrinsic CIM-XML method call. Parameters: methodname (string): CIM method name. objectname (string or CIMInstanceName or CIMClassName): Target object. Strings are interpreted as class names. Params: CIM method input parameters, for details see InvokeMethod(). **params: CIM method input parameters, for details see InvokeMethod(). """ if isinstance(objectname, (CIMInstanceName, CIMClassName)): localobject = objectname.copy() if localobject.namespace is None: localobject.namespace = self.default_namespace = None elif isinstance(objectname, six.string_types): # a string is always interpreted as a class name localobject = CIMClassName(objectname, namespace=self.default_namespace) else: raise TypeError("Invalid type for ObjectName: %s" % type(objectname)) # Create HTTP extension headers for CIM-XML. # Note: The two-step encoding required by DSP0200 will be performed in # wbem_request(). cimxml_headers = [ ('CIMOperation', 'MethodCall'), ('CIMMethod', methodname), ('CIMObject', get_cimobject_header(localobject)), ] # Create parameter list def infer_type(obj): """ Infer the CIM data type name of a parameter value. """ if isinstance(obj, CIMType): return obj.cimtype elif isinstance(obj, bool): return 'boolean' elif isinstance(obj, six.string_types): return 'string' elif isinstance(obj, (datetime, timedelta)): return 'datetime' elif isinstance(obj, (CIMClassName, CIMInstanceName)): return 'reference' elif isinstance(obj, (CIMClass, CIMInstance)): return 'string' elif isinstance(obj, list): return infer_type(obj[0]) if obj else None elif obj is None: return None raise TypeError('Unsupported parameter type "%s"' % type(obj)) def paramvalue(obj): """ Return a cim_xml node to be used as the value for a parameter. """ if isinstance(obj, (datetime, timedelta)): obj = CIMDateTime(obj) if isinstance(obj, (CIMType, bool, six.string_types)): # This includes CIMDateTime (subclass of CIMType) return cim_xml.VALUE(atomic_to_cim_xml(obj)) if isinstance(obj, (CIMClassName, CIMInstanceName)): return cim_xml.VALUE_REFERENCE(obj.tocimxml()) if isinstance(obj, CIMInstance): return cim_xml.VALUE(obj.tocimxml(ignore_path=True).toxml()) if isinstance(obj, CIMClass): # CIMClass.tocimxml() always ignores path return cim_xml.VALUE(obj.tocimxml().toxml()) if isinstance(obj, list): if obj and isinstance(obj[0], (CIMClassName, CIMInstanceName)): return cim_xml.VALUE_REFARRAY([paramvalue(x) for x in obj]) return cim_xml.VALUE_ARRAY([paramvalue(x) for x in obj]) if obj is None: return None raise TypeError('Unsupported parameter type "%s"' % type(obj)) def infer_embedded_object(obj): """ Infer the embedded_object value of a parameter value. """ if isinstance(obj, list) and obj: return infer_embedded_object(obj[0]) elif isinstance(obj, CIMClass): return 'object' elif isinstance(obj, CIMInstance): return 'instance' return None ptuples = [] # tuple (name, value, type, embedded_object) if Params is not None: for p in Params: if isinstance(p, CIMParameter): ptuple = (, p.value, p.type, p.embedded_object) else: # p is a tuple of name, value ptuple = (p[0], p[1], infer_type(p[1]), infer_embedded_object(p[1])) ptuples.append(ptuple) for n, v in params.items(): ptuple = (n, v, infer_type(v), infer_embedded_object(v)) ptuples.append(ptuple) plist = [cim_xml.PARAMVALUE(n, paramvalue(v), t, embedded_object=eo) for n, v, t, eo in ptuples] # Build XML request req_xml = cim_xml.CIM( cim_xml.MESSAGE( cim_xml.SIMPLEREQ( cim_xml.METHODCALL( methodname, localobject.tocimxml(), plist)), '1001', '1.0'), '2.0', '2.0') if self.debug: self._last_raw_request = req_xml.toxml() self._last_request = req_xml.toprettyxml(indent=' ') # Reset replies in case we fail before they are set self._last_raw_reply = None self._last_reply = None # Send request and receive response self._last_request_len = 0 self._last_reply_len = 0 self._last_server_response_time = None request_data = req_xml.toxml() self._last_request_len = len(request_data) reply_xml, self._last_server_response_time = wbem_request( self.url, request_data, self.creds, cimxml_headers, x509=self.x509, verify_callback=self.verify_callback, ca_certs=self.ca_certs, no_verification=self.no_verification, timeout=self.timeout, debug=self.debug, recorders=self._operation_recorders, conn_id=self.conn_id) self._last_reply_len = len(reply_xml) # Set the raw response before parsing (which can fail) if self.debug: self._last_raw_reply = reply_xml # Parse the XML into a tuple tree (may raise ParseError): tt_ = xml_to_tupletree_sax(reply_xml, "CIM-XML response") tup_tree = parse_cim(tt_) # Set the pretty response after parsing (it could fail otherwise) if self.debug: self._last_reply = _to_pretty_xml(reply_xml) # Check the tuple tree if tup_tree[0] != 'CIM': raise ParseError('Expecting CIM element, got %s' % tup_tree[0]) tup_tree = tup_tree[2] if tup_tree[0] != 'MESSAGE': raise ParseError('Expecting MESSAGE element, got %s' % tup_tree[0]) tup_tree = tup_tree[2] if tup_tree[0] != 'SIMPLERSP': raise ParseError('Expecting SIMPLERSP element, got %s' % tup_tree[0]) tup_tree = tup_tree[2] if tup_tree[0] != 'METHODRESPONSE': raise ParseError('Expecting METHODRESPONSE element, got %s' % tup_tree[0]) if tup_tree[1]['NAME'] != methodname: raise ParseError('Expecting attribute NAME=%s, got %s' % (methodname, tup_tree[1]['NAME'])) tup_tree = tup_tree[2] # At this point we have an optional RETURNVALUE and zero or # more PARAMVALUE elements representing output parameters. if tup_tree and tup_tree[0][0] == 'ERROR': err = tup_tree[0] code = int(err[1]['CODE']) err_insts = err[2] or None # List of CIMInstance objects if 'DESCRIPTION' in err[1]: desc = err[1]['DESCRIPTION'] else: desc = 'Error code %s' % err[1]['CODE'] raise CIMError(code, desc, instances=err_insts) # # Original code return tup_tree # Convert optional RETURNVALUE into a Python object returnvalue = None if tup_tree and tup_tree[0][0] == 'RETURNVALUE': returnvalue = tocimobj(tup_tree[0][1]['PARAMTYPE'], tup_tree[0][2]) tup_tree = tup_tree[1:] # Convert zero or more PARAMVALUE elements into dictionary output_params = NocaseDict() for p in tup_tree: if p[1] == 'reference': output_params[p[0]] = p[2] else: output_params[p[0]] = tocimobj(p[1], p[2]) return (returnvalue, output_params) def _iparam_namespace_from_namespace(self, obj): # pylint: disable=invalid-name, """Determine the namespace from a namespace string, or `None`. The default namespace of the connection object is used, if needed. Return the so determined namespace for use as an argument to imethodcall().""" if isinstance(obj, six.string_types): namespace = obj.strip('/') elif obj is None: namespace = obj else: raise TypeError('Expecting None (for default), or a namespace ' 'string, got: %s' % type(obj)) if namespace is None: namespace = self.default_namespace return namespace def _iparam_namespace_from_objectname(self, obj): # pylint: disable=invalid-name, """Determine the namespace from an object name, that can be a class name string, a CIMClassName or CIMInstanceName object, or `None`. The default namespace of the connection object is used, if needed. Return the so determined namespace for use as an argument to imethodcall().""" if isinstance(obj, (CIMClassName, CIMInstanceName)): namespace = obj.namespace elif isinstance(obj, six.string_types): namespace = None elif obj is None: namespace = obj else: raise TypeError('Expecting None (for default), a class name ' 'string, a CIMClassName object, or a ' 'CIMInstanceName object, got: %s' % type(obj)) if namespace is None: namespace = self.default_namespace return namespace @staticmethod def _iparam_objectname(objectname): """Convert an object name (= class or instance name) specified in an operation method into a CIM object that can be passed to imethodcall().""" if isinstance(objectname, (CIMClassName, CIMInstanceName)): objectname = objectname.copy() = None objectname.namespace = None elif isinstance(objectname, six.string_types): objectname = CIMClassName(objectname) elif objectname is None: pass else: raise TypeError('Expecting None, a classname string, a ' 'CIMClassName or CIMInstanceName object, ' 'got: %s' % type(objectname)) return objectname @staticmethod def _iparam_classname(classname): """Convert a class name specified in an operation method into a CIM object that can be passed to imethodcall().""" if isinstance(classname, CIMClassName): classname = classname.copy() = None classname.namespace = None elif isinstance(classname, six.string_types): classname = CIMClassName(classname) elif classname is None: pass else: raise TypeError('Expecting None, a classname string or a ' 'CIMClassName object, got: %s' % type(classname)) return classname @staticmethod def _iparam_instancename(instancename): """Convert an instance name specified in an operation method into a CIM object that can be passed to imethodcall().""" if isinstance(instancename, CIMInstanceName): instancename = instancename.copy() = None instancename.namespace = None elif instancename is None: pass else: raise TypeError('Expecting None or a CIMInstanceName object, ' 'got: %s' % type(instancename)) return instancename @staticmethod def _get_rslt_params(result, namespace): """Common processing for pull results to separate end-of-sequence, enum-context, and entities in IRETURNVALUE. Returns tuple of entities in IRETURNVALUE, end_of_sequence, and enumeration_context) """ rtn_objects = [] end_of_sequence = False enumeration_context = None end_of_sequence_found = False # flag True if found and valid value enumeration_context_found = False # flag True if ec tuple found for p in result: if p[0] == 'EndOfSequence': if isinstance(p[2], six.string_types): if p[2].lower() in ['true', 'false']: # noqa: E125 end_of_sequence = True if p[2].lower() == 'true' \ else False end_of_sequence_found = True else: raise CIMError(CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Invalid ' 'value %s on EndOfSequence' % p[2]) elif p[0] == 'EnumerationContext': enumeration_context_found = True if isinstance(p[2], six.string_types): enumeration_context = p[2] elif p[0] == "IRETURNVALUE": rtn_objects = p[2] if not end_of_sequence_found and not enumeration_context_found: raise CIMError(CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "EndOfSequence " "or EnumerationContext required in response.") if not end_of_sequence and enumeration_context is None: raise CIMError(CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "EndOfSequence False" "and EnumerationContext Null value or missing.") # Drop enumeration_context if eos True # Returns tuple of enumeration context and namespace rtn_ctxt = None if end_of_sequence else (enumeration_context, namespace) return (rtn_objects, end_of_sequence, rtn_ctxt) # # Operations #
[docs] def EnumerateInstances(self, ClassName, namespace=None, LocalOnly=None, DeepInheritance=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, PropertyList=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ Enumerate the instances of a class (including instances of its subclasses) in a namespace. This method performs the EnumerateInstances operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: ClassName (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Name of the class to be enumerated (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `host` attribute will be ignored. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace to be used (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the namespace of the `ClassName` parameter will be used, if specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object. If that is also `None`, the default namespace of the connection will be used. LocalOnly (:class:`py:bool`): Controls the exclusion of inherited properties from the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, inherited properties are not excluded. * If `True`, inherited properties are basically excluded, but the behavior may be WBEM server specific. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200` and should be set to `False` by the caller. DeepInheritance (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that properties added by subclasses of the specified class are to be included in the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, properties added by subclasses are not included. * If `True`, properties added by subclasses are included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. Note, the semantics of the `DeepInheritance` parameter in :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateClasses` and :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateClassNames` is different. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included if the WBEM server implements support for this parameter. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. Clients cannot rely on qualifiers to be returned in this operation. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property in the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. WBEM servers may either implement this parameter as specified, or may treat any specified value as `False`. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): An iterable specifying the names of the properties (or a string that defines a single property) to be included in the returned instances (case independent). An empty iterable indicates to include no properties. If `None`, all properties are included. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` objects that are representations of the enumerated instances. The `path` attribute of each :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` object is a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object with its attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: `None`, indicating the WBEM server is unspecified. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ # noqa: E501 exc = None instances = None method_name = 'EnumerateInstances' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ClassName=ClassName, namespace=namespace, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, DeepInheritance=DeepInheritance, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) if namespace is None and isinstance(ClassName, CIMClassName): namespace = ClassName.namespace namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) classname = self._iparam_classname(ClassName) PropertyList = _iparam_propertylist(PropertyList) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ClassName=classname, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, DeepInheritance=DeepInheritance, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) if result is None: instances = [] else: instances = result[0][2] # EnumerateInstances returns instance paths as INSTANCE elements, # which do not contain namespace or host. We want to return # instance paths with namespace, so we set it to the target # namespace. for instance in instances: instance.path.namespace = namespace return instances except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(instances, exc)
[docs] def EnumerateInstanceNames(self, ClassName, namespace=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ Enumerate the instance paths of instances of a class (including instances of its subclasses) in a namespace. This method performs the EnumerateInstanceNames operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: ClassName (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Name of the class to be enumerated (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `host` attribute will be ignored. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace to be used (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the namespace of the `ClassName` parameter will be used, if specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object. If that is also `None`, the default namespace of the connection will be used. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` objects that are the enumerated instance paths, with its attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: `None`, indicating the WBEM server is unspecified. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None instancenames = None method_name = 'EnumerateInstanceNames' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ClassName=ClassName, namespace=namespace, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) if namespace is None and isinstance(ClassName, CIMClassName): namespace = ClassName.namespace namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) classname = self._iparam_classname(ClassName) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ClassName=classname, **extra) instancenames = [] if result is not None: instancenames = result[0][2] for instancename in instancenames: instancename.namespace = namespace return instancenames except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(instancenames, exc)
[docs] def GetInstance(self, InstanceName, LocalOnly=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, PropertyList=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ Retrieve an instance. This method performs the GetInstance operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: InstanceName (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): The instance path of the instance to be retrieved. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. LocalOnly (:class:`py:bool`): Controls the exclusion of inherited properties from the returned instance, as follows: * If `False`, inherited properties are not excluded. * If `True`, inherited properties are basically excluded, but the behavior may be WBEM server specific. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200` and should be set to `False` by the caller. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned instance, as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included if the WBEM server implements support for this parameter. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. Clients cannot rely on qualifiers to be returned in this operation. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property in the returned instance, as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. WBEM servers may either implement this parameter as specified, or may treat any specified value as `False`. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): An iterable specifying the names of the properties (or a string that defines a single property) to be included in the returned instance (case independent). An empty iterable indicates to include no properties. If `None`, all properties are included. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` object that is a representation of the retrieved instance. Its `path` attribute is a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object with its attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: `None`, indicating the WBEM server is unspecified. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ # noqa: E501 exc = None instance = None method_name = 'GetInstance' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, InstanceName=InstanceName, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) # Strip off host and namespace to make this a "local" object namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_objectname(InstanceName) instancename = self._iparam_instancename(InstanceName) PropertyList = _iparam_propertylist(PropertyList) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, InstanceName=instancename, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) instance = result[0][2][0] instance.path = instancename instance.path.namespace = namespace return instance except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(instance, exc)
[docs] def ModifyInstance(self, ModifiedInstance, IncludeQualifiers=None, PropertyList=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ Modify the property values of an instance. This method performs the ModifyInstance operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. The `PropertyList` parameter determines the set of properties that are designated to be modified (see its description for details). The properties provided in the `ModifiedInstance` parameter specify the new property values for the properties that are designated to be modified. Pywbem sends the property values provided in the `ModifiedInstance` parameter to the WBEM server as provided; it does not add any default values for properties not provided but designated to be modified, nor does it reduce the properties by those not designated to be modified. The properties that are actually modified by the WBEM server as a result of this operation depend on a number of things: * The WBEM server will reject modification requests for key properties and for properties that are not exposed by the creation class of the target instance. * The WBEM server may consider some properties as read-only, as a result of requirements at the CIM modeling level (schema or management profiles), or as a result of an implementation decision. Note that the WRITE qualifier on a property is not a safe indicator as to whether the property can actually be modified. It is an expression at the level of the CIM schema that may or may not be considered in DMTF management profiles or in implementations. Specifically, a qualifier value of True on a property does not guarantee modifiability of the property, and a value of False does not prevent modifiability. * The WBEM server may detect invalid new values or conflicts resulting from the new property values and may reject modification of a property for such reasons. If the WBEM server rejects modification of a property for any reason, it will cause this operation to fail and will not modify any property on the target instance. If this operation succeeds, all properties designated to be modified have their new values (see the description of the `ModifiedInstance` parameter for details on how the new values are determined). Note that properties (including properties not designated to be modified) may change their values as an indirect result of this operation. For example, a property that was not designated to be modified may be derived from another property that was modified, and may show a changed value due to that. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: ModifiedInstance (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`): A representation of the modified instance, also indicating its instance path. The `path` attribute of this object identifies the instance to be modified. Its `keybindings` attribute is required. If its `namespace` attribute is `None`, the default namespace of the connection will be used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. The `classname` attribute of the instance path and the `classname` attribute of the instance must specify the same class name. The properties defined in this object specify the new property values (including `None` for NULL). If a property is designated to be modified but is not specified in this object, the WBEM server will use the default value of the property declaration if specified (including `None`), and otherwise may update the property to any value (including `None`). Typically, this object has been retrieved by other operations, such as :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.GetInstance`. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be modified as specified in the `ModifiedInstance` parameter, as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers not modified. * If `True`, qualifiers are modified if the WBEM server implements support for this parameter. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. Clients cannot rely on qualifiers to be modified. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): This parameter defines which properties are designated to be modified. This parameter is an iterable specifying the names of the properties, or a string that specifies a single property name. In all cases, the property names are matched case insensitively. The specified properties are designated to be modified. Properties not specified are not designated to be modified. An empty iterable indicates that no properties are designated to be modified. If `None`, DSP0200 states that the properties with values different from the current values in the instance are designated to be modified, but for all practical purposes this is equivalent to stating that all properties exposed by the instance are designated to be modified. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ # noqa: E501 exc = None method_name = 'ModifyInstance' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ModifiedInstance=ModifiedInstance, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer('ModifyInstance') # Must pass a named CIMInstance here (i.e path attribute set) if ModifiedInstance.path is None: raise ValueError( 'ModifiedInstance parameter must have path attribute set') if ModifiedInstance.path.classname is None: raise ValueError( 'ModifiedInstance parameter must have classname set in ' ' path') if ModifiedInstance.classname is None: raise ValueError( 'ModifiedInstance parameter must have classname set in ' 'instance') namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_objectname( ModifiedInstance.path) PropertyList = _iparam_propertylist(PropertyList) # Strip off host and namespace to avoid producing an INSTANCEPATH or # LOCALINSTANCEPATH element instead of the desired INSTANCENAME # element. instance = ModifiedInstance.copy() instance.path.namespace = None = None self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ModifiedInstance=instance, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) return except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(None, exc)
[docs] def CreateInstance(self, NewInstance, namespace=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Create an instance in a namespace. This method performs the CreateInstance operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. The creation class for the new instance is taken from the `classname` attribute of the `NewInstance` parameter. The namespace for the new instance is taken from these sources, in decreasing order of priority: * `namespace` parameter of this method, if not `None`, * namespace in `path` attribute of the `NewInstance` parameter, if not `None`, * default namespace of the connection. Parameters: NewInstance (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`): A representation of the CIM instance to be created. The `classname` attribute of this object specifies the creation class for the new instance. Apart from utilizing its namespace, the `path` attribute is ignored. The `properties` attribute of this object specifies initial property values for the new CIM instance. Instance-level qualifiers have been deprecated in CIM, so any qualifier values specified using the `qualifiers` attribute of this object will be ignored. namespace (:term:`string`): *New in pywbem 0.9.* Name of the CIM namespace to be used (case independent). If `None`, defaults to the namespace in the `path` attribute of the `NewInstance` parameter, or to the default namespace of the connection. Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object that is the instance path of the new instance, with classname, keybindings and namespace set. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None instancename = None method_name = 'CreateInstance' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, NewInstance=NewInstance, namespace=namespace, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) if namespace is None and \ getattr(NewInstance.path, 'namespace', None) is not None: namespace = NewInstance.path.namespace namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) instance = NewInstance.copy() # Strip off path to avoid producing a VALUE.NAMEDINSTANCE element # instead of the desired INSTANCE element. instance.path = None result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, NewInstance=instance, **extra) instancename = result[0][2][0] # CreateInstance returns an INSTANCENAME, which does not have # namespace or host. We want to return a path with namespace, # so we set it to the target namespace. instancename.namespace = namespace return instancename except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(instancename, exc)
[docs] def DeleteInstance(self, InstanceName, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Delete an instance. This method performs the DeleteInstance operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: InstanceName (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): The instance path of the instance to be deleted. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None method_name = 'DeleteInstance' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, InstanceName=InstanceName, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_objectname(InstanceName) instancename = self._iparam_instancename(InstanceName) self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, InstanceName=instancename, **extra) return except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(None, exc)
[docs] def Associators(self, ObjectName, AssocClass=None, ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, PropertyList=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name, line-too-long """ Instance-level use: Retrieve the instances associated to a source instance. Class-level use: Retrieve the classes associated to a source class. This method performs the Associators operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: ObjectName: The object path of the source object, selecting instance-level or class-level use of this operation, as follows: * For selecting instance-level use: The instance path of the source instance, as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. * For selecting class-level use: The class path of the source class, as a :term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object: If specified as a string, the string is interpreted as a class name in the default namespace of the connection (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `host` attribute will be ignored. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. AssocClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an associated class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that associated class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultRole (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the far end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that far role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned instances (or classes), as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included if the WBEM server implements support for this parameter. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. Clients cannot rely on qualifiers to be returned in this operation. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property or method in the returned instances (or classes), as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200` for instance-level use. WBEM servers may either implement this parameter as specified, or may treat any specified value as `False`. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): An iterable specifying the names of the properties (or a string that defines a single property) to be included in the returned instances (or classes) (case independent). An empty iterable indicates to include no properties. If `None`, all properties are included. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: : The returned list of objects depend on the usage: * For instance-level use: A list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` objects that are representations of the associated instances. The `path` attribute of each :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` object is a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object with its attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace, or `None` if the server did not return host information. * For class-level use: A list of :func:`py:tuple` of (classpath, class) objects that are representations of the associated classes. Each tuple represents one class and has these items: * classpath (:class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): The class path of the class, with its attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the class. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the class. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace, or `None` if the server did not return host information. * class (:class:`~pywbem.CIMClass`): The representation of the class, with its `path` attribute set to the `classpath` tuple item. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ # noqa: E501 exc = None objects = None method_name = 'Associators' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ObjectName=ObjectName, AssocClass=AssocClass, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_objectname(ObjectName) objectname = self._iparam_objectname(ObjectName) PropertyList = _iparam_propertylist(PropertyList) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ObjectName=objectname, AssocClass=self._iparam_classname(AssocClass), ResultClass=self._iparam_classname(ResultClass), Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) if result is None: objects = [] else: objects = [x[2] for x in result[0][2]] if not isinstance(objectname, CIMInstanceName): for classpath, klass in objects: klass.path = classpath return objects except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(objects, exc)
[docs] def AssociatorNames(self, ObjectName, AssocClass=None, ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name, line-too-long """ Instance-level use: Retrieve the instance paths of the instances associated to a source instance. Class-level use: Retrieve the class paths of the classes associated to a source class. This method performs the AssociatorNames operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: ObjectName: The object path of the source object, selecting instance-level or class-level use of this operation, as follows: * For selecting instance-level use: The instance path of the source instance, as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. * For selecting class-level use: The class path of the source class, as a :term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object: If specified as a string, the string is interpreted as a class name in the default namespace of the connection (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `host` attribute will be ignored. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. AssocClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an associated class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that associated class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultRole (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the far end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that far role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: : The returned list of objects depend on the usage: * For instance-level use: A list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` objects that are the instance paths of the associated instances, with their attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace, or `None` if the server did not return host information. * For class-level use: A list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` objects that are the class paths of the associated classes, with their attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the class. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the class. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace, or `None` if the server did not return host information. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None objects = None method_name = 'AssociatorNames' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ObjectName=ObjectName, AssocClass=AssocClass, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_objectname(ObjectName) objectname = self._iparam_objectname(ObjectName) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ObjectName=objectname, AssocClass=self._iparam_classname(AssocClass), ResultClass=self._iparam_classname(ResultClass), Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, **extra) if result is None: objects = [] else: objects = [x[2] for x in result[0][2]] return objects except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(objects, exc)
[docs] def References(self, ObjectName, ResultClass=None, Role=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, PropertyList=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name, line-too-long """ Instance-level use: Retrieve the association instances that reference a source instance. Class-level use: Retrieve the association classes that reference a source class. This method performs the References operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: ObjectName: The object path of the source object, selecting instance-level or class-level use of this operation, as follows: * For selecting instance-level use: The instance path of the source instance, as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. * For selecting class-level use: The class path of the source class, as a :term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object: If specified as a string, the string is interpreted as a class name in the default namespace of the connection (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `host` attribute will be ignored. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned instances (or classes), as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included if the WBEM server implements support for this parameter. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. Clients cannot rely on qualifiers to be returned in this operation. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property or method in the returned instances (or classes), as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200` for instance-level use. WBEM servers may either implement this parameter as specified, or may treat any specified value as `False`. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): An iterable specifying the names of the properties (or a string that defines a single property) to be included in the returned instances (or classes) (case independent). An empty iterable indicates to include no properties. If `None`, all properties are included. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: : The returned list of objects depend on the usage: * For instance-level use: A list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` objects that are representations of the referencing association instances. The `path` attribute of each :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` object is a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object with its attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace, or `None` if the server did not return host information. * For class-level use: A list of :func:`py:tuple` of (classpath, class) objects that are representations of the referencing association classes. Each tuple represents one class and has these items: * classpath (:class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): The class path of the class, with its attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the class. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the class. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace, or `None` if the server did not return host information. * class (:class:`~pywbem.CIMClass`): The representation of the class, with its `path` attribute set to the `classpath` tuple item. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ # noqa: E501 exc = None objects = None method_name = 'References' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ObjectName=ObjectName, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_objectname(ObjectName) objectname = self._iparam_objectname(ObjectName) PropertyList = _iparam_propertylist(PropertyList) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ObjectName=objectname, ResultClass=self._iparam_classname(ResultClass), Role=Role, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) if result is None: objects = [] else: objects = [x[2] for x in result[0][2]] if not isinstance(objectname, CIMInstanceName): for classpath, klass in objects: klass.path = classpath return objects except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(objects, exc)
[docs] def ReferenceNames(self, ObjectName, ResultClass=None, Role=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name, line-too-long """ Instance-level use: Retrieve the instance paths of the association instances that reference a source instance. Class-level use: Retrieve the class paths of the association classes that reference a source class. This method performs the ReferenceNames operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: ObjectName: The object path of the source object, selecting instance-level or class-level use of this operation, as follows: * For selecting instance-level use: The instance path of the source instance, as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. * For selecting class-level use: The class path of the source class, as a :term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object: If specified as a string, the string is interpreted as a class name in the default namespace of the connection (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `host` attribute will be ignored. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: : The returned list of objects depend on the usage: * For instance-level use: A list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` objects that are the instance paths of the referencing association instances, with their attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace, or `None` if the server did not return host information. * For class-level use: A list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` objects that are the class paths of the referencing association classes, with their attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the class. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the class. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace, or `None` if the server did not return host information. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None objects = None method_name = 'ReferenceNames' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ObjectName=ObjectName, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_objectname(ObjectName) objectname = self._iparam_objectname(ObjectName) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ObjectName=objectname, ResultClass=self._iparam_classname(ResultClass), Role=Role, **extra) if result is None: objects = [] else: objects = [x[2] for x in result[0][2]] return objects except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(objects, exc)
[docs] def InvokeMethod(self, MethodName, ObjectName, Params=None, **params): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Invoke a method on a target instance or on a target class. The methods that can be invoked are static and non-static methods defined in a class (also known as *extrinsic* methods). Static methods can be invoked on instances and on classes. Non-static methods can be invoked only on instances. This method performs the extrinsic method invocation operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Input parameters for the CIM method can be specified using the `Params` parameter, and using keyword parameters. The overall list of input parameters is formed from the list of parameters specified in `Params` (preserving their order), followed by the set of keyword parameters (not preserving their order). There is no checking for duplicate parameter names. Parameters: MethodName (:term:`string`): Name of the method to be invoked (case independent). ObjectName: The object path of the target object, as follows: * For instance-level use: The instance path of the target instance, as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. * For class-level use: The class path of the target class, as a :term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object: If specified as a string, the string is interpreted as a class name in the default namespace of the connection (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `host` attribute will be ignored. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Params (:term:`py:iterable`): An iterable of input parameter values for the CIM method. Each item in the iterable is a single parameter value and can be any of: * :class:`~pywbem.CIMParameter` representing a parameter value. The `name`, `value`, `type` and `embedded_object` attributes of this object are used. * tuple of name, value, with: - name (:term:`string`): Parameter name (case independent) - value (:term:`CIM data type`): Parameter value Keyword Arguments: : Each keyword parameter is an additional input parameter value for the CIM method, with: * key (:term:`string`): Parameter name (case independent) * value (:term:`CIM data type`): Parameter value Returns: A :func:`py:tuple` of (returnvalue, outparams), with these tuple items: * returnvalue (:term:`CIM data type`): Return value of the CIM method. * outparams (:ref:`NocaseDict`): Dictionary with all provided output parameters of the CIM method, with: * key (:term:`unicode string`): Parameter name, preserving its lexical case * value (:term:`CIM data type`): Parameter value Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None result_tuple = None if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method='InvokeMethod', MethodName=MethodName, ObjectName=ObjectName, Params=Params, **params) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer('InvokeMethod') # Make the method call result = self._methodcall(MethodName, ObjectName, Params, **params) return result except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(result_tuple, exc)
[docs] def ExecQuery(self, QueryLanguage, Query, namespace=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Execute a query in a namespace. This method performs the ExecQuery operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: QueryLanguage (:term:`string`): Name of the query language used in the `Query` parameter, e.g. "DMTF:CQL" for CIM Query Language, and "WQL" for WBEM Query Language. Query (:term:`string`): Query string in the query language specified in the `QueryLanguage` parameter. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace to be used (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the default namespace of the connection object will be used. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` objects that represents the query result. These instances have their `path` attribute set to identify their creation class and the target namespace of the query, but they are not addressable instances. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None instances = None method_name = 'ExecQuery' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, QueryLanguage=QueryLanguage, Query=Query, namespace=namespace, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, QueryLanguage=QueryLanguage, Query=Query, **extra) instances = [] if result is not None: instances = [tt[2] for tt in result[0][2]] for instance in instances: instance.path.namespace = namespace return instances except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(instances, exc)
[docs] def IterEnumerateInstances(self, ClassName, namespace=None, LocalOnly=None, DeepInheritance=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, PropertyList=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=DEFAULT_ITER_MAXOBJECTCOUNT, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ *New in pywbem 0.10 as experimental and finalized in 0.12.* Enumerate the instances of a class (including instances of its subclasses) in a namespace, using the corresponding pull operations if supported by the WBEM server or otherwise the corresponding traditional operation, and using the Python :term:`py:generator` idiom to return the result. This method is an alternative to using the pull operations directly, that frees the user of having to know whether the WBEM server supports pull operations. This method is a generator function that retrieves instances from the WBEM server and returns them one by one (using :keyword:`yield`) when the caller iterates through the returned generator object. The number of instances that are retrieved from the WBEM server in one request (and thus need to be materialized in this method) is up to the `MaxObjectCount` parameter if the corresponding pull operations are used, or the complete result set all at once if the corresponding traditional operation is used. By default, this method attempts to perform the corresponding pull operations (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenEnumerateInstances` and :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancesWithPath`). If these pull operations are not supported by the WBEM server, this method falls back to using the corresponding traditional operation (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateInstances`). Whether the WBEM server supports these pull operations is remembered in the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object (by operation type), and avoids unnecessary attempts to try these pull operations on that connection in the future. The `use_pull_operations` constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` can be used to control the preference for always using pull operations, always using traditional operations, or using pull operations if supported by the WBEM server (the default). This method provides all of the controls of the corresponding pull operations except for the ability to set different response sizes on each request; the response size (defined by the `MaxObjectCount` parameter) is the same for all pull operations in the enumeration session. In addition, some functionality is only available if the corresponding pull operations are used by this method: * Filtering is not supported for the corresponding traditional operation so that setting the `FilterQuery` or `FilterQueryLanguage` parameters will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. Note that this limitation is not a disadvantage compared to using the corresponding pull operations directly, because in both cases, the WBEM server must support the pull operations and their filtering capability in order for the filtering to work. * Setting the `ContinueOnError` parameter to `True` will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. The enumeration session that is opened with the WBEM server when using pull operations is closed automatically when the returned generator object is exhausted, or when the generator object is closed using its :meth:`~py:generator.close` method (which may also be called before the generator is exhausted). Parameters: ClassName (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Name of the class to be enumerated (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `namespace` attribute will be used as a default namespace as described for the `namespace` parameter, and its `host` attribute will be ignored. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace to be used (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the namespace of the `ClassName` parameter will be used, if specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object. If that is also `None`, the default namespace of the connection will be used. LocalOnly (:class:`py:bool`): Controls the exclusion of inherited properties from the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, inherited properties are not excluded. * If `True`, inherited properties are basically excluded, but the behavior may be WBEM server specific. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200` and should be set to `False` by the caller. DeepInheritance (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that properties added by subclasses of the specified class are to be included in the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, properties added by subclasses are not included. * If `True`, properties added by subclasses are included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. Note, the semantics of the `DeepInheritance` parameter in :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateClasses` and :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateClassNames` is different. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned instance, as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included if the WBEM server implements support for this parameter. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. Clients cannot rely on qualifiers to be returned in this operation. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property in the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. WBEM servers may either implement this parameter as specified, or may treat any specified value as `False`. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): An iterable specifying the names of the properties (or a string that defines a single property) to be included in the returned instances (case independent). An empty iterable indicates to include no properties. If `None`, all properties are included. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. If the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for each of the open and pull requests issued during the iterations over the returned generator object. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * Zero is not allowed; it would mean that zero instances are to be returned for open and all pull requests issued to the server. * The default is defined as a system config variable. * `None` is not allowed. The choice of MaxObjectCount is client/server dependent but choices between 100 and 1000 typically do not have a significant impact on either memory or overall efficiency. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. ValueError: Invalid parameters provided. Returns: :term:`py:generator` iterating :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`: A generator object that iterates the resulting CIM instances. These instances include an instance path that has its host and namespace components set. Example:: insts_generator = conn.IterEnumerateInstances('CIM_Blah') for inst in insts_generator: # close if a particular property value found if inst.get('thisPropertyName') == 0 insts_generator.close() break else: print('instance %s' % inst.tomof()) """ # noqa: E501 _validateIterCommonParams(MaxObjectCount, OperationTimeout) # Common variable for pull result tuple used by pulls and finally: pull_result = None try: # try / finally block to allow iter.close() if (self._use_enum_inst_pull_operations is None or self._use_enum_inst_pull_operations): try: # operation try block pull_result = self.OpenEnumerateInstances( ClassName, namespace=namespace, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, DeepInheritance=DeepInheritance, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) # Open operation succeeded; set has_pull flag self._use_enum_inst_pull_operations = True for inst in pull_result.instances: yield inst # loop to pull while more while eos not returned. while not pull_result.eos: pull_result = self.PullInstancesWithPath( pull_result.context, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount) for inst in pull_result.instances: yield inst pull_result = None # clear the pull_result return # If NOT_SUPPORTED and first request, set flag and try # alternative request operation. # If _use_enum_inst_pull_operations is True, always raise # the exception except CIMError as ce: if self._use_enum_inst_pull_operations is None and \ ce.status_code == CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: self._use_enum_inst_pull_operations = False else: raise # Alternate request if Pull not implemented. This does not allow # the FilterQuery or ContinueOnError assert self._use_enum_inst_pull_operations is False if FilterQuery is not None or FilterQueryLanguage is not None: raise ValueError('EnumerateInstances does not support' ' FilterQuery.') if ContinueOnError is not None: raise ValueError('EnumerateInstances does not support ' 'ContinueOnError.') enum_rslt = self.EnumerateInstances( ClassName, namespace=namespace, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, DeepInheritance=DeepInheritance, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) # Complete namespace and host components of the path # pylint: disable=unused-variable host, port, ssl = parse_url(self.url) # get namespace for the operation if namespace is None and isinstance(ClassName, CIMClassName): namespace = ClassName.namespace namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) for inst in enum_rslt: if inst.path.namespace is None: inst.path.namespace = namespace if is None: = host for inst in enum_rslt: yield inst # Cleanup if caller closes the iterator before exhausting it finally: # Cleanup only required if the pull context is open and not complete if pull_result is not None and not pull_result.eos: self.CloseEnumeration(pull_result.context) pull_result = None
[docs] def IterEnumerateInstancePaths(self, ClassName, namespace=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=DEFAULT_ITER_MAXOBJECTCOUNT, **extra): """ *New in pywbem 0.10 as experimental and finalized in 0.12.* Enumerate the instance paths of instances of a class (including instances of its subclasses) in a namespace, using the corresponding pull operations if supported by the WBEM server or otherwise the corresponding traditional operation, and using the Python :term:`py:generator` idiom to return the result. This method is an alternative to using the pull operations directly, that frees the user of having to know whether the WBEM server supports pull operations. This method is a generator function that retrieves instance paths from the WBEM server and returns them one by one (using :keyword:`yield`) when the caller iterates through the returned generator object. The number of instance paths that are retrieved from the WBEM server in one request (and thus need to be materialized in this method) is up to the `MaxObjectCount` parameter if the corresponding pull operations are used, or the complete result set all at once if the corresponding traditional operation is used. By default, this method attempts to perform the corresponding pull operations (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenEnumerateInstancePaths` and :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancePaths`). If these pull operations are not supported by the WBEM server, this method falls back to using the corresponding traditional operation (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateInstanceNames`). Whether the WBEM server supports these pull operations is remembered in the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object (by operation type), and avoids unnecessary attempts to try these pull operations on that connection in the future. The `use_pull_operations` constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` can be used to control the preference for always using pull operations, always using traditional operations, or using pull operations if supported by the WBEM server (the default). This method provides all of the controls of the corresponding pull operations except for the ability to set different response sizes on each request; the response size (defined by the `MaxObjectCount` parameter) is the same for all pull operations in the enumeration session. In addition, some functionality is only available if the corresponding pull operations are used by this method: * Filtering is not supported for the corresponding traditional operation so that setting the `FilterQuery` or `FilterQueryLanguage` parameters will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. Note that this limitation is not a disadvantage compared to using the corresponding pull operations directly, because in both cases, the WBEM server must support the pull operations and their filtering capability in order for the filtering to work. * Setting the `ContinueOnError` parameter to `True` will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. The enumeration session that is opened with the WBEM server when using pull operations is closed automatically when the returned generator object is exhausted, or when the generator object is closed using its :meth:`~py:generator.close` method (which may also be called before the generator is exhausted). Parameters: ClassName (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Name of the class to be enumerated (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `namespace` attribute will be used as a default namespace as described for the `namespace` parameter, and its `host` attribute will be ignored. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace to be used (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the namespace of the `ClassName` parameter will be used, if specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object. If that is also `None`, the default namespace of the connection will be used. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. Not all WBEM servers support filtering for this operation because it returns instance paths and the act of the server filtering requires that it generate instances just for that purpose and then discard them. FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. If the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for each of the open and pull requests issued during the iterations over the returned generator object. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instance paths. * Zero is not allowed; it would mean that zero paths are to be returned for every request issued. * The default is defined as a system config variable. * `None` is not allowed. The choice of MaxObjectCount is client/server dependent but choices between 100 and 1000 typically do not have a significant impact on either memory or overall efficiency. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. Returns: :term:`py:generator` iterating :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`: A generator object that iterates the resulting CIM instance paths. These instance paths have their host and namespace components set. Example:: paths_generator = conn.IterEnumerateInstancePaths('CIM_Blah') for path in paths_generator: print('path %s' % path) """ _validateIterCommonParams(MaxObjectCount, OperationTimeout) # Common variable for pull result tuple used by pulls and finally: pull_result = None try: # try / finally block to allow iter.close() if (self._use_enum_path_pull_operations is None or self._use_enum_path_pull_operations): try: # operation try block pull_result = self.OpenEnumerateInstancePaths( ClassName, namespace=namespace, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) # Open operation succeeded; set has_pull flag self._use_enum_path_pull_operations = True for inst in pull_result.paths: yield inst # Loop to pull while more while eos not returned. while not pull_result.eos: pull_result = self.PullInstancePaths( pull_result.context, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount) for inst in pull_result.paths: yield inst pull_result = None # clear the pull_result return # If NOT_SUPPORTED and first request, set flag and try # alternative request operation. # If use_pull_operations is True, always raise the exception except CIMError as ce: if (self._use_enum_path_pull_operations is None and ce.status_code == CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED): self._use_enum_path_pull_operations = False else: raise # Alternate request if Pull not implemented. This does not allow # the FilterQuery or ContinueOnError assert self._use_enum_path_pull_operations is False if FilterQuery is not None or FilterQueryLanguage is not None: raise ValueError('EnumerateInstanceNnames does not support' ' FilterQuery.') if ContinueOnError is not None: raise ValueError('EnumerateInstanceNames does not support ' 'ContinueOnError.') enum_rslt = self.EnumerateInstanceNames( ClassName, namespace=namespace, **extra) # pylint: disable=unused-variable host, port, ssl = parse_url(self.url) # get namespace for the operation if namespace is None and isinstance(ClassName, CIMClassName): namespace = ClassName.namespace namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) for path in enum_rslt: if path.namespace is None: path.namespace = namespace if is None: = host for inst in enum_rslt: yield inst # Cleanup if caller closes the iterator before exhausting it finally: # Cleanup only required if the pull context is open and not complete if pull_result is not None and not pull_result.eos: self.CloseEnumeration(pull_result.context) pull_result = None
[docs] def IterAssociatorInstances(self, InstanceName, AssocClass=None, ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, PropertyList=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=DEFAULT_ITER_MAXOBJECTCOUNT, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ *New in pywbem 0.10 as experimental and finalized in 0.12.* Retrieve the instances associated to a source instance, using the corresponding pull operations if supported by the WBEM server or otherwise the corresponding traditional operation, and using the Python :term:`py:generator` idiom to return the result. This method is an alternative to using the pull operations directly, that frees the user of having to know whether the WBEM server supports pull operations. This method is a generator function that retrieves instances from the WBEM server and returns them one by one (using :keyword:`yield`) when the caller iterates through the returned generator object. The number of instances that are retrieved from the WBEM server in one request (and thus need to be materialized in this method) is up to the `MaxObjectCount` parameter if the corresponding pull operations are used, or the complete result set all at once if the corresponding traditional operation is used. By default, this method attempts to perform the corresponding pull operations (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenAssociatorInstances` and :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancesWithPath`). If these pull operations are not supported by the WBEM server, this method falls back to using the corresponding traditional operation (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.Associators`). Whether the WBEM server supports these pull operations is remembered in the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object (by operation type), and avoids unnecessary attempts to try these pull operations on that connection in the future. The `use_pull_operations` constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` can be used to control the preference for always using pull operations, always using traditional operations, or using pull operations if supported by the WBEM server (the default). This method provides all of the controls of the corresponding pull operations except for the ability to set different response sizes on each request; the response size (defined by the `MaxObjectCount` parameter) is the same for all pull operations in the enumeration session. In addition, some functionality is only available if the corresponding pull operations are used by this method: * Filtering is not supported for the corresponding traditional operation so that setting the `FilterQuery` or `FilterQueryLanguage` parameters will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. Note that this limitation is not a disadvantage compared to using the corresponding pull operations directly, because in both cases, the WBEM server must support the pull operations and their filtering capability in order for the filtering to work. * Setting the `ContinueOnError` parameter to `True` will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. The enumeration session that is opened with the WBEM server when using pull operations is closed automatically when the returned generator object is exhausted, or when the generator object is closed using its :meth:`~py:generator.close` method (which may also be called before the generator is exhausted). Parameters: InstanceName (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): The instance path of the source instance. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. AssocClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an associated class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that associated class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultRole (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the far end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that far role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned instances (or classes), as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included if the WBEM server implements support for this parameter. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. Clients cannot rely on qualifiers to be returned in this operation. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property or method in the returned instances (or classes), as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. WBEM servers may either implement this parameter as specified, or may treat any specified value as `False`. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): An iterable specifying the names of the properties (or a string that defines a single property) to be included in the returned instances (case independent). An empty iterable indicates to include no properties. If `None`, all properties are included. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. Many WBEM servers do not support this request attribute so that setting it to `True` is NOT recommended except in special cases. If this parameter is `True` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. If the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for each of the open and pull requests issued during the iterations over the returned generator object. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * Zero is not allowed; it would mean that zero instances are to be returned for open and all pull requests issued to the server. * The default is defined as a system config variable. * `None` is not allowed. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: :term:`py:generator` iterating :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`: A generator object that iterates the resulting CIM instances. These instances include an instance path that has its host and namespace components set. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. Example:: insts_generator = conn.IterAssociatorInstances('CIM_Blah.key=1',...) for inst in insts_generator: # close if a particular property value found if inst.get('thisPropertyName') == 0 insts_generator.close() break else: print('instance %s' % inst.tomof()) """ # noqa: E501 # Must be positive integer gt zero _validateIterCommonParams(MaxObjectCount, OperationTimeout) # Common variable for pull result tuple used by pulls and finally: pull_result = None try: # try / finally block to allow iter.close() if (self._use_assoc_inst_pull_operations is None or self._use_assoc_inst_pull_operations): try: # operation try block pull_result = self.OpenAssociatorInstances( InstanceName, AssocClass=AssocClass, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) # Open operation succeeded; set has_pull flag self._use_assoc_inst_pull_operations = True for inst in pull_result.instances: yield inst # Loop to pull while more while eos not returned. while not pull_result.eos: pull_result = self.PullInstancesWithPath( pull_result.context, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount) for inst in pull_result.instances: yield inst pull_result = None # clear the pull_result return # If NOT_SUPPORTED and first request, set flag and try # alternative request operation. # If _use_assoc_inst_pull_operations is True, always raise # the exception except CIMError as ce: if (self._use_assoc_inst_pull_operations is None and ce.status_code == CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED): self._use_assoc_inst_pull_operations = False else: raise # Alternate request if Pull not implemented. This does not allow # the FilterQuery or ContinueOnError assert self._use_assoc_inst_pull_operations is False if FilterQuery is not None or FilterQueryLanguage is not None: raise ValueError('Associators does not support' ' FilterQuery.') if ContinueOnError is not None: raise ValueError('Associators does not support ' 'ContinueOnError.') enum_rslt = self.Associators( InstanceName, AssocClass=AssocClass, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) for inst in enum_rslt: yield inst # Cleanup if caller closes the iterator before exhausting it finally: # Cleanup only required if the pull context is open and not complete if pull_result is not None and not pull_result.eos: self.CloseEnumeration(pull_result.context) pull_result = None
[docs] def IterAssociatorInstancePaths(self, InstanceName, AssocClass=None, ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=DEFAULT_ITER_MAXOBJECTCOUNT, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ *New in pywbem 0.10 as experimental and finalized in 0.12.* Retrieve the instance paths of the instances associated to a source instance, using the corresponding pull operations if supported by the WBEM server or otherwise the corresponding traditional operation, and using the Python :term:`py:generator` idiom to return the result. This method is an alternative to using the pull operations directly, that frees the user of having to know whether the WBEM server supports pull operations. This method is a generator function that retrieves instance paths from the WBEM server and returns them one by one (using :keyword:`yield`) when the caller iterates through the returned generator object. The number of instance paths that are retrieved from the WBEM server in one request (and thus need to be materialized in this method) is up to the `MaxObjectCount` parameter if the corresponding pull operations are used, or the complete result set all at once if the corresponding traditional operation is used. By default, this method attempts to perform the corresponding pull operations (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenAssociatorInstancePaths` and :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancePaths`). If these pull operations are not supported by the WBEM server, this method falls back to using the corresponding traditional operation (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.AssociatorNames`). Whether the WBEM server supports these pull operations is remembered in the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object (by operation type), and avoids unnecessary attempts to try these pull operations on that connection in the future. The `use_pull_operations` constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` can be used to control the preference for always using pull operations, always using traditional operations, or using pull operations if supported by the WBEM server (the default). This method provides all of the controls of the corresponding pull operations except for the ability to set different response sizes on each request; the response size (defined by the `MaxObjectCount` parameter) is the same for all pull operations in the enumeration session. In addition, some functionality is only available if the corresponding pull operations are used by this method: * Filtering is not supported for the corresponding traditional operation so that setting the `FilterQuery` or `FilterQueryLanguage` parameters will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. Note that this limitation is not a disadvantage compared to using the corresponding pull operations directly, because in both cases, the WBEM server must support the pull operations and their filtering capability in order for the filtering to work. * Setting the `ContinueOnError` parameter to `True` will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. The enumeration session that is opened with the WBEM server when using pull operations is closed automatically when the returned generator object is exhausted, or when the generator object is closed using its :meth:`~py:generator.close` method (which may also be called before the generator is exhausted). Parameters: InstanceName (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): The instance path of the source instance. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. AssocClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an associated class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that associated class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultRole (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the far end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that far role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. Not all WBEM servers support filtering for this operation because it returns instance paths and the act of the server filtering requires that it generate instances just for that purpose and then discard them. FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. If the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for each of the open and pull requests issued during the iterations over the returned generator object. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * Zero is not allowed; it would mean that zero instances are to be returned for open and all pull requests issued to the server. * The default is defined as a system config variable. * `None` is not allowed. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: :term:`py:generator` iterating :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`: A generator object that iterates the resulting CIM instance paths. These instance paths have their host and namespace components set. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. Example:: paths_generator = conn.IterAssociatorInstancePaths('CIM_Blah') for path in paths_generator: print('path %s' % path) """ _validateIterCommonParams(MaxObjectCount, OperationTimeout) # Common variable for pull result tuple used by pulls and finally: pull_result = None try: # try / finally block to allow iter.close() if (self._use_assoc_path_pull_operations is None or self._use_assoc_path_pull_operations): try: # Open operation try block pull_result = self.OpenAssociatorInstancePaths( InstanceName, AssocClass=AssocClass, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) # Open operation succeeded; set use_pull flag self._use_assoc_path_pull_operations = True for inst in pull_result.paths: yield inst # Loop to pull while more while eos not returned. while not pull_result.eos: pull_result = self.PullInstancePaths( pull_result.context, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount) for inst in pull_result.paths: yield inst pull_result = None # clear the pull_result return # If NOT_SUPPORTED and first request, set flag and try # alternative request operation. # If use_pull_operations is True, always raise the exception except CIMError as ce: if (self._use_assoc_path_pull_operations is None and ce.status_code == CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED): self._use_assoc_path_pull_operations = False else: raise # Alternate request if Pull not implemented. This does not allow # the FilterQuery or ContinueOnError assert self._use_assoc_path_pull_operations is False if FilterQuery is not None or FilterQueryLanguage is not None: raise ValueError('AssociatorNames does not support' ' FilterQuery.') if ContinueOnError is not None: raise ValueError('AssociatorNames does not support ' 'ContinueOnError.') enum_rslt = self.AssociatorNames( InstanceName, AssocClass=AssocClass, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, **extra) for inst in enum_rslt: yield inst # Cleanup if caller closess the iterator before exhausting it finally: # Cleanup only required if the pull context is open and not complete if pull_result is not None and not pull_result.eos: self.CloseEnumeration(pull_result.context) pull_result = None
[docs] def IterReferenceInstances(self, InstanceName, ResultClass=None, Role=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, PropertyList=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=DEFAULT_ITER_MAXOBJECTCOUNT, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ *New in pywbem 0.10 as experimental and finalized in 0.12.* Retrieve the association instances that reference a source instance, using the corresponding pull operations if supported by the WBEM server or otherwise the corresponding traditional operation, and using the Python :term:`py:generator` idiom to return the result. This method is an alternative to using the pull operations directly, that frees the user of having to know whether the WBEM server supports pull operations. This method is a generator function that retrieves instances from the WBEM server and returns them one by one (using :keyword:`yield`) when the caller iterates through the returned generator object. The number of instances that are retrieved from the WBEM server in one request (and thus need to be materialized in this method) is up to the `MaxObjectCount` parameter if the corresponding pull operations are used, or the complete result set all at once if the corresponding traditional operation is used. By default, this method attempts to perform the corresponding pull operations (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenReferenceInstances` and :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancesWithPath`). If these pull operations are not supported by the WBEM server, this method falls back to using the corresponding traditional operation (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.References`). Whether the WBEM server supports these pull operations is remembered in the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object (by operation type), and avoids unnecessary attempts to try these pull operations on that connection in the future. The `use_pull_operations` constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` can be used to control the preference for always using pull operations, always using traditional operations, or using pull operations if supported by the WBEM server (the default). This method provides all of the controls of the corresponding pull operations except for the ability to set different response sizes on each request; the response size (defined by the `MaxObjectCount` parameter) is the same for all pull operations in the enumeration session. In addition, some functionality is only available if the corresponding pull operations are used by this method: * Filtering is not supported for the corresponding traditional operation so that setting the `FilterQuery` or `FilterQueryLanguage` parameters will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. Note that this limitation is not a disadvantage compared to using the corresponding pull operations directly, because in both cases, the WBEM server must support the pull operations and their filtering capability in order for the filtering to work. * Setting the `ContinueOnError` parameter to `True` will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. The enumeration session that is opened with the WBEM server when using pull operations is closed automatically when the returned generator object is exhausted, or when the generator object is closed using its :meth:`~py:generator.close` method (which may also be called before the generator is exhausted). Parameters: InstanceName (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): The instance path of the source instance. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned instances (or classes), as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included if the WBEM server implements support for this parameter. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. Clients cannot rely on qualifiers to be returned in this operation. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property or method in the returned instances (or classes), as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. WBEM servers may either implement this parameter as specified, or may treat any specified value as `False`. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): An iterable specifying the names of the properties (or a string that defines a single property) to be included in the returned instances (case independent). An empty iterable indicates to include no properties. If `None`, all properties are included. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. If the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for each of the open and pull requests issued during the iterations over the returned generator object. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * Zero is not allowed; it would mean that zero instances are to be returned for open and all pull requests issued to the server. * The default is defined as a system config variable. * `None` is not allowed. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: :term:`py:generator` iterating :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`: A generator object that iterates the resulting CIM instances. These instances include an instance path that has its host and namespace components set. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. Example:: insts_generator = conn.IterReferenceInstances('CIM_Blah.key=1', ...) for inst in insts_generator: # close if a particular property value found if inst.get('thisPropertyName') == 0 insts_generator.close() break else: print('instance %s' % inst.tomof()) """ # noqa: E501 # Must be positive integer gt zero _validateIterCommonParams(MaxObjectCount, OperationTimeout) # Common variable for pull result tuple used by pulls and finally: pull_result = None try: # try / finally block to allow iter.close() if (self._use_ref_inst_pull_operations is None or self._use_ref_inst_pull_operations): try: # operation try block pull_result = self.OpenReferenceInstances( InstanceName, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) # Open operation succeeded; set has_pull flag self._use_ref_inst_pull_operations = True for inst in pull_result.instances: yield inst # Loop to pull while more while eos not returned. while not pull_result.eos: pull_result = self.PullInstancesWithPath( pull_result.context, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount) for inst in pull_result.instances: yield inst pull_result = None # clear the pull_result return # If NOT_SUPPORTED and first request, set flag and try # alternative request operation. # If _use_ref_inst_pull_operations is True, always raise # the exception except CIMError as ce: if (self._use_ref_inst_pull_operations is None and ce.status_code == CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED): self._use_ref_inst_pull_operations = False else: raise # Alternate request if Pull not implemented. This does not allow # the FilterQuery or ContinueOnError assert self._use_ref_inst_pull_operations is False if FilterQuery is not None or FilterQueryLanguage is not None: raise ValueError('References does not support' ' FilterQuery.') if ContinueOnError is not None: raise ValueError('References does not support ' 'ContinueOnError.') enum_rslt = self.References( InstanceName, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) for inst in enum_rslt: yield inst # Cleanup if caller closes the iterator before exhausting it finally: # Cleanup only required if the pull context is open and not complete if pull_result is not None and not pull_result.eos: self.CloseEnumeration(pull_result.context) pull_result = None
[docs] def IterReferenceInstancePaths(self, InstanceName, ResultClass=None, Role=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=DEFAULT_ITER_MAXOBJECTCOUNT, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ *New in pywbem 0.10 as experimental and finalized in 0.12.* Retrieve the instance paths of the association instances that reference a source instance, using the corresponding pull operations if supported by the WBEM server or otherwise the corresponding traditional operation, and using the Python :term:`py:generator` idiom to return the result. This method is an alternative to using the pull operations directly, that frees the user of having to know whether the WBEM server supports pull operations. This method is a generator function that retrieves instance paths from the WBEM server and returns them one by one (using :keyword:`yield`) when the caller iterates through the returned generator object. The number of instance paths that are retrieved from the WBEM server in one request (and thus need to be materialized in this method) is up to the `MaxObjectCount` parameter if the corresponding pull operations are used, or the complete result set all at once if the corresponding traditional operation is used. By default, this method attempts to perform the corresponding pull operations (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenReferenceInstancePaths` and :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancePaths`). If these pull operations are not supported by the WBEM server, this method falls back to using the corresponding traditional operation (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.ReferenceNames`). Whether the WBEM server supports these pull operations is remembered in the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object (by operation type), and avoids unnecessary attempts to try these pull operations on that connection in the future. The `use_pull_operations` constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` can be used to control the preference for always using pull operations, always using traditional operations, or using pull operations if supported by the WBEM server (the default). This method provides all of the controls of the corresponding pull operations except for the ability to set different response sizes on each request; the response size (defined by the `MaxObjectCount` parameter) is the same for all pull operations in the enumeration session. In addition, some functionality is only available if the corresponding pull operations are used by this method: * Filtering is not supported for the corresponding traditional operation so that setting the `FilterQuery` or `FilterQueryLanguage` parameters will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. Note that this limitation is not a disadvantage compared to using the corresponding pull operations directly, because in both cases, the WBEM server must support the pull operations and their filtering capability in order for the filtering to work. * Setting the `ContinueOnError` parameter to `True` will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. The enumeration session that is opened with the WBEM server when using pull operations is closed automatically when the returned generator object is exhausted, or when the generator object is closed using its :meth:`~py:generator.close` method (which may also be called before the generator is exhausted). Parameters: InstanceName (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): The instance path of the source instance. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. Not all WBEM servers support filtering for this operation because it returns instance paths and the act of the server filtering requires that it generate instances just for that purpose and then discard them. FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. If this parameter is not `None` and the traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. If the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for each of the open and pull requests issued during the iterations over the returned generator object. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * Zero is not allowed; it would mean that zero instances are to be returned for open and all pull requests issued to the server. * The default is defined as a system config variable. * `None` is not allowed. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: :term:`py:generator` iterating :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`: A generator object that iterates the resulting CIM instance paths. These instance paths have their host and namespace components set. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. Example:: paths_generator = conn.IterReferenceInstancePaths('CIM_Blah') for path in paths_generator: print('path %s' % path) """ _validateIterCommonParams(MaxObjectCount, OperationTimeout) # Common variable for pull result tuple used by pulls and finally: pull_result = None try: # try / finally block to allow iter.close() if (self._use_ref_path_pull_operations is None or self._use_ref_path_pull_operations): try: # Open operation try block pull_result = self.OpenReferenceInstancePaths( InstanceName, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) # Open operation succeeded; set use_pull flag self._use_ref_path_pull_operations = True for inst in pull_result.paths: yield inst # Loop to pull while more while eos not returned. while not pull_result.eos: pull_result = self.PullInstancePaths( pull_result.context, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount) for inst in pull_result.paths: yield inst pull_result = None # clear the pull_result return # If NOT_SUPPORTED and first request, set flag and try # alternative request operation. # If use_pull_operations is True, always raise the exception except CIMError as ce: if (self._use_ref_path_pull_operations is None and ce.status_code == CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED): self._use_ref_path_pull_operations = False else: raise # Alternate request if Pull not implemented. This does not allow # the FilterQuery or ContinueOnError assert self._use_ref_path_pull_operations is False if FilterQuery is not None or FilterQueryLanguage is not None: raise ValueError('ReferenceInstanceNnames does not support' ' FilterQuery.') if ContinueOnError is not None: raise ValueError('ReferenceInstanceNames does not support ' 'ContinueOnError.') enum_rslt = self.ReferenceNames( InstanceName, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, **extra) for inst in enum_rslt: yield inst # Cleanup if caller closess the iterator before exhausting it finally: # Cleanup only required if the pull context is open and not complete if pull_result is not None and not pull_result.eos: self.CloseEnumeration(pull_result.context) pull_result = None
[docs] def IterQueryInstances(self, FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery, namespace=None, ReturnQueryResultClass=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=DEFAULT_ITER_MAXOBJECTCOUNT, **extra): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ *New in pywbem 0.10 as experimental and finalized in 0.12.* Execute a query in a namespace, using the corresponding pull operations if supported by the WBEM server or otherwise the corresponding traditional operation, and using the Python :term:`py:generator` idiom to return the result. This method is an alternative to using the pull operations directly, that frees the user of having to know whether the WBEM server supports pull operations. Other than the other Iter...() methods, this method does not return a generator object directly, but as a property of the returned object. The reason for this design is the additionally returned query result class. The generator property in the returned object is a generator object that returns the instances in the query result one by one (using :keyword:`yield`) when the caller iterates through the generator object. This design causes the entire query result to be materialized, even if pull operations are used. By default, this method attempts to perform the corresponding pull operations (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenQueryInstances` and :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstances`). If these pull operations are not supported by the WBEM server, this method falls back to using the corresponding traditional operation (:meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.ExecQuery`). Whether the WBEM server supports these pull operations is remembered in the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object (by operation type), and avoids unnecessary attempts to try these pull operations on that connection in the future. The `use_pull_operations` constructor parameter of :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` can be used to control the preference for always using pull operations, always using traditional operations, or using pull operations if supported by the WBEM server (the default). This method provides all of the controls of the corresponding pull operations except for the ability to set different response sizes on each request; the response size (defined by the `MaxObjectCount` parameter) is the same for all pull operations in the enumeration session. In addition, some functionality is only available if the corresponding pull operations are used by this method: * Setting the `ContinueOnError` parameter to `True` will be rejected if the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method. The enumeration session that is opened with the WBEM server when using pull operations is closed automatically when the returned generator object is exhausted, or when the generator object is closed using its :meth:`~py:generator.close` method (which may also be called before the generator is exhausted). Parameters: QueryLanguage (:term:`string`): Name of the query language used in the `Query` parameter, e.g. "DMTF:CQL" for CIM Query Language, and "WQL" for WBEM Query Language. Because this is not a filter query, "DMTF:FQL" is not a valid query language for this request. Query (:term:`string`): Query string in the query language specified in the `QueryLanguage` parameter. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace to be used (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the default namespace of the connection object will be used. ReturnQueryResultClass (:class:`py:bool`): Controls whether a class definition describing the returned instances will be returned. `None` will cause the server to use its default of `False`. `None` will cause the server to use its default of `False`. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. If the corresponding traditional operation is used by this method, :exc:`~py:exceptions.ValueError` will be raised. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for each of the open and pull requests issued during the iterations over the returned generator object. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * Zero is not allowed; it would mean that zero instances are to be returned for open and all pull requests issued to the server. * The default is defined as a system config variable. * `None` is not allowed. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: :class:`~pywbem.IterQueryInstancesReturn`: An object with the following properties: * **query_result_class** (:class:`~pywbem.CIMClass`): The query result class, if requested via the `ReturnQueryResultClass` parameter. `None`, if a query result class was not requested. * **generator** (:term:`py:generator` iterating :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`): A generator object that iterates the CIM instances representing the query result. These instances do not have an instance path set. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. Example:: result = conn.IterQueryInstances( 'DMTF:CQL', 'SELECT FROM * where pl > 2') for inst in result.generator: print('instance %s' % inst.tomof()) """ # noqa: E501 # pylint: enable=line-too-long class IterQueryInstancesReturn(object): """ The return data for :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.IterQueryInstances`. """ def __init__(self, instances, query_result_class=None): """Save any query_result_class and instances returned""" self._query_result_class = query_result_class self.instances = instances @property def query_result_class(self): """ :class:`~pywbem.CIMClass`: The query result class, if requested via the `ReturnQueryResultClass` parameter of :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.IterQueryInstances`. `None`, if a query result class was not requested. """ return self._query_result_class @property def generator(self): """ :term:`py:generator` iterating :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`: A generator object that iterates the CIM instances representing the query result. These instances do not have an instance path set. """ for inst in self.instances: yield inst _validateIterCommonParams(MaxObjectCount, OperationTimeout) # Common variable for pull result tuple used by pulls and finally: pull_result = None try: # try / finally block to allow iter.close() _instances = [] if (self._use_query_pull_operations is None or self._use_query_pull_operations): try: # operation try block pull_result = self.OpenQueryInstances( FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery, namespace=namespace, ReturnQueryResultClass=ReturnQueryResultClass, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) # Open operation succeeded; set has_pull flag self._use_query_pull_operations = True _instances = pull_result.instances # get QueryResultClass from if returned with open # request. qrc = pull_result.query_result_class if \ ReturnQueryResultClass else None if not pull_result.eos: while not pull_result.eos: pull_result = self.PullInstances( pull_result.context, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount) _instances.extend(pull_result.instances) rtn = IterQueryInstancesReturn(_instances, query_result_class=qrc) pull_result = None # clear the pull_result return rtn # If NOT_SUPPORTED and first request, set flag and try # alternative request operation. # If _use_query_pull_operations is True, always raise # the exception except CIMError as ce: if self._use_query_pull_operations is None and \ ce.status_code == CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: self._use_query_pull_operations = False else: raise # Alternate request if Pull not implemented. This does not allow # the ContinueOnError or ReturnQueryResultClass assert self._use_query_pull_operations is False if ReturnQueryResultClass is not None: raise ValueError('ExecQuery does not support' ' ReturnQueryResultClass.') if ContinueOnError is not None: raise ValueError('ExecQuery does not support ' 'ContinueOnError.') # The parameters are QueryLanguage and Query for ExecQuery _instances = self.ExecQuery(FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery, namespace=namespace, **extra) rtn = IterQueryInstancesReturn(_instances) return rtn # Cleanup if caller closes the iterator before exhausting it finally: # Cleanup only required if the pull context is open and not complete if pull_result is not None and not pull_result.eos: self.CloseEnumeration(pull_result.context) pull_result = None
[docs] def OpenEnumerateInstances(self, ClassName, namespace=None, LocalOnly=None, DeepInheritance=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, PropertyList=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ *New in pywbem 0.9.* Open an enumeration session to enumerate the instances of a class (including instances of its subclasses) in a namespace. This method performs the OpenEnumerateInstances operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns enumeration session status and optionally instances. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Use the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancesWithPath` method to retrieve the next set of instances or the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.CloseEnumeration` method to close the enumeration session before it is exhausted. Parameters: ClassName (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Name of the class to be enumerated (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `namespace` attribute will be used as a default namespace as described for the `namespace` parameter, and its `host` attribute will be ignored. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace to be used (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the namespace of the `ClassName` parameter will be used, if specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object. If that is also `None`, the default namespace of the connection will be used. LocalOnly (:class:`py:bool`): Controls the exclusion of inherited properties from the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, inherited properties are not excluded. * If `True`, inherited properties are basically excluded, but the behavior may be WBEM server specific. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200` and should be set to `False` by the caller. DeepInheritance (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that properties added by subclasses of the specified class are to be included in the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, properties added by subclasses are not included. * If `True`, properties added by subclasses are included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. Note, the semantics of the `DeepInheritance` parameter in :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateClasses` and :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateClassNames` is different. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned instance, as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included if the WBEM server implements support for this parameter. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. Clients cannot rely on qualifiers to be returned in this operation. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property in the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. WBEM servers may either implement this parameter as specified, or may treat any specified value as `False`. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): An iterable specifying the names of the properties (or a string that defines a single property) to be included in the returned instances (case independent). An empty iterable indicates to include no properties. If `None`, all properties are included. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for this request. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * If zero, the WBEM server is to return no instances. This may be used by a client to leave the handling of any returned instances to a loop of Pull operations. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is to return zero instances. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :func:`~py:collections.namedtuple` object containing the following named items: * **instances** (:class:`py:list` of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`): Representations of the retrieved instances. The `path` attribute of each :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` object is a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object with its attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace. * **eos** (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates whether the enumeration session is exhausted after this operation: - If `True`, the enumeration session is exhausted, and the server has closed the enumeration session. - If `False`, the enumeration session is not exhausted and the `context` item is the context object for the next operation on the enumeration session. * **context** (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace): A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must be supplied with the next pull or close operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server if the session is not exhausted, or `None` otherwise. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace that was used for this operation. NOTE: This inner tuple hides the need for a CIM namespace on subsequent operations in the enumeration session. CIM operations always require target namespace, but it never makes sense to specify a different one in subsequent operations on the same enumeration session. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. Example:: max_object_count = 100 rslt_tuple = conn.OpenEnumerateInstances( 'CIM_Blah', MaxObjectCount=max_object_count) insts = rslt_tuple.paths while not rslt_tuple.eos: rslt_tuple = conn.PullInstancesWithPath(rslt_tupl.context, max_object_count) insts.extend(rslt_tupl.paths) for inst in insts: print('instance %s' % inst.tomof()) """ # noqa: E501 exc = None result_tuple = None method_name = 'OpenEnumerateInstances' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset(pull_op=True) self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ClassName=ClassName, namespace=namespace, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, DeepInheritance=DeepInheritance, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) if MaxObjectCount is not None and MaxObjectCount < 0: raise ValueError('MaxObjectCount must be >= 0 but is %s' % MaxObjectCount) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) if namespace is None and isinstance(ClassName, CIMClassName): namespace = ClassName.namespace namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) classname = self._iparam_classname(ClassName) PropertyList = _iparam_propertylist(PropertyList) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ClassName=classname, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, DeepInheritance=DeepInheritance, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, response_params_rqd=True, **extra) result_tuple = pull_inst_result_tuple( *self._get_rslt_params(result, namespace)) return result_tuple except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(result_tuple, exc)
[docs] def OpenEnumerateInstancePaths(self, ClassName, namespace=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ *New in pywbem 0.9.* Open an enumeration session to enumerate the instance paths of instances of a class (including instances of its subclasses) in a namespace. This method performs the OpenEnumerateInstancePaths operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns status on the enumeration session and optionally instance paths. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Use the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancePaths` method to retrieve the next set of instance paths or the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.CloseEnumeration` method to close the enumeration session before it is exhausted. Parameters: ClassName (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Name of the class to be enumerated (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `namespace` attribute will be used as a default namespace as described for the `namespace` parameter, and its `host` attribute will be ignored. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace to be used (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the namespace of the `ClassName` parameter will be used, if specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object. If that is also `None`, the default namespace of the connection will be used. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". Not all WBEM servers support filtering for this operation because it returns instance paths and the act of the server filtering requires that it generate instances just for that purpose and then discard them. FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for this request. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * If zero, the WBEM server is to return no instances. This may be used by a client to leave the handling of any returned instances to a loop of Pull operations. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is to return zero instances. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :func:`~py:collections.namedtuple` object containing the following named items: * **paths** (:class:`py:list` of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): Representations of the retrieved instance paths, with their attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace. * **eos** (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates whether the enumeration session is exhausted after this operation: - If `True`, the enumeration session is exhausted, and the server has closed the enumeration session. - If `False`, the enumeration session is not exhausted and the `context` item is the context object for the next operation on the enumeration session. * **context** (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace): A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must be supplied with the next pull or close operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server if the session is not exhausted, or `None` otherwise. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace that was used for this operation. NOTE: This inner tuple hides the need for a CIM namespace on subsequent operations in the enumeration session. CIM operations always require target namespace, but it never makes sense to specify a different one in subsequent operations on the same enumeration session. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. Example:: max_object_count = 100 rslt_tuple = conn.OpenEnumerateInstancePaths( 'CIM_Blah', MaxObjectCount=max_object_count) paths = rslt_tuple.paths while not rslt_tuple.eos: rslt_tuple = conn.PullInstancePaths(rslt_tupl.context, max_object_count) paths.extend(rslt_tupl.paths) for path in paths: print('path %s' % path) """ exc = None result_tuple = None method_name = 'OpenEnumerateInstancePaths' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset(pull_op=True) self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ClassName=ClassName, namespace=namespace, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) if namespace is None and isinstance(ClassName, CIMClassName): namespace = ClassName.namespace namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) classname = self._iparam_classname(ClassName) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ClassName=classname, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, response_params_rqd=True, **extra) result_tuple = pull_path_result_tuple( *self._get_rslt_params(result, namespace)) return result_tuple except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(result_tuple, exc)
[docs] def OpenAssociatorInstances(self, InstanceName, AssocClass=None, ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, PropertyList=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ *New in pywbem 0.9.* Open an enumeration session to retrieve the instances associated to a source instance. This method does not support retrieving classes. This method performs the OpenAssociatorInstances operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns enumeration session status and optionally instances. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Use the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancesWithPath` method to retrieve the next set of instances or the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.CloseEnumeration` method to close the enumeration session before it is exhausted. Parameters: InstanceName (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): The instance path of the source instance. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. AssocClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an associated class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that associated class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultRole (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the far end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that far role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included if the WBEM server implements support for this parameter. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. Clients cannot rely on qualifiers to be returned in this operation. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property or method in the returned instances, as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. WBEM servers may either implement this parameter as specified, or may treat any specified value as `False`. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): An iterable specifying the names of the properties (or a string that defines a single property) to be included in the returned instances (case independent). An empty iterable indicates to include no properties. If `None`, all properties are included. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for this request. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * If zero, the WBEM server is to return no instances. This may be used by a client to leave the handling of any returned instances to a loop of Pull operations. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is to return zero instances. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :func:`~py:collections.namedtuple` object containing the following named items: * **instances** (:class:`py:list` of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`): Representations of the retrieved instances. The `path` attribute of each :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` object is a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object with its attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace. * **eos** (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates whether the enumeration session is exhausted after this operation: - If `True`, the enumeration session is exhausted, and the server has closed the enumeration session. - If `False`, the enumeration session is not exhausted and the `context` item is the context object for the next operation on the enumeration session. * **context** (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace): A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must be supplied with the next pull or close operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server if the session is not exhausted, or `None` otherwise. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace that was used for this operation. NOTE: This inner tuple hides the need for a CIM namespace on subsequent operations in the enumeration session. CIM operations always require target namespace, but it never makes sense to specify a different one in subsequent operations on the same enumeration session. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ # noqa: E501 exc = None result_tuple = None method_name = 'OpenAssociatorInstances' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset(pull_op=True) self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, InstanceName=InstanceName, AssocClass=AssocClass, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_objectname(InstanceName) instancename = self._iparam_instancename(InstanceName) PropertyList = _iparam_propertylist(PropertyList) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, InstanceName=instancename, AssocClass=self._iparam_classname(AssocClass), ResultClass=self._iparam_classname(ResultClass), Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, response_params_rqd=True, **extra) result_tuple = pull_inst_result_tuple( *self._get_rslt_params(result, namespace)) return result_tuple except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(result_tuple, exc)
[docs] def OpenAssociatorInstancePaths(self, InstanceName, AssocClass=None, ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ *New in pywbem 0.9.* Open an enumeration session to retrieve the instance paths of the instances associated to a source instance. This method does not support retrieving classes. This method performs the OpenAssociatorInstancePaths operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns enumeration session status and optionally instance paths. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Use the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancePaths` method to retrieve the next set of instance paths or the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.CloseEnumeration` method to close the enumeration session before it is exhausted. Parameters: InstanceName (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): The instance path of the source instance. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. AssocClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an associated class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that associated class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. ResultRole (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the far end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals to that far role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". Not all WBEM servers support filtering for this operation because it returns instance paths and the act of the server filtering requires that it generate instances just for that purpose and then discard them. FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for this request. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * If zero, the WBEM server is to return no instances. This may be used by a client to leave the handling of any returned instances to a loop of Pull operations. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is to return zero instances. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :func:`~py:collections.namedtuple` object containing the following named items: * **paths** (:class:`py:list` of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): Representations of the retrieved instance paths, with their attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace. * **eos** (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates whether the enumeration session is exhausted after this operation: - If `True`, the enumeration session is exhausted, and the server has closed the enumeration session. - If `False`, the enumeration session is not exhausted and the `context` item is the context object for the next operation on the enumeration session. * **context** (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace): A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must be supplied with the next pull or close operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server if the session is not exhausted, or `None` otherwise. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace that was used for this operation. NOTE: This inner tuple hides the need for a CIM namespace on subsequent operations in the enumeration session. CIM operations always require target namespace, but it never makes sense to specify a different one in subsequent operations on the same enumeration session. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None result_tuple = None method_name = 'OpenAssociatorInstancePaths' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset(pull_op=True) self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, InstanceName=InstanceName, AssocClass=AssocClass, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_objectname(InstanceName) instancename = self._iparam_instancename(InstanceName) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, InstanceName=instancename, AssocClass=self._iparam_classname(AssocClass), ResultClass=self._iparam_classname(ResultClass), Role=Role, ResultRole=ResultRole, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, response_params_rqd=True, **extra) result_tuple = pull_path_result_tuple( *self._get_rslt_params(result, namespace)) return result_tuple except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(result_tuple, exc)
[docs] def OpenReferenceInstances(self, InstanceName, ResultClass=None, Role=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, PropertyList=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ *New in pywbem 0.9.* Open an enumeration session to retrieve the association instances that reference a source instance. This method does not support retrieving classes. This method performs the OpenReferenceInstances operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns enumeration session status and optionally instances. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Use the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancesWithPath` method to retrieve the next set of instances or the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.CloseEnumeration` method to close the enumeration session before it is exhausted. Parameters: InstanceName (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): The instance path of the source instance. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned instances (or classes), as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included if the WBEM server implements support for this parameter. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. Clients cannot rely on qualifiers to be returned in this operation. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property or method in the returned instances (or classes), as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. This parameter has been deprecated in :term:`DSP0200`. WBEM servers may either implement this parameter as specified, or may treat any specified value as `False`. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): An iterable specifying the names of the properties (or a string that defines a single property) to be included in the returned instances (case independent). An empty iterable indicates to include no properties. If `None`, all properties are included. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for this request. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * If zero, the WBEM server is to return no instances. This may be used by a client to leave the handling of any returned instances to a loop of Pull operations. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is to return zero instances. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :func:`~py:collections.namedtuple` object containing the following named items: * **instances** (:class:`py:list` of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`): Representations of the retrieved instances. The `path` attribute of each :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` object is a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object with its attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace. * **eos** (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates whether the enumeration session is exhausted after this operation: - If `True`, the enumeration session is exhausted, and the server has closed the enumeration session. - If `False`, the enumeration session is not exhausted and the `context` item is the context object for the next operation on the enumeration session. * **context** (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace): A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must be supplied with the next pull or close operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server if the session is not exhausted, or `None` otherwise. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace that was used for this operation. NOTE: This inner tuple hides the need for a CIM namespace on subsequent operations in the enumeration session. CIM operations always require target namespace, but it never makes sense to specify a different one in subsequent operations on the same enumeration session. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ # noqa: E501 exc = None result_tuple = None method_name = 'OpenReferenceInstances' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset(pull_op=True) self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, InstanceName=InstanceName, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_objectname(InstanceName) instancename = self._iparam_instancename(InstanceName) PropertyList = _iparam_propertylist(PropertyList) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, InstanceName=instancename, ResultClass=self._iparam_classname(ResultClass), Role=Role, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, response_params_rqd=True, **extra) result_tuple = pull_inst_result_tuple( *self._get_rslt_params(result, namespace)) return result_tuple except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(result_tuple, exc)
