.. _`WBEM utility commands`: WBEM utility commands ===================== The pywbem package provides a number of WBEM utility commands. They are all implemented as pure-Python scripts. These commands are installed into the Python script directory and should therefore automatically be available in the command search path. The following commands are provided: * :ref:`mof_compiler` A MOF compiler that takes MOF files as input and creates, updates or removes CIM instances, classes or qualifier types in a CIM repository. * :ref:`wbemcli` A WBEM command line interface that provides an interactive Python environment for issuing WBEM operations to a WBEM server. .. _`mof_compiler`: mof_compiler ------------ The ``mof_compiler`` command is a command line interface to the pywbem MOF compiler. It compiles MOF files, and updates the repository of a WBEM server with the result. The MOF compiler can also be invoked from programs via the :ref:`MOF compiler API`. The MOF compiler has a pluggable interface for the CIM repository. The default implementation of that interface uses a WBEM server as its repository. The plug interface is also described in the :ref:`MOF compiler API`. Usage ^^^^^ Here is the help text of the command: .. include:: mof_compiler.help.txt :literal: .. _`wbemcli`: wbemcli ------- The ``wbemcli`` command is a WBEM client command line interface (CLI). It is implemented as an interactive shell. The WBEM client CLI does not have an external API on its own; it is for the most part a consumer of the :ref:`WBEM client library API`. Usage ^^^^^ Here is the help text of the command: .. include:: wbemcli.help.txt :literal: Global functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: wbemcli :members: