Source code for pywbem._recorder

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

Operation recorder interface and implementations.

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from collections import namedtuple
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import yaml
import six

from .cim_obj import CIMInstance, CIMInstanceName, CIMClass, CIMClassName, \
    CIMProperty, CIMMethod, CIMParameter, CIMQualifier, \
    CIMQualifierDeclaration, NocaseDict
from .cim_types import CIMInt, CIMFloat, CIMDateTime
from .exceptions import CIMError

__all__ = ['BaseOperationRecorder', 'TestClientRecorder',
           'OpArgs', 'OpResult', 'HttpRequest', 'HttpResponse']

if six.PY2:
    _Longint = long  # noqa: F821
    _Longint = int

OpArgs_tuple = namedtuple("OpArgs_tuple", ["method", "args"])

def _represent_ordereddict(dump, tag, mapping, flow_style=None):
    """PyYAML representer function for OrderedDict.
    This is needed for yaml.safe_dump() to support OrderedDict.

    value = []
    node = yaml.MappingNode(tag, value, flow_style=flow_style)
    if dump.alias_key is not None:
        dump.represented_objects[dump.alias_key] = node
    best_style = True
    if hasattr(mapping, 'items'):
        mapping = mapping.items()
    for item_key, item_value in mapping:
        node_key = dump.represent_data(item_key)
        node_value = dump.represent_data(item_value)
        if not (isinstance(node_key, yaml.ScalarNode) and
                    best_style = False    # pylint: disable=bad-indentation
        if not (isinstance(node_value, yaml.ScalarNode) and
                    best_style = False    # pylint: disable=bad-indentation
        value.append((node_key, node_value))
    if flow_style is None:
        if dump.default_flow_style is not None:
            node.flow_style = dump.default_flow_style
            node.flow_style = best_style
    return node

    lambda dumper, value:
    _represent_ordereddict(dumper, u',2002:map', value))