[docs] def OpenReferenceInstancePaths(self, InstanceName, ResultClass=None, Role=None, FilterQueryLanguage=None, FilterQuery=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ *New in pywbem 0.9.* Open an enumeration session to retrieve the instance paths of the association instances that reference a source instance. This method does not support retrieving classes. This method performs the OpenReferenceInstancePaths operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns enumeration session status and optionally instance paths. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Use the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstancePaths` method to retrieve the next set of instance paths or the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.CloseEnumeration` method to close the enumeration session before it is exhausted. Parameters: InstanceName (:class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): The instance path of the source instance. If this object does not specify a namespace, the default namespace of the connection is used. Its `host` attribute will be ignored. ResultClass (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Class name of an association class (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals of that association class (or subclasses). `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. Role (:term:`string`): Role name (= property name) of the source end (case independent), to filter the result to include only traversals from that source role. `None` means that no such filtering is peformed. FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): The name of the filter query language used for the `FilterQuery` parameter. The DMTF-defined Filter Query Language (see :term:`DSP0212`) is specified as "DMTF:FQL". Not all WBEM servers support filtering for this operation because it returns instance paths and the act of the server filtering requires that it generate instances just for that purpose and then discard them. FilterQuery (:term:`string`): The filter query in the query language defined by the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for this request. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * If zero, the WBEM server is to return no instances. This may be used by a client to leave the handling of any returned instances to a loop of Pull operations. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is to return zero instances. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :func:`~py:collections.namedtuple` object containing the following named items: * **paths** (:class:`py:list` of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): Representations of the retrieved instance paths, with their attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace. * **eos** (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates whether the enumeration session is exhausted after this operation: - If `True`, the enumeration session is exhausted, and the server has closed the enumeration session. - If `False`, the enumeration session is not exhausted and the `context` item is the context object for the next operation on the enumeration session. * **context** (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace): A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must be supplied with the next pull or close operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server if the session is not exhausted, or `None` otherwise. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace that was used for this operation. NOTE: This inner tuple hides the need for a CIM namespace on subsequent operations in the enumeration session. CIM operations always require target namespace, but it never makes sense to specify a different one in subsequent operations on the same enumeration session. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None result_tuple = None method_name = 'OpenReferenceInstancePaths' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset(pull_op=True) self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, InstanceName=InstanceName, ResultClass=ResultClass, Role=Role, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) if MaxObjectCount is not None and MaxObjectCount < 0: raise ValueError('MaxObjectCount must be >= 0 but is %s' % MaxObjectCount) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_objectname(InstanceName) instancename = self._iparam_instancename(InstanceName) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, InstanceName=instancename, ResultClass=self._iparam_classname(ResultClass), Role=Role, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, response_params_rqd=True, **extra) result_tuple = pull_path_result_tuple( *self._get_rslt_params(result, namespace)) return result_tuple except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(result_tuple, exc)
[docs] def OpenQueryInstances(self, FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery, namespace=None, ReturnQueryResultClass=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=None, MaxObjectCount=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ *New in pywbem 0.9.* Open an enumeration session to execute a query in a namespace and to retrieve the instances representing the query result. This method performs the OpenQueryInstances operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns enumeration session status and optionally CIM instances representing the query result. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Use the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.PullInstances` method to retrieve the next set of instances or the :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.CloseEnumeration` method to close the enumeration session before it is exhausted. Parameters: FilterQueryLanguage (:term:`string`): Name of the query language used in the `FilterQuery` parameter, e.g. "DMTF:CQL" for CIM Query Language, and "WQL" for WBEM Query Language. Because this is not a filter query, "DMTF:FQL" is not a valid query language for this request. FilterQuery (:term:`string`): Query string in the query language specified in the `FilterQueryLanguage` parameter. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace to be used (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the default namespace of the connection object will be used. ReturnQueryResultClass (:class:`py:bool`): Controls whether a class definition describing the returned instances will be returned. `None` will cause the server to use its default of `False`. OperationTimeout (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`): Minimum time in seconds the WBEM Server shall maintain an open enumeration session after a previous Open or Pull request is sent to the client. Once this timeout time has expired, the WBEM server may close the enumeration session. * If not `None`, this parameter is sent to the WBEM server as the proposed timeout for the enumeration session. A value of 0 indicates that the server is expected to never time out. The server may reject the proposed value, causing a :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT`. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default timeout to be used. ContinueOnError (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates to the WBEM server to continue sending responses after an error response has been sent. * If `True`, the server is to continue sending responses after sending an error response. Not all servers support continuation on error; a server that does not support it must send an error response if `True` was specified, causing :class:`~pywbem.CIMError` to be raised with status code :attr:`~pywbem.CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED`. * If `False`, the server is requested to close the enumeration after sending an error response. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server may return for this request. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * If zero, the WBEM server is to return no instances. This may be used by a client to leave the handling of any returned instances to a loop of Pull operations. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default behaviour to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is to return zero instances. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :func:`~py:collections.namedtuple` object containing the following named items: * **instances** (:class:`py:list` of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`): Representations of the retrieved instances. The `path` attribute of each :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` object is `None`, because query results are not addressable CIM instances. * **eos** (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates whether the enumeration session is exhausted after this operation: - If `True`, the enumeration session is exhausted, and the server has closed the enumeration session. - If `False`, the enumeration session is not exhausted and the `context` item is the context object for the next operation on the enumeration session. * **context** (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace): A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must be supplied with the next pull or close operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server if the session is not exhausted, or `None` otherwise. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace that was used for this operation. NOTE: The inner tuple hides the need for a CIM namespace on subsequent operations in the enumeration session. CIM operations always require target namespace, but it never makes sense to specify a different one in subsequent operations on the same enumeration session. * **query_result_class** (:class:`~pywbem.CIMClass`): If the `ReturnQueryResultClass` parameter is True, this tuple item contains a class definition that defines the properties of each row (instance) of the query result. Otherwise, `None`. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ @staticmethod def _GetQueryRsltClass(result): """ Get the QueryResultClass and return it or generate exception. """ for p in result: if p[0] == 'QueryResultClass' and isinstance(p[2], CIMClass): return p[2] raise CIMError(CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "ReturnQueryResultClass invalid or missing.") exc = None result_tuple = None method_name = 'OpenQueryInstances' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset(pull_op=True) self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, namespace=namespace, ReturnQueryResultClass=ReturnQueryResultClass, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, FilterQuery=FilterQuery, FilterQueryLanguage=FilterQueryLanguage, ReturnQueryResultClass=ReturnQueryResultClass, OperationTimeout=OperationTimeout, ContinueOnError=ContinueOnError, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, response_params_rqd=True, **extra) insts, eos, enum_ctxt = self._get_rslt_params(result, namespace) query_result_class = _GetQueryRsltClass(result) if \ ReturnQueryResultClass else None result_tuple = pull_query_result_tuple(insts, eos, enum_ctxt, query_result_class) return result_tuple except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(result_tuple, exc)
[docs] def PullInstancesWithPath(self, context, MaxObjectCount, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ *New in pywbem 0.9.* Retrieve the next set of instances from an open enumeration session. The retrieved instances include their instance paths. This operation can only be used on enumeration sessions that have been opened by one of the following methods: * :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenEnumerateInstances` * :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenAssociatorInstances` * :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenReferenceInstances` This method performs the PullInstancesWithPath operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns enumeration session status and optionally instances. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: context (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace) A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must have been returned by the previous open or pull operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace being used for this enumeration session. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server shall return for this request. This parameter is required for each Pull request. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * If zero, the WBEM server is to return no instances. This may be used by a client to reset the interoperation timer * `None` is not allowed. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :func:`~py:collections.namedtuple` object containing the following named items: * **instances** (:class:`py:list` of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`): Representations of the retrieved instances. The `path` attribute of each :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` object is a :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName` object with its attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace. * **eos** (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates whether the enumeration session is exhausted after this operation: - If `True`, the enumeration session is exhausted, and the server has closed the enumeration session. - If `False`, the enumeration session is not exhausted and the `context` item is the context object for the next operation on the enumeration session. * **context** (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace): A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must be supplied with the next pull or close operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server if the session is not exhausted, or `None` otherwise. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace that was used for this operation. NOTE: This inner tuple hides the need for a CIM namespace on subsequent operations in the enumeration session. CIM operations always require target namespace, but it never makes sense to specify a different one in subsequent operations on the same enumeration session. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None result_tuple = None method_name = 'PullInstancesWithPath' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset(pull_op=True) self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, context=context, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) _validatePullParams(MaxObjectCount, context) namespace = context[1] result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace=namespace, EnumerationContext=context[0], MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, response_params_rqd=True, **extra) result_tuple = pull_inst_result_tuple( *self._get_rslt_params(result, namespace)) return result_tuple except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(result_tuple, exc)
[docs] def PullInstancePaths(self, context, MaxObjectCount, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ *New in pywbem 0.9.* Retrieve the next set of instance paths from an open enumeration session. This operation can only be used on enumeration sessions that have been opened by one of the following methods: * :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenEnumerateInstancePaths` * :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenAssociatorInstancePaths` * :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenReferenceInstancePaths` This method performs the PullInstancePaths operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns enumeration session status and optionally instance paths. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: context (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace) A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must have been returned by the previous open or pull operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace being used for this enumeration session. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server shall return for this request. This parameter is required for each Pull request. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * If zero, the WBEM server is to return no instances. This may be used by a client to reset the interoperation timer. * `None` is not allowed. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :func:`~py:collections.namedtuple` object containing the following named items: * **paths** (:class:`py:list` of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstanceName`): Representations of the retrieved instance paths, with their attributes set as follows: * `classname`: Name of the creation class of the instance. * `keybindings`: Keybindings of the instance. * `namespace`: Name of the CIM namespace containing the instance. * `host`: Host and optionally port of the WBEM server containing the CIM namespace. * **eos** (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates whether the enumeration session is exhausted after this operation: - If `True`, the enumeration session is exhausted, and the server has closed the enumeration session. - If `False`, the enumeration session is not exhausted and the `context` item is the context object for the next operation on the enumeration session. * **context** (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace): A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must be supplied with the next pull or close operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server if the session is not exhausted, or `None` otherwise. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace that was used for this operation. NOTE: This inner tuple hides the need for a CIM namespace on subsequent operations in the enumeration session. CIM operations always require target namespace, but it never makes sense to specify a different one in subsequent operations on the same enumeration session. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None result_tuple = None method_name = 'PullInstancePaths' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset(pull_op=True) self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, context=context, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) _validatePullParams(MaxObjectCount, context) namespace = context[1] result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace=namespace, EnumerationContext=context[0], MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, response_params_rqd=True, **extra) result_tuple = pull_path_result_tuple( *self._get_rslt_params(result, namespace)) return result_tuple except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(result_tuple, exc)
[docs] def PullInstances(self, context, MaxObjectCount, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ *New in pywbem 0.9.* Retrieve the next set of instances from an open enumeration session. The retrieved instances do not include an instance path. This operation can only be used on enumeration sessions that have been opened by one of the following methods: * :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.OpenQueryInstances` This method performs the PullInstances operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns enumeration session status and optionally instances. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: context (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace) A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must have been returned by the previous open or pull operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace being used for this enumeration session. MaxObjectCount (:class:`~pywbem.Uint32`) Maximum number of instances the WBEM server shall return for this request. This parameter is required for each Pull request. * If positive, the WBEM server is to return no more than the specified number of instances. * If zero, the WBEM server is to return no instances. This may be used by a client to reset the interoperation timer. * `None` is not allowed. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :func:`~py:collections.namedtuple` object containing the following named items: * **instances** (:class:`py:list` of :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance`): Representations of the retrieved instances. The `path` attribute of each :class:`~pywbem.CIMInstance` object is `None`, because this operation does not return instance paths. * **eos** (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates whether the enumeration session is exhausted after this operation: - If `True`, the enumeration session is exhausted, and the server has closed the enumeration session. - If `False`, the enumeration session is not exhausted and the `context` item is the context object for the next operation on the enumeration session. * **context** (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace): A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must be supplied with the next pull or close operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server if the session is not exhausted, or `None` otherwise. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace that was used for this operation. NOTE: This inner tuple hides the need for a CIM namespace on subsequent operations in the enumeration session. CIM operations always require target namespace, but it never makes sense to specify a different one in subsequent operations on the same enumeration session. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None result_tuple = None method_name = 'PullInstances' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset(pull_op=True) self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, context=context, MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) _validatePullParams(MaxObjectCount, context) namespace = context[1] result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace=namespace, EnumerationContext=context[0], MaxObjectCount=MaxObjectCount, response_params_rqd=True, **extra) result_tuple = pull_inst_result_tuple( *self._get_rslt_params(result, namespace)) return result_tuple except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(result, exc)
