Source code for pywbem.exceptions

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

The following exceptions are pywbem specific exceptions that can be raised at
the WBEM client library API.

from .cim_constants import _statuscode2name, _statuscode2string

# This module is meant to be safe for 'import *'.

__all__ = ['Error', 'ConnectionError', 'AuthError', 'HTTPError', 'TimeoutError',
           'VersionError', 'ParseError', 'CIMError']

[docs]class Error(Exception): """Base class for pywbem specific exceptions.""" pass
[docs]class ConnectionError(Error): """This exception indicates a problem with the connection to the WBEM server. A retry may or may not succeed. Derived from :exc:`~pywbem.Error`.""" pass
[docs]class AuthError(Error): """This exception indicates an authentication error with the WBEM server, either during TLS/SSL handshake, or during HTTP-level authentication. Derived from :exc:`~pywbem.Error`.""" pass
[docs]class HTTPError(Error): """ This exception indicates that the WBEM server returned an HTTP response with a bad HTTP status code. Derived from :exc:`~pywbem.Error`. The `args` instance variable is a `tuple(status, reason, cimerror, cimdetails)`. The `message` instance variable is not set. """ # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, status, reason, cimerror=None, cimdetails=None): """ Parameters: status (:term:`number`): HTTP status code (e.g. 500). reason (:term:`string`): HTTP reason phrase (e.g. 'Internal Server Error'). cimerror (:term:`string`): Value of the `CIMError` header field, if present. `None`, otherwise. cimdetails (dict): Dictionary with CIMOM-specific header fields with details about the situation reported in the `CIMError` header field. * Key: header field name (e.g. `PGErrorDetail`) * Value: header field value (i.e. text message) Passing `None` will result in an empty dictionary. """ if cimdetails is None: cimdetails = {} self.args = (status, reason, cimerror, cimdetails) @property def status(self): """HTTP status code (e.g. 500), as a :term:`number`. See :term:`RFC2616` for a list of HTTP status codes and reason phrases. """ return self.args[0] @property def reason(self): """HTTP reason phrase (e.g. 'Internal Server Error'), as a :term:`string`. See :term:`RFC2616` for a list of HTTP status codes and reason phrases. """ return self.args[1] @property def cimerror(self): """Value of `CIMError` header field in response, if present, as a :term:`string`. `None`, otherwise. See :term:`DSP0200` for a list of values. """ return self.args[2] @property def cimdetails(self): """CIMOM-specific details on the situation reported in the `CIMError` header field, as a dictionary: * Key: header field name (e.g. `PGErrorDetail`). * Value: header field value. """ return self.args[3] def __str__(self): ret_str = "%s (%s)" % (self.status, self.reason) if self.cimerror is not None: ret_str += ", CIMError: %s" % self.cimerror for key in self.cimdetails: ret_str += ", %s: %s" % (key, self.cimdetails[key]) return ret_str
[docs]class TimeoutError(Error): """This exception indicates that the client timed out waiting for the WBEM server. Derived from :exc:`~pywbem.Error`.""" pass
[docs]class ParseError(Error): """This exception indicates a parsing error with the CIM-XML response returned by the WBEM server, or in the CIM-XML request sent by the WBEM listener. Derived from :exc:`~pywbem.Error`.""" pass
class VersionError(Error): """This exception indicates an unsupported CIM, DTD or protocol version with the CIM-XML response returned by the WBEM server, or in the CIM-XML request sent by the WBEM listener. Derived from :exc:`~pywbem.Error`.""" pass
[docs]class CIMError(Error): """ This exception indicates that the WBEM server returned an error response with a CIM status code. Derived from :exc:`~pywbem.Error`. In Python 2, any :class:`py:Exception` object can be accessed by index and slice and will delegate such access to its :attr:`Exception.args` instance variable. In Python 3, that ability has been removed. In its version 0.9, pywbem has added the :attr:`~pywbem.CIMError.status_code` and :attr:`~pywbem.CIMError.status_description` properties. With all these variations, the following approach for accessesing the CIM status code a :class:`CIMError` object works for all pywbem versions since 0.7.0 and for Python 2 and 3:: except CIMError as exc: status_code = exc.args[0] The following approach is recommended when using pywbem 0.9 or newer, and it works for Python 2 and 3:: except CIMError as exc: status_code = exc.status_code The following approach is limited to Python 2 and will not work on Python 3, and is therefore not recommended:: except CIMError as exc: status_code = exc[0] """ # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, status_code, status_description=None): """ Parameters: status_code (number): Numeric CIM status code. status_description (:term:`string`): CIM status description text returned by the server, representing a human readable message describing the error. `None`, if the server did not return a description text. :ivar args: A tuple(status_code, status_description) set from the corresponding init arguments. """ self.args = (status_code, status_description) @property def status_code(self): """Numeric CIM status code. See :ref:`CIM status codes` for constants defining the numeric CIM status code values.""" return self.args[0] @property def status_code_name(self): """Symbolic name of the CIM status code. If the CIM status code is invalid, the string ``"Invalid status code <code>"`` is returned.""" return _statuscode2name(self.status_code) @property def status_description(self): """CIM status description text returned by the server, representing a human readable message describing the error. If the server did not return a description, a short default text for the CIM status code is returned. If the CIM status code is invalid, the string ``"Invalid status code <code>"`` is returned. Note that ``args[1]`` is always the ``status_description`` init argument, without defaulting it to a standard text in case of `None`. """ return self.args[1] or _statuscode2string(self.status_code) def __str__(self): return "%s: %s" % (self.status_code, self.status_description)