[docs]class OpArgs(OpArgs_tuple): """ A named tuple representing the name and input arguments of the invocation of a :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` method, with the following named fields and attributes: Attributes: method (:term:`unicode string`): Name of the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` method. args (:class:`py:dict`): Dictionary of input arguments (both positional and keyword-based). """ __slots__ = () def __repr__(self): return "OpArgs(method={s.method!r}, args={s.args!r})".format(s=self)
OpResult_tuple = namedtuple("OpResult_tuple", ["ret", "exc"])
[docs]class OpResult(OpResult_tuple): """ A named tuple representing the result of the invocation of a :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` method, with the following named fields and attributes: Attributes: ret (:class:`py:object`): Return value, if the method returned. `None`, if the method raised an exception. Note that `None` may be a legitimate return value, so the test for exceptions should be done based upon the :attr:`exc` variable. exc (:exc:`~py:exceptions.Exception`): Exception object, if the method raised an exception. `None`, if the method returned. """ __slots__ = () def __repr__(self): return "OpResult(ret={s.ret!r}, exc={s.exc!r})".format(s=self)
HttpRequest_tuple = namedtuple("HttpRequest_tuple", ["version", "url", "target", "method", "headers", "payload"])
[docs]class HttpRequest(HttpRequest_tuple): """ A named tuple representing the HTTP request sent by the WBEM client, with the following named fields and attributes: Attributes: version (:term:`number`): HTTP version from the request line (10 for HTTP/1.0, 11 for HTTP/1.1). url (:term:`unicode string`): URL of the WBEM server (e.g. ''). target (:term:`unicode string`): Target URL segment as stated in request line (e.g. '/cimom'). method (:term:`unicode string`): HTTP method as stated in the request line (e.g. "POST"). headers (:class:`py:dict`): A dictionary of all HTTP header fields: * key (:term:`unicode string`): Name of the header field * value (:term:`unicode string`): Value of the header field payload (:term:`unicode string`): HTTP payload, i.e. the CIM-XML string. """ __slots__ = () def __repr__(self): return "HttpRequest(version={s.version!r}, url={s.url!r}, " \ "target={!r}, method={s.method!r}, " \ "headers={s.headers!r}, payload={s.payload!r})" \ .format(s=self)
HttpResponse_tuple = namedtuple("HttpResponse_tuple", ["version", "status", "reason", "headers", "payload"])
[docs]class HttpResponse(HttpResponse_tuple): """ A named tuple representing the HTTP response received by the WBEM client, with the following named fields and attributes: Attributes: version (:term:`number`): HTTP version from the response line (10 for HTTP/1.0, 11 for HTTP/1.1). status (:term:`number`): HTTP status code from the response line (e.g. 200). reason (:term:`unicode string`): HTTP reason phrase from the response line (e.g. "OK"). headers (:class:`py:dict`): A dictionary of all HTTP header fields: * key (:term:`unicode string`): Name of the header field * value (:term:`unicode string`): Value of the header field payload (:term:`unicode string`): HTTP payload, i.e. the CIM-XML string. """ __slots__ = () def __repr__(self): return "HttpResponse(version={s.version!r}, status={s.status!r}, " \ "reason={s.reason!r}, headers={s.headers!r}, " \ "payload={s.payload!r})".format(s=self)
[docs]class BaseOperationRecorder(object): """ Abstract base class defining the interface to an operation recorder, that records the WBEM operations executed in a connection to a WBEM server. An operation recorder can be registered by setting the :attr:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection.operation_recorder` instance attribute of the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` object to an object of a subclass of this base class. When an operation recorder is registered on a connection, each operation that is executed on the connection will cause the :meth:`record` method of the operation recorder object to be called, if the recorder is enabled. The operation recorder is by default enabled, and can be disabled and re-enabled using the :meth:`~pywbem.BaseOperationRecorder.disable` and :meth:`~pywbem.BaseOperationRecorder.enable` methods, respectively. This can be used to temporarily pause the recorder. """ def __init__(self): self._enabled = True self.reset()
[docs] def enable(self): """Enable the recorder.""" self._enabled = True
[docs] def disable(self): """Disable the recorder.""" self._enabled = False
@property def enabled(self): """Indicate whether the recorder is enabled.""" return self._enabled
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset all the attributes in the class""" self._pywbem_method = None self._pywbem_args = None self._pywbem_result_ret = None self._pywbem_result_exc = None self._http_request_version = None self._http_request_url = None self._http_request_target = None self._http_request_method = None self._http_request_headers = None self._http_request_payload = None self._http_response_version = None self._http_response_status = None self._http_response_reason = None self._http_response_headers = None self._http_response_payload = None