[docs] def CloseEnumeration(self, context, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ *New in pywbem 0.9.* Close an open enumeration session, causing an early termination of an incomplete enumeration session. This method performs the CloseEnumeration operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. The enumeration session must still be open when this operation is performed. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, it raises an exception. Parameters: context (:func:`py:tuple` of server_context, namespace) A context object identifying the open enumeration session, including its current enumeration state, and the namespace. This object must have been returned by the previous open or pull operation for this enumeration session. The tuple items are: * server_context (:term:`string`): Enumeration context string returned by the server. This string is opaque for the client. * namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the CIM namespace being used for this enumeration session. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None method_name = 'CloseEnumeration' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, context=context, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) # entire context is tested for None because the open/pull methods # set the complete context to None when eos received. if context is None: raise ValueError("Invalid context: None " "(Enumeration may be exhausted)") self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace=context[1], EnumerationContext=context[0], **extra) return except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(None, exc)
[docs] def EnumerateClasses(self, namespace=None, ClassName=None, DeepInheritance=None, LocalOnly=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ Enumerate the subclasses of a class, or the top-level classes in a namespace. This method performs the EnumerateClasses operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the namespace in which the classes are to be enumerated (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the namespace of the `ClassName` parameter will be used, if specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object. If that is also `None`, the default namespace of the connection will be used. ClassName (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Name of the class whose subclasses are to be retrieved (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its host attribute will be ignored. If `None`, the top-level classes in the namespace will be retrieved. DeepInheritance (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that all (direct and indirect) subclasses of the specified class or of the top-level classes are to be included in the result, as follows: * If `False`, only direct subclasses of the specified class or only top-level classes are included in the result. * If `True`, all direct and indirect subclasses of the specified class or the top-level classes and all of their direct and indirect subclasses are included in the result. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. Note, the semantics of the `DeepInheritance` parameter in :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateInstances` is different. LocalOnly (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that inherited properties, methods, and qualifiers are to be excluded from the returned classes, as follows. * If `False`, inherited elements are not excluded. * If `True`, inherited elements are excluded. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned classes, as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property and method in the returned classes, as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMClass` objects that are representations of the enumerated classes, with their `path` attributes set. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None classes = None method_name = 'EnumerateClasses' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, namespace=namespace, ClassName=ClassName, DeepInheritance=DeepInheritance, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) if namespace is None and isinstance(ClassName, CIMClassName): namespace = ClassName.namespace namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) classname = self._iparam_classname(ClassName) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ClassName=classname, DeepInheritance=DeepInheritance, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, **extra) if result is None: classes = [] else: classes = result[0][2] for klass in classes: klass.path = CIMClassName( classname=klass.classname,, namespace=namespace) return classes except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(classes, exc)
[docs] def EnumerateClassNames(self, namespace=None, ClassName=None, DeepInheritance=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ Enumerate the names of subclasses of a class, or of the top-level classes in a namespace. This method performs the EnumerateClassNames operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the namespace in which the class names are to be enumerated (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the namespace of the `ClassName` parameter will be used, if specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object. If that is also `None`, the default namespace of the connection will be used. ClassName (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Name of the class whose subclasses are to be retrieved (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its host attribute will be ignored. If `None`, the top-level classes in the namespace will be retrieved. DeepInheritance (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that all (direct and indirect) subclasses of the specified class or of the top-level classes are to be included in the result, as follows: * If `False`, only direct subclasses of the specified class or only top-level classes are included in the result. * If `True`, all direct and indirect subclasses of the specified class or the top-level classes and all of their direct and indirect subclasses are included in the result. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. Note, the semantics of the `DeepInheritance` parameter in :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.EnumerateInstances` is different. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A list of :term:`unicode string` objects that are the class names of the enumerated classes. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None classnames = None method_name = 'EnumerateClassNames' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, namespace=namespace, ClassName=ClassName, DeepInheritance=DeepInheritance, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) if namespace is None and isinstance(ClassName, CIMClassName): namespace = ClassName.namespace namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) classname = self._iparam_classname(ClassName) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ClassName=classname, DeepInheritance=DeepInheritance, **extra) if result is None: classnames = [] else: classnames = [x.classname for x in result[0][2]] return classnames except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(classnames, exc)
[docs] def GetClass(self, ClassName, namespace=None, LocalOnly=None, IncludeQualifiers=None, IncludeClassOrigin=None, PropertyList=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name, line-too-long """ Retrieve a class. This method performs the GetClass operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: ClassName (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Name of the class to be retrieved (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `host` attribute will be ignored. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the namespace of the class to be retrieved (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the namespace of the `ClassName` parameter will be used, if specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object. If that is also `None`, the default namespace of the connection will be used. LocalOnly (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that inherited properties, methods, and qualifiers are to be excluded from the returned class, as follows. * If `False`, inherited elements are not excluded. * If `True`, inherited elements are excluded. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. IncludeQualifiers (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that qualifiers are to be included in the returned class, as follows: * If `False`, qualifiers are not included. * If `True`, qualifiers are included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `True`. IncludeClassOrigin (:class:`py:bool`): Indicates that class origin information is to be included on each property and method in the returned class, as follows: * If `False`, class origin information is not included. * If `True`, class origin information is included. * If `None`, this parameter is not passed to the WBEM server, and causes the server-implemented default to be used. :term:`DSP0200` defines that the server-implemented default is `False`. PropertyList (:term:`string` or :term:`py:iterable` of :term:`string`): An iterable specifying the names of the properties (or a string that defines a single property) to be included in the returned class (case independent). An empty iterable indicates to include no properties. If `None`, all properties are included. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :class:`~pywbem.CIMClass` object that is a representation of the retrieved class, with its `path` attribute set. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ # noqa: E501 klass = None exc = None method_name = 'GetClass' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ClassName=ClassName, namespace=namespace, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) if namespace is None and isinstance(ClassName, CIMClassName): namespace = ClassName.namespace namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) classname = self._iparam_classname(ClassName) PropertyList = _iparam_propertylist(PropertyList) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ClassName=classname, LocalOnly=LocalOnly, IncludeQualifiers=IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin=IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList=PropertyList, **extra) klass = result[0][2][0] klass.path = CIMClassName( classname=klass.classname,, namespace=namespace) return klass except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(klass, exc)
[docs] def ModifyClass(self, ModifiedClass, namespace=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Modify a class. This method performs the ModifyClass operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: ModifiedClass (:class:`~pywbem.CIMClass`): A representation of the modified class. The properties, methods and qualifiers defined in this object specify what is to be modified. Typically, this object has been retrieved by other operations, such as :meth:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.GetClass`. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the namespace in which the class is to be modified (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the default namespace of the connection object will be used. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None method_name = 'ModifyClass' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ModifiedClass=ModifiedClass, namespace=namespace, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) klass = ModifiedClass.copy() klass.path = None self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ModifiedClass=klass, **extra) except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(None, exc)
[docs] def CreateClass(self, NewClass, namespace=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Create a class in a namespace. This method performs the CreateClass operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: NewClass (:class:`~pywbem.CIMClass`): A representation of the class to be created. The properties, methods and qualifiers defined in this object specify how the class is to be created. Its `path` attribute is ignored. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the namespace in which the class is to be created (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the default namespace of the connection object will be used. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None method_name = 'CreateClass' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, NewClass=NewClass, namespace=namespace, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) klass = NewClass.copy() klass.path = None self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, NewClass=klass, **extra) return except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(None, exc)
[docs] def DeleteClass(self, ClassName, namespace=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long """ Delete a class. This method performs the DeleteClass operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: ClassName (:term:`string` or :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName`): Name of the class to be deleted (case independent). If specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object, its `host` attribute will be ignored. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the namespace of the class to be deleted (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the namespace of the `ClassName` parameter will be used, if specified as a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClassName` object. If that is also `None`, the default namespace of the connection will be used. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None method_name = 'DeleteClass' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, ClassName=ClassName, namespace=namespace, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) if namespace is None and isinstance(ClassName, CIMClassName): namespace = ClassName.namespace namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) classname = self._iparam_classname(ClassName) self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, ClassName=classname, **extra) return except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(None, exc)
[docs] def EnumerateQualifiers(self, namespace=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Enumerate qualifier types (= declarations) in a namespace. This method performs the EnumerateQualifiers operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the namespace in which the qualifier declarations are to be enumerated (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the default namespace of the connection object will be used. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMQualifierDeclaration` objects that are representations of the enumerated qualifier declarations. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None qualifiers = None method_name = 'EnumerateQualifiers' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, namespace=namespace, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, **extra) if result is not None: qualifiers = result[0][2] else: qualifiers = [] return qualifiers except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(qualifiers, exc)
[docs] def GetQualifier(self, QualifierName, namespace=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Retrieve a qualifier type (= declaration). This method performs the GetQualifier operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: QualifierName (:term:`string`): Name of the qualifier declaration to be retrieved (case independent). namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the namespace of the qualifier declaration (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the default namespace of the connection object will be used. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Returns: A :class:`~pywbem.CIMQualifierDeclaration` object that is a representation of the retrieved qualifier declaration. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None qualifiername = None method_name = 'GetQualifier' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, QualifierName=QualifierName, namespace=namespace, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) result = self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, QualifierName=QualifierName, **extra) # Must be present, if no exception was raised: qualifiername = result[0][2][0] return qualifiername except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(qualifiername, exc)
[docs] def SetQualifier(self, QualifierDeclaration, namespace=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Create or modify a qualifier type (= declaration) in a namespace. This method performs the SetQualifier operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: QualifierDeclaration (:class:`~pywbem.CIMQualifierDeclaration`): Representation of the qualifier declaration to be created or modified. namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the namespace in which the qualifier declaration is to be created or modified (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the default namespace of the connection object will be used. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None method_name = 'SetQualifier' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, QualifierDeclaration=QualifierDeclaration, namespace=namespace, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, QualifierDeclaration=QualifierDeclaration, **extra) return except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(None, exc)
[docs] def DeleteQualifier(self, QualifierName, namespace=None, **extra): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Delete a qualifier type (= declaration). This method performs the DeleteQualifier operation (see :term:`DSP0200`). See :ref:`WBEM operations` for a list of all methods performing such operations. If the operation succeeds, this method returns. Otherwise, this method raises an exception. Parameters: QualifierName (:term:`string`): Name of the qualifier declaration to be deleted (case independent). namespace (:term:`string`): Name of the namespace in which the qualifier declaration is to be deleted (case independent). Leading and trailing slash characters will be stripped. The lexical case will be preserved. If `None`, the default namespace of the connection object will be used. Keyword Arguments: extra : Additional keyword arguments are passed as additional operation parameters to the WBEM server. Note that :term:`DSP0200` does not define any additional parameters for this operation. Raises: Exceptions described in :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection`. """ exc = None method_name = 'DeleteQualifier' if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_reset() self.operation_recorder_stage_pywbem_args( method=method_name, QualifierName=QualifierName, namespace=namespace, **extra) try: stats = self.statistics.start_timer(method_name) namespace = self._iparam_namespace_from_namespace(namespace) self._imethodcall( method_name, namespace, QualifierName=QualifierName, **extra) return except Exception as exce: exc = exce raise finally: self._last_operation_time = stats.stop_timer( self.last_request_len, self.last_reply_len, self.last_server_response_time, exc) if self._operation_recorders: self.operation_recorder_stage_result(None, exc)
def is_subclass(ch, ns, super_class, sub): """Determine if one class is a subclass of another class. Parameters: ch: A CIMOMHandle. Either a pycimmb.CIMOMHandle or a :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object. ns (:term:`string`): Namespace (case independent). super_class (:term:`string`): Super class name (case independent). sub: The subclass. This can either be a string or a :class:`~pywbem.CIMClass` object. """ lsuper = super_class.lower() if isinstance(sub, CIMClass): subname = sub.classname subclass = sub else: subname = sub subclass = None if subname.lower() == lsuper: return True if subclass is None: subclass = ch.GetClass(subname, ns, LocalOnly=True, IncludeQualifiers=False, PropertyList=[], IncludeClassOrigin=False) while subclass.superclass is not None: if subclass.superclass.lower() == lsuper: return True subclass = ch.GetClass(subclass.superclass, ns, LocalOnly=True, IncludeQualifiers=False, PropertyList=[], IncludeClassOrigin=False) return False def PegasusUDSConnection(creds=None, **kwargs): """ Pegasus specific Unix Domain Socket call. Specific because of the location of the file name """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name return WBEMConnection('/var/run/tog-pegasus/cimxml.socket', creds, **kwargs) def SFCBUDSConnection(creds=None, **kwargs): """ SFCB specific Unix Domain Socket call. Specific because of the location of the file name """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name return WBEMConnection('/tmp/sfcbHttpSocket', creds, **kwargs) def OpenWBEMUDSConnection(creds=None, **kwargs): """ Openwbem specific Unix Domain Socket call. Specific because of the location of the file name """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name return WBEMConnection('/tmp/OW@LCL@APIIPC_72859_Xq47Bf_P9r761-5_J-7_Q', creds, **kwargs)