Source code for pywbem._statistics

# (C) Copyright 2017 InovaDevelopment Inc.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

Pywbem supports measuring the elapsed times of the WBEM operations that
were performed in context of a connection, and maintaining a statistics
over these times.

This capability is disabled by default and can be enabled in either
of these ways:

* When creating a :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object, via its
  ``enable_stats`` argument.

* After the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object has been created, by
  modifying its :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.stats_enabled` instance

The :class:`~pywbem.Statistics` class maintains statistics over the measured
elapsed times of the WBEM operations and is the interface for accessing the
statistics. The statistics of a :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object are
accessible via its :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.statistics` instance

The :class:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic` class is a helper class that contains
the actual measurement data for one operation name.
There will be one :class:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic` object each operation
name (see the table of WBEMConnection methods in the :ref:`WBEM operations`
section for the operation names).
The :class:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic` objects are under control of the
:class:`~pywbem.Statistics` class.

**Experimental:** The statistics support is experimental for this release.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import time
import copy

__all__ = ['Statistics', 'OperationStatistic']

[docs]class OperationStatistic(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ A statistics data keeper for the executions of all operations with the same operation name. This class maintains max, min, avg and count for elapsed time, request size, and response size over the executed operations of a single operation name. Use the :meth:`pywbem.Statistics.start_timer` method to create objects of this class:: stats = container.start_timer('EnumerateInstances') ... stats.stop_timer(request_len, reply_len, server_time, exc) **Experimental:** This class is experimental for this release. """ def __init__(self, container, name): """ Parameters: container (:class:`~pywbem.Statistics`): The statistics container that holds this operation statistic object. name (string): Name of the operation. """ self._container = container self._stat_start_time = None self._name = name self._count = 0 self._exception_count = 0 self._time_sum = float(0) self._time_min = float('inf') self._time_max = float(0) self._server_time_sum = float(0) self._server_time_min = float('inf') self._server_time_max = float(0) self._server_time_stored = False self._start_time = None self._request_len_sum = float(0) self._request_len_min = float('inf') self._request_len_max = float(0) self._reply_len_sum = float(0) self._reply_len_min = float('inf') self._reply_len_max = float(0) @property def stat_start_time(self): """ :class:`py:float`: Point in time when the first statistic was taken since this object was either created or reset, in seconds since the epoch (for details, see :func:`py:time.time`). """ return self._stat_start_time @property def name(self): """ :term:`string`: Name of the operation for which this statistics object maintains data. This name is used by the :class:`~pywbem.Statistics` object holding this time statistics as a key. """ return self._name @property def container(self): """ :class:`~pywbem.Statistics`: The statistics container that holds this statistics object. """ return self._container @property def count(self): """ :term:`integer`: The number of measured operations (that is, invocations of the :meth:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic.stop_timer` method). """ return self._count @property def exception_count(self): """ :term:`integer`: The number of exceptions that occurred when invoking the measured operations. """ return self._exception_count @property def avg_time(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The average elapsed time for invoking the measured operations, in seconds. """ try: return self._time_sum / self._count except ZeroDivisionError: return 0 @property def min_time(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The minimum elapsed time for invoking the measured operations, in seconds. """ return self._time_min @property def max_time(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The maximum elapsed time for invoking the measured operations, in seconds. """ return self._time_max @property def avg_server_time(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The average elapsed time for invoking the measured operations, in seconds. """ try: return self._server_time_sum / self._count except ZeroDivisionError: return 0 @property def min_server_time(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The minimum elapsed time for invoking the measured operations, in seconds. """ return self._server_time_min @property def max_server_time(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The maximum elapsed time for invoking the measured operations, in seconds. """ return self._server_time_max @property def avg_request_len(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The average size of the HTTP body in the CIM-XML requests of the invoked operations, in Bytes. """ try: return self._request_len_sum / self._count except ZeroDivisionError: return 0.0 @property def min_request_len(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The minimum size of the HTTP body in the CIM-XML requests of the invoked operations, in Bytes. """ return self._request_len_min @property def max_request_len(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The maximum size of the HTTP body in the CIM-XML requests of the invoked operations, in Bytes. """ return self._request_len_max @property def avg_reply_len(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The average size of the HTTP body in the CIM-XML responses of the invoked operations, in Bytes. """ try: return self._reply_len_sum / self._count except ZeroDivisionError: return 0.0 @property def min_reply_len(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The minimum size of the HTTP body in the CIM-XML responses of the invoked operations, in Bytes. """ return self._reply_len_min @property def max_reply_len(self): """ :class:`py:float`: The maximum size of the HTTP body in the CIM-XML responses of the invoked operations, in Bytes. """ return self._reply_len_max
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the statistics data for this object. """ self._count = 0 self._exception_count = 0 self._stat_start_time = None self._time_sum = float(0) self._time_min = float('inf') self._time_max = float(0) self._server_time_sum = float(0) self._server_time_min = float('inf') self._server_time_max = float(0) self._server_time_stored = False self._request_len_sum = float(0) self._request_len_min = float('inf') self._request_len_max = float(0) self._reply_len_sum = float(0) self._reply_len_min = float('inf') self._reply_len_max = float(0)
[docs] def start_timer(self): """ This method needs to be called at the begin of an operation that is intended to be measured. It starts the measurement for that operation (by capturing the current point in time), if the statistics container holding this object is enabled. Otherwise, this method does nothing. A subsequent invocation of :meth:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic.stop_timer` will complete the measurement for that operation and will update the statistics data. """ if self.container.enabled: self._start_time = time.time() if not self._stat_start_time: self._stat_start_time = self._start_time
[docs] def stop_timer(self, request_len, reply_len, server_time=None, exception=False): """ This method needs to be called at the end of an operation that is intended to be measured. It completes the measurement for that operation by capturing the needed data, and updates the statistics data, if the statistics container holding this object is enabled. Otherwise, this method does nothing. Parameters: request_len (:term:`integer`) Size of the HTTP body of the CIM-XML request message, in Bytes. reply_len (:term:`integer`) Size of the HTTP body of the CIM-XML response message, in Bytes. exception (:class:`py:bool`) Boolean that specifies whether an exception was raised while processing the operation. server_time (:class:`py:bool`) Time in seconds that the server optionally returns to the client in the HTTP response defining the time from when the server received the request to when it started sending the response. If None, there is no time from the server. Returns: float: The elapsed time for the operation that just ended, or `None` if the statistics container holding this object is not enabled. """ if self.container.enabled: if self._start_time is None: raise RuntimeError('stop_timer() called without preceding ' ' start_timer()') dt = time.time() - self._start_time self._start_time = None self._count += 1 self._time_sum += dt self._request_len_sum += request_len self._reply_len_sum += reply_len if exception: self._exception_count += 1 if dt > self._time_max: self._time_max = dt if dt < self._time_min: self._time_min = dt if server_time: self._server_time_stored = True self._server_time_sum += server_time if dt > self._server_time_max: self._server_time_max = server_time if dt < self._server_time_min: self._server_time_min = server_time if request_len > self._request_len_max: self._request_len_max = request_len if request_len < self._request_len_min: self._request_len_min = request_len if reply_len > self._reply_len_max: self._reply_len_max = reply_len if reply_len < self._reply_len_min: self._reply_len_min = reply_len return dt else: return None
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Return a human readable string with the statistics values, for debug purposes. """ return 'OperationStatistic(' \ 'name={!r}, ' \ 'count={s.count!r}, ' \ 'exception_count={s.exception_count!r}, ' \ 'avg_time={s.avg_time!r}, ' \ 'min_time={s.min_time!r}, ' \ 'max_time={s.max_time!r}, ' \ 'avg_server_time={s.avg_server_time!r}, ' \ 'min_server_time={s.min_server_time!r}, ' \ 'max_server_time={s.max_server_time!r}, ' \ 'avg_request_len={s.avg_request_len!r}, ' \ 'min_request_len={s.min_request_len!r}, ' \ 'max_request_len={s.max_request_len!r}, ' \ 'avg_reply_len={s.avg_reply_len!r}, ' \ 'min_reply_len={s.min_reply_len!r}, ' \ 'max_reply_len={s.max_reply_len!r})'. \ format(s=self)
#: Formatted header string (two lines), for use with the formatted rows #: returned by the :meth:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic.formatted` method. #: #: For an example, see :meth:`pywbem.Statistics.formatted`. formatted_header_w_svr = \ 'Count Excep Time ServerTime ' \ ' RequestLen ReplyLen Operation\n' \ ' Cnt Avg Min Max Avg Min Max ' \ ' Avg Min Max Avg Min Max\n' formatted_header = \ 'Count Excep Time ' \ ' RequestLen ReplyLen Operation\n' \ ' Cnt Avg Min Max ' \ ' Avg Min Max Avg Min Max\n'
[docs] def formatted(self, include_server_time): """ Return a formatted one-line string with the statistics values for this operation. The returned string can be used with the formatted header string defined in :attr:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic.formatted_header`. For an example, see :meth:`pywbem.Statistics.formatted`. """ if include_server_time: return ('{0:5d} {1:5d} ' '{2:7.3f} {3:7.3f} {4:7.3f} ' '{5:7.3f} {6:7.3f} {7:7.3f} ' '{8:6.0f} {9:6.0f} {10:6.0f} ' '{11:8.0f} {12:8.0f} {13:8.0f} {14}\n'. format(self.count, self.exception_count, self.avg_time, self.min_time, self.max_time, self.avg_server_time, self.min_server_time, self.max_server_time, self.avg_request_len, self.min_request_len, self.max_request_len, self.avg_reply_len, self.min_reply_len, self.max_reply_len, else: return ('{0:5d} {1:5d} ' '{2:7.3f} {3:7.3f} {4:7.3f} ' '{5:6.0f} {6:6.0f} {7:6.0f} ' '{8:6.0f} {9:8.0f} {10:8.0f} {11}\n'. format(self.count, self.exception_count, self.avg_time, self.min_time, self.max_time, self.avg_request_len, self.min_request_len, self.max_request_len, self.avg_reply_len, self.min_reply_len, self.max_reply_len,
[docs]class Statistics(object): """ A container class for multiple operation statistic objects (of class :class:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic`). Each operation statistic object is identified by a name, that is defined in the :meth:`~pywbem.Statistics.start_timer` method. The statistics container can be in a state of enabled or disabled. If enabled, it accumulates the elapsed times between subsequent calls to the :meth:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic.start_timer` and :meth:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic.stop_timer` methods of class :class:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic`. If disabled, calls to these methods do not accumulate any time. Initially, the statistics container is disabled. Its enablement state can be controlled via the :meth:`~pywbem.Statistics.enable` and :meth:`~pywbem.Statistics.disable` methods. Its current enablement state can be accessed via the :attr:`~pywbem.Statistics.enabled` property. **Experimental:** This class is experimental for this release. """ def __init__(self, enable=False): """ Parameters: enable (:class:`py:bool`): Initial enablement status for this statistics container. """ # We convert any non-boolean values to True/False: self._enabled = bool(enable) self._op_stats = {} self._disabled_stats = OperationStatistic(self, "disabled") @property def enabled(self): """ Indicates whether the statistics container is enabled. """ return self._enabled
[docs] def enable(self): """ Enable the statistics container. """ self._enabled = True
[docs] def disable(self): """ Disable the statistics container. """ self._enabled = False
[docs] def start_timer(self, name): """ Start the timer for a given operation name and return the corresponding :class:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic` object, creating one if needed. Parameters: name (string): Name of the operation. Returns: :class:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic`: The operation statistic for the specified name. If this statistics container is disabled, a dummy operation statistic object is returned. """ op_stat = self.get_op_statistic(name) op_stat.start_timer() return op_stat
[docs] def get_op_statistic(self, name): """ Get the :class:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic` object for an operation name or create a new object if an object for that name does not exist. Parameters: name (string): Name of the operation. Returns: :class:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic`: The operation statistic for the specified operation name. If this statistics container is disabled, a dummy operation statistic object is returned. """ if not self.enabled: return self._disabled_stats if name not in self._op_stats: self._op_stats[name] = OperationStatistic(self, name) return self._op_stats[name]
[docs] def snapshot(self): """ Return a snapshot of the time statistics of this container. The snapshot represents the statistics data at the time this method is called, and remains unchanged even if the statistics of this container continues to be updated. Returns: : A list of tuples (name, stats) with: - name (:term:`string`): Name of the operation - stats (:class:`~pywbem.OperationStatistic`): Time statistics for the operation """ return copy.deepcopy(self._op_stats).items()
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Return a human readable display of the contents, for debug purposes. """ ret = "Statistics(\n" for name in self._op_stats: ret += " %r\n" % self._op_stats[name] ret += ")" return ret
[docs] def formatted(self): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Return a human readable string with the statistics for this container. The operations are sorted by decreasing average time. Server time statistic is included only if the wbem server has returned statistics information. Example w/o server times:: Statistics (times in seconds, lengths in Bytes): Count Exc Time ReqLen ReplyLen Operation Cnt Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max 3 0 0.234 0.100 0.401 1233 1000 1500 26667 20000 35000 EnumerateInstances 1 0 0.100 0.100 0.100 1200 1200 1200 22000 22000 22000 EnumerateInstanceNames """ # noqa: E501 # pylint: enable=line-too-long ret = "Statistics (times in seconds, lengths in Bytes):\n" if self.enabled: snapshot = sorted(self.snapshot(), key=lambda item: item[1].avg_time, reverse=True) # Test to see if any server time is non-zero include_svr = False for name, stats in snapshot: # pylint: disable=unused-variable if stats._server_time_stored: include_svr = True if include_svr: ret += OperationStatistic.formatted_header_w_svr else: ret += OperationStatistic.formatted_header for name, stats in snapshot: # pylint: disable=unused-variable ret += stats.formatted(include_svr) else: ret += "Disabled" return ret.strip()