def stage_pywbem_args(self, method, **kwargs): self._pywbem_method = method self._pywbem_args = kwargs def stage_pywbem_result(self, ret, exc): self._pywbem_result_ret = ret self._pywbem_result_exc = exc def stage_http_request(self, version, url, target, method, headers, payload): self._http_request_version = version self._http_request_url = url self._http_request_target = target self._http_request_method = method self._http_request_headers = headers self._http_request_payload = payload def stage_http_response1(self, version, status, reason, headers): self._http_response_version = version self._http_response_status = status self._http_response_reason = reason self._http_response_headers = headers def stage_http_response2(self, payload): self._http_response_payload = payload def record_staged(self): if self.enabled: pwargs = OpArgs( self._pywbem_method, self._pywbem_args) pwresult = OpResult( self._pywbem_result_ret, self._pywbem_result_exc) httpreq = HttpRequest( self._http_request_version, self._http_request_url, self._http_request_target, self._http_request_method, self._http_request_headers, self._http_request_payload) httpresp = HttpResponse( self._http_response_version, self._http_response_status, self._http_response_reason, self._http_response_headers, self._http_response_payload) self.record(pwargs, pwresult, httpreq, httpresp)
[docs] def record(self, pywbem_args, pywbem_result, http_request, http_response): """ Function that is called to record a single WBEM operation, i.e. the invocation of a single :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` method. This function is called only when the recorder is enabled, i.e. it does not need to check for recorder enablement. Parameters: pywbem_args (:class:`~pywbem.OpArgs`): The name and input arguments of the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` method that is recorded. pywbem_result (:class:`~pywbem.OpResult`): The result (return value or exception) of the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` method that is recorded. http_request (:class:`~pywbem.HttpRequest`): The HTTP request sent by the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` method that is recorded. `None`, if no HTTP request had been sent (e.g. because an exception was raised before getting there). http_response (:class:`~pywbem.HttpResponse`): The HTTP response received by the :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` method that is recorded. `None`, if no HTTP response had been received (e.g. because an exception was raised before getting there). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TestClientRecorder(BaseOperationRecorder): """ An operation recorder that generates test cases for each recorded operation. The test cases are in the YAML format suitable for the `test_client` unit test module of the pywbem project. """ # HTTP header fields to exclude when creating the testcase # (in lower case) EXCLUDE_REQUEST_HEADERS = [ 'authorization', 'content-length', 'content-type', ] EXCLUDE_RESPONSE_HEADERS = [ 'content-length', 'content-type', ] # Dummy server URL and credentials for use in generated test case TESTCASE_URL = '' TESTCASE_USER = 'username' TESTCASE_PASSWORD = 'password' def __init__(self, fp): """ Parameters: fp (file): An open file that each test case will be written to. """ super(TestClientRecorder, self).__init__() self._fp = fp
[docs] def record(self, pywbem_args, pywbem_result, http_request, http_response): """ Function that records the invocation of a single :class:`~pywbem.WBEMConnection` method, by appending a corresponding test case to the file. Parameters: See :meth:`pywbem.BaseOperationRecorder.record`. """ testcase = OrderedDict() testcase['name'] = pywbem_args.method testcase['description'] = 'Generated by TestClientRecorder' tc_pywbem_request = OrderedDict() tc_pywbem_request['url'] = TestClientRecorder.TESTCASE_URL tc_pywbem_request['creds'] = [TestClientRecorder.TESTCASE_USER, TestClientRecorder.TESTCASE_PASSWORD] tc_pywbem_request['namespace'] = 'root/cimv2' tc_pywbem_request['timeout'] = 10 tc_pywbem_request['debug'] = False tc_operation = OrderedDict() tc_operation['pywbem_method'] = pywbem_args.method for arg_name in pywbem_args.args: tc_operation[arg_name] = self.toyaml(pywbem_args.args[arg_name]) tc_pywbem_request['operation'] = tc_operation testcase['pywbem_request'] = tc_pywbem_request tc_pywbem_response = OrderedDict() if pywbem_result.ret is not None: tc_pywbem_response['result'] = self.toyaml(pywbem_result.ret) if pywbem_result.exc is not None: exc = pywbem_result.exc if isinstance(exc, CIMError): tc_pywbem_response['cim_status'] = self.toyaml(exc.status_code) else: tc_pywbem_response['exception'] = self.toyaml( exc.__class__.__name__) testcase['pywbem_response'] = tc_pywbem_response tc_http_request = OrderedDict() if http_request is not None: tc_http_request['verb'] = http_request.method tc_http_request['url'] = TestClientRecorder.TESTCASE_URL if tc_http_request['url'] += tc_request_headers = OrderedDict() if http_request.headers is not None: for hdr_name in http_request.headers: if hdr_name.lower() not in \ TestClientRecorder.EXCLUDE_REQUEST_HEADERS: tc_request_headers[hdr_name] = \ http_request.headers[hdr_name] tc_http_request['headers'] = tc_request_headers if http_request.payload is not None: data = http_request.payload.decode('utf-8') data = data.replace('><', '>\n<').strip() else: data = None tc_http_request['data'] = data testcase['http_request'] = tc_http_request tc_http_response = OrderedDict() if http_response is not None: tc_http_response['status'] = http_response.status tc_response_headers = OrderedDict() if http_response.headers is not None: for hdr_name in http_response.headers: if hdr_name.lower() not in \ TestClientRecorder.EXCLUDE_RESPONSE_HEADERS: tc_response_headers[hdr_name] = \ http_response.headers[hdr_name] tc_http_response['headers'] = tc_response_headers if http_response.payload is not None: data = http_response.payload.decode('utf-8') data = data.replace('><', '>\n<').strip() else: data = None tc_http_response['data'] = data else: tc_http_response['exception'] = "# Change this to a callback " \ "function that causes this " \ "condition." testcase['http_response'] = tc_http_response testcases = [] testcases.append(testcase) # The file is open in text mode, so we produce a unicode string data = yaml.safe_dump(testcases, encoding=None, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False) data = data.replace('\n\n', '\n') # YAML dump duplicates newlines self._fp.write(data) self._fp.flush()
[docs] def toyaml(self, obj): """ Convert any allowable input argument to or return value from an operation method to an object that is ready for serialization into test_client yaml format. """ if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): ret = [] for item in obj: ret.append(self.toyaml(item)) return ret elif isinstance(obj, (dict, NocaseDict)): ret = OrderedDict() for key in obj: ret[key] = self.toyaml(obj[key]) return ret elif obj is None: return obj elif isinstance(obj, six.binary_type): return obj.decode("utf-8") elif isinstance(obj, six.text_type): return obj elif isinstance(obj, CIMInt): return _Longint(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (bool, int)): # The check for int must be after CIMInt, because CIMInt is int. return obj elif isinstance(obj, CIMFloat): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, CIMDateTime): return str(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (datetime, timedelta)): return CIMDateTime(obj) elif isinstance(obj, CIMInstance): ret = OrderedDict() ret['pywbem_object'] = 'CIMInstance' ret['classname'] = self.toyaml(obj.classname) ret['properties'] = self.toyaml( ret['path'] = self.toyaml(obj.path) return ret elif isinstance(obj, CIMInstanceName): ret = OrderedDict() ret['pywbem_object'] = 'CIMInstanceName' ret['classname'] = self.toyaml(obj.classname) ret['namespace'] = self.toyaml(obj.namespace) ret['keybindings'] = self.toyaml(obj.keybindings) return ret elif isinstance(obj, CIMClass): ret = OrderedDict() ret['pywbem_object'] = 'CIMClass' ret['classname'] = self.toyaml(obj.classname) ret['superclass'] = self.toyaml(obj.superclass) ret['properties'] = self.toyaml( ret['methods'] = self.toyaml(obj.methods) ret['qualifiers'] = self.toyaml(obj.qualifiers) return ret elif isinstance(obj, CIMClassName): ret = OrderedDict() ret['pywbem_object'] = 'CIMClassName' ret['classname'] = self.toyaml(obj.classname) ret['host'] = self.toyaml( ret['namespace'] = self.toyaml(obj.namespace) return ret elif isinstance(obj, CIMProperty): ret = OrderedDict() ret['pywbem_object'] = 'CIMProperty' ret['name'] = self.toyaml( ret['value'] = self.toyaml(obj.value) ret['type'] = self.toyaml(obj.type) ret['reference_class'] = self.toyaml(obj.reference_class) ret['embedded_object'] = self.toyaml(obj.embedded_object) ret['is_array'] = self.toyaml(obj.is_array) ret['array_size'] = self.toyaml(obj.array_size) ret['class_origin'] = self.toyaml(obj.class_origin) ret['propagated'] = self.toyaml(obj.propagated) ret['qualifiers'] = self.toyaml(obj.qualifiers) return ret elif isinstance(obj, CIMMethod): ret = OrderedDict() ret['pywbem_object'] = 'CIMMethod' ret['name'] = self.toyaml( ret['return_type'] = self.toyaml(obj.return_type) ret['class_origin'] = self.toyaml(obj.class_origin) ret['propagated'] = self.toyaml(obj.propagated) ret['parameters'] = self.toyaml(obj.parameters) ret['qualifiers'] = self.toyaml(obj.qualifiers) return ret elif isinstance(obj, CIMParameter): ret = OrderedDict() ret['pywbem_object'] = 'CIMParameter' ret['name'] = self.toyaml( ret['type'] = self.toyaml(obj.type) ret['reference_class'] = self.toyaml(obj.reference_class) ret['is_array'] = self.toyaml(obj.is_array) ret['array_size'] = self.toyaml(obj.array_size) ret['qualifiers'] = self.toyaml(obj.qualifiers) return ret elif isinstance(obj, CIMQualifier): ret = OrderedDict() ret['pywbem_object'] = 'CIMQualifier' ret['name'] = self.toyaml( ret['value'] = self.toyaml(obj.value) ret['type'] = self.toyaml(obj.type) ret['propagated'] = self.toyaml(obj.propagated) ret['tosubclass'] = self.toyaml(obj.tosubclass) ret['toinstance'] = self.toyaml(obj.toinstance) ret['overridable'] = self.toyaml(obj.overridable) ret['translatable'] = self.toyaml(obj.translatable) return ret elif isinstance(obj, CIMQualifierDeclaration): ret = OrderedDict() ret['pywbem_object'] = 'CIMQualifierDeclaration' ret['name'] = self.toyaml( ret['type'] = self.toyaml(obj.type) ret['value'] = self.toyaml(obj.value) ret['is_array'] = self.toyaml(obj.is_array) ret['array_size'] = self.toyaml(obj.array_size) ret['scopes'] = self.toyaml(obj.scopes) ret['tosubclass'] = self.toyaml(obj.tosubclass) ret['toinstance'] = self.toyaml(obj.toinstance) ret['overridable'] = self.toyaml(obj.overridable) ret['translatable'] = self.toyaml(obj.translatable) return ret else: raise TypeError("Invalid type in TestClientRecorder.toyaml(): " "%s %s" % (obj.__class__.__name__, type(obj)))