.. _`WBEM indication listener`: WBEM indication listener ======================== *New in pywbem 0.9 as experimental and finalized in 0.10.* The WBEM indication listener API supports creating and managing a thread-based WBEM listener that waits for indications (i.e. events) emitted by a WBEM server using the CIM-XML protocol. The API supports registering callback functions that get called when indications are received by the listener. See :ref:`WBEM subscription manager` for the API for viewing and managing subscriptions for indications on a WBEM server. .. _`WBEMListener`: .. index:: pair: WBEMListener; indications WBEMListener ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: pywbem._listener .. autoclass:: pywbem.WBEMListener :members: :special-members: :exclude-members: __init__,__weakref__ :autosummary: :autosummary-inherited-members: .. autofunction:: pywbem.callback_interface .. _`Listener exceptions`: Listener exceptions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: pywbem.ListenerCertificateError :members: :autosummary: :autosummary-inherited-members: .. autoclass:: pywbem.ListenerPortError :members: :autosummary: :autosummary-inherited-members: .. autoclass:: pywbem.ListenerPromptError :members: :autosummary: :autosummary-inherited-members: .. autoclass:: pywbem.ListenerError :members: :autosummary: :autosummary-inherited-